% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/AllGenerics.R, R/ternary_pca.R \docType{methods} \name{ternary_pca} \alias{ternary_pca} \alias{ternary_pca-method} \alias{ternary_pca,numeric,numeric,numeric-method} \alias{ternary_pca,ANY,missing,missing-method} \title{Principal Component Analysis} \usage{ ternary_pca(x, y, z, ...) \S4method{ternary_pca}{numeric,numeric,numeric}(x, y, z, axis = 1, ...) \S4method{ternary_pca}{ANY,missing,missing}(x, axis = 1, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x, y, z}{A \code{\link{numeric}} vector giving the x, y and z ternary coordinates of a set of points. If \code{y} and \code{z} are missing, an attempt is made to interpret \code{x} in a suitable way (see \code{\link[grDevices:xyz.coords]{grDevices::xyz.coords()}}).} \item{...}{Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics:lines]{graphics::lines()}}.} \item{axis}{An \code{\link{integer}} specifying the dimension to be plotted.} } \value{ \code{ternary_pca()} is called it for its side-effects. } \description{ Computes and draws principal component. } \examples{ ## PCA ## Data from Aitchison 1986 ternary_plot(lava, panel.first = ternary_grid()) ternary_pca(lava, axis = 1, col = "red", lty = 2) } \seealso{ Other statistics: \code{\link{ternary_contour}()}, \code{\link{ternary_density}()}, \code{\link{ternary_ellipse}()}, \code{\link{ternary_hull}()}, \code{\link{ternary_mean}()} } \author{ N. Frerebeau } \concept{statistics}