Raw File
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/l_ColorList.R
\title{Set loon's color mapping list to the colors from hcl color wheen}
l_setColorList_hcl(chroma = 56, luminance = 51, hue_start = 231)
\item{chroma}{The chroma of the color. The upper bound for chroma depends on
hue and luminance.}

\item{luminance}{A value in the range [0,100] giving the luminance of the
colour. For a given combination of hue and chroma, only a subset of this
range is possible.}

\item{hue_start}{The start hue for sampling. The hue of the color specified
as an angle in the range [0,360]. 0 yields red, 120 yields green 240 yields
blue, etc.}
Loon's color list is used to map nominal values to colors. See
  the documentation for \code{\link{l_setColorList}}.
Samples equally distant colors from the hcl color wheel. See the
  documentation for \code{\link[grDevices]{hcl}} for more information.
\code{\link{l_setColorList}}, \code{\link{l_setColorList_loon}},
  \code{\link{l_setColorList_ColorBrewer}}, \code{\link{l_setColorList_hcl}},
  \code{\link{l_setColorList_baseR}}, \code{\link{l_setColorList_ggplot2}}
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