General Two-Dimensional Advective-Diffusive Transport
Estimates the transport term (i.e. the rate of change of a concentration
due to diffusion and advection) in a two-dimensional model domain.
tran.2D (C, C.x.up = C[1,], C.x.down = C[nrow(C),],
C.y.up = C[,1], C.y.down = C[ ,ncol(C)],
flux.x.up = NULL, flux.x.down = NULL,
flux.y.up = NULL, flux.y.down = NULL, = NULL, = NULL, = NULL, = NULL,
D.grid = NULL, D.x = NULL, D.y = D.x,
v.grid = NULL, v.x = 0, v.y = 0,
AFDW.grid = NULL, AFDW.x = 1, AFDW.y = AFDW.x,
VF.grid = NULL, VF.x = 1, VF.y = VF.x,
A.grid = NULL, A.x = 1, A.y = 1,
grid = NULL, dx = NULL, dy = NULL,
full.check = FALSE, full.output = FALSE)
\item{C }{concentration, expressed per unit volume, defined at the centre
of each grid cell; Nx*Ny matrix [M/L3].
\item{C.x.up }{concentration at upstream boundary in x-direction;
vector of length Ny [M/L3].
\item{C.x.down }{concentration at downstream boundary in x-direction;
vector of length Ny [M/L3].
\item{C.y.up }{concentration at upstream boundary in y-direction;
vector of length Nx [M/L3].
\item{C.y.down }{concentration at downstream boundary in y-direction;
vector of length Nx [M/L3].
\item{flux.x.up }{flux across the upstream boundary in x-direction,
positive = INTO model domain; vector of length Ny [M/L2/T].
\item{flux.x.down }{flux across the downstream boundary in x-direction,
positive = OUT of model domain; vector of length Ny [M/L2/T].
\item{flux.y.up }{flux across the upstream boundary in y-direction,
positive = INTO model domain; vector of length Nx [M/L2/T].
\item{flux.y.down }{flux across the downstream boundary in y-direction,
positive = OUT of model domain; vector of length Nx [M/L2/T].
\item{ }{transfer coefficient across the upstream boundary layer.
in x-direction;
\code{*(C.x.up-C[1,])}. One value [L/T].
\item{ }{transfer coefficient across the downstream boundary
layer in x-direction;
One value [L/T].
\item{ }{transfer coefficient across the upstream boundary layer.
in y-direction;
\code{*(C.y.up-C[,1])}. One value [L/T].
\item{ }{transfer coefficient across the downstream boundary
layer in y-direction;
One value [L/T].
\item{D.grid }{diffusion coefficient defined on all grid cell
interfaces. A \code{prop.2D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.2D}} [L2/T].
See last example for creating spatially-varying diffusion coefficients.
\item{D.x }{diffusion coefficient in x-direction, defined on grid cell
interfaces. One value, a vector of length (Nx+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a (Nx+1)* Ny matrix [L2/T].
\item{D.y }{diffusion coefficient in y-direction, defined on grid cell
interfaces. One value, a vector of length (Ny+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a Nx*(Ny+1) matrix [L2/T].
\item{v.grid }{advective velocity defined on all grid cell
interfaces. Can be positive (downstream flow) or negative (upstream flow).
A \code{prop.2D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.2D}} [L/T].
\item{v.x }{advective velocity in the x-direction, defined on grid cell
interfaces. Can be positive (downstream flow) or negative (upstream flow).
One value, a vector of length (Nx+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a (Nx+1)*Ny matrix [L/T].
\item{v.y }{advective velocity in the y-direction, defined on grid cell
interfaces. Can be positive (downstream flow) or negative (upstream flow).
One value, a vector of length (Ny+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a Nx*(Ny+1) matrix [L/T].
\item{AFDW.grid }{weight used in the finite difference scheme for advection
in the x- and y- direction, defined on grid cell interfaces; backward = 1,
centred = 0.5, forward = 0; default is backward.
A \code{prop.2D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.2D}} [-].
\item{AFDW.x }{weight used in the finite difference scheme for advection
in the x-direction, defined on grid cell interfaces; backward = 1,
centred = 0.5, forward = 0; default is backward.
One value, a vector of length (Nx+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a (Nx+1)*Ny matrix [-].
\item{AFDW.y }{weight used in the finite difference scheme for advection
in the y-direction, defined on grid cell interfaces; backward = 1,
centred = 0.5, forward = 0; default is backward.
One value, a vector of length (Ny+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a Nx*(Ny+1) matrix [-].
\item{VF.grid }{Volume fraction. A \code{prop.2D} list created by
\code{\link{setup.prop.2D}} [-].
\item{VF.x }{Volume fraction at the grid cell interfaces in the x-direction.
One value, a vector of length (Nx+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a (Nx+1)*Ny matrix [-].
\item{VF.y }{Volume fraction at the grid cell interfaces in the y-direction.
One value, a vector of length (Ny+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a Nx*(Ny+1) matrix [-].
\item{A.grid }{Interface area. A \code{prop.2D} list created by
\code{\link{setup.prop.2D}} [L2].
\item{A.x }{Interface area defined at the grid cell interfaces in
the x-direction. One value, a vector of length (Nx+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a (Nx+1)*Ny matrix [L2].
\item{A.y }{Interface area defined at the grid cell interfaces in
the y-direction. One value, a vector of length (Ny+1),
a \code{prop.1D} list created by \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}},
or a Nx*(Ny+1) matrix [L2].
\item{dx }{distance between adjacent cell interfaces in the x-direction
(thickness of grid cells). One value or vector of length Nx [L].
\item{dy }{distance between adjacent cell interfaces in the y-direction
(thickness of grid cells). One value or vector of length Ny [L].
\item{grid }{discretization grid, a list containing at least elements
\code{dx}, \code{dx.aux}, \code{dy}, \code{dy.aux}
(see \code{\link{setup.grid.2D}}) [L].
\item{full.check }{logical flag enabling a full check of the consistency
of the arguments (default = \code{FALSE}; \code{TRUE} slows down
execution by 50 percent).
\item{full.output }{logical flag enabling a full return of the output
(default = \code{FALSE}; \code{TRUE} slows down execution by 20 percent).
a list containing:
\item{dC }{the rate of change of the concentration C due to transport,
defined in the centre of each grid cell, a Nx*Ny matrix. [M/L3/T].
\item{C.x.up }{concentration at the upstream interface in x-direction.
A vector of length Ny [M/L3]. Only when \code{full.output = TRUE}.
\item{C.x.down }{concentration at the downstream interface in x-direction.
A vector of length Ny [M/L3]. Only when \code{full.output = TRUE}.
\item{C.y.up }{concentration at the the upstream interface in y-direction.
A vector of length Nx [M/L3]. Only when \code{full.output = TRUE}.
\item{C.y.down }{concentration at the downstream interface in y-direction.
A vector of length Nx [M/L3]. Only when \code{full.output = TRUE}.
\item{x.flux }{flux across the interfaces in x-direction of the grid cells.
A (Nx+1)*Ny matrix [M/L2/T]. Only when \code{full.output = TRUE}.
\item{y.flux }{flux across the interfaces in y-direction of the grid cells.
A Nx*(Ny+1) matrix [M/L2/T]. Only when \code{full.output = TRUE}.
\item{flux.x.up }{flux across the upstream boundary in x-direction,
positive = INTO model domain. A vector of length Ny [M/L2/T].
\item{flux.x.down }{flux across the downstream boundary in x-direction,
positive = OUT of model domain. A vector of length Ny [M/L2/T].
\item{flux.y.up }{flux across the upstream boundary in y-direction,
positive = INTO model domain. A vector of length Nx [M/L2/T].
\item{flux.y.down }{flux across the downstream boundary in y-direction,
positive = OUT of model domain. A vector of length Nx [M/L2/T].
Filip Meysman <>,
Karline Soetaert <>
It is much more efficient to use the \emph{grid} input rather than
vectors or single numbers.
Thus: to optimise the code, use \link{setup.grid.2D} to create the
\code{grid}, and use \link{setup.prop.2D} to create \code{D.grid},
\code{v.grid}, \code{AFDW.grid}, \code{VF.grid}, and \code{A.grid},
even if the values are 1 or remain constant.
There is no provision (yet) to deal with \emph{cross-diffusion}.
Set \code{D.x} and \code{D.y} different only if cross-diffusion effects
are unimportant.
## =============================================================================
## Testing the functions
## =============================================================================
# Parameters
F <- 100 # input flux [micromol cm-2 yr-1]
por <- 0.8 # constant porosity
D <- 400 # mixing coefficient [cm2 yr-1]
v <- 1 # advective velocity [cm yr-1]
# Grid definition
x.N <- 4 # number of cells in x-direction
y.N <- 6 # number of cells in y-direction
x.L <- 8 # domain size x-direction [cm]
y.L <- 24 # domain size y-direction [cm]
dx <- x.L/x.N # cell size x-direction [cm]
dy <- y.L/y.N # cell size y-direction [cm]
# Intial conditions
C <- matrix(nrow = x.N, ncol = y.N, data = 0, byrow = FALSE)
# Boundary conditions: fixed concentration
C.x.up <- rep(1, times = y.N)
C.x.down <- rep(0, times = y.N)
C.y.up <- rep(1, times = x.N)
C.y.down <- rep(0, times = x.N)
# Only diffusion
tran.2D(C = C, D.x = D, D.y = D, v.x = 0, v.y = 0,
VF.x = por, VF.y = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
C.x.up = C.x.up, C.x.down = C.x.down,
C.y.up = C.y.up, C.y.down = C.y.down, full.output = TRUE)
# Strong advection, backward (default), central and forward
#finite difference schemes
tran.2D(C = C, D.x = D, v.x = 100*v,
VF.x = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
C.x.up = C.x.up, C.x.down = C.x.down,
C.y.up = C.y.up, C.y.down = C.y.down)
tran.2D(AFDW.x = 0.5, C = C, D.x = D, v.x = 100*v,
VF.x = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
C.x.up = C.x.up, C.x.down = C.x.down,
C.y.up = C.y.up, C.y.down = C.y.down)
tran.2D(AFDW.x = 0, C = C, D.x = D, v.x = 100*v,
VF.x = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
C.x.up = C.x.up, C.x.down = C.x.down,
C.y.up = C.y.up, C.y.down = C.y.down)
# Boundary conditions: fixed fluxes
flux.x.up <- rep(200, times = y.N)
flux.x.down <- rep(-200, times = y.N)
flux.y.up <- rep(200, times = x.N)
flux.y.down <- rep(-200, times = x.N)
tran.2D(C = C, D.x = D, v.x = 0,
VF.x = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
flux.x.up = flux.x.up, flux.x.down = flux.x.down,
flux.y.up = flux.y.up, flux.y.down = flux.y.down)
# Boundary conditions: convective boundary layer on all sides <- 800 # transfer coefficient
C.x.up <- rep(1, times = (y.N)) # fixed conc at boundary layer
C.y.up <- rep(1, times = (x.N)) # fixed conc at boundary layer
tran.2D(full.output = TRUE, C = C, D.x = D, v.x = 0,
VF.x = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
C.x.up = C.x.up, =,
C.x.down = C.x.up, =,
C.y.up = C.y.up, =,
C.y.down = C.y.up, =
# Runtime test with and without argument checking
n.iterate <-500
test1 <- function() {
for (i in 1:n.iterate )
ST <- tran.2D(full.check = TRUE, C = C, D.x = D,
v.x = 0, VF.x = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
C.x.up = C.x.up, =, C.x.down = C.x.down)
test2 <- function() {
for (i in 1:n.iterate )
ST <- tran.2D(full.output = TRUE, C = C, D.x = D,
v.x = 0, VF.x = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
C.x.up = C.x.up, =, C.x.down = C.x.down)
test3 <- function() {
for (i in 1:n.iterate )
ST <- tran.2D(full.output = TRUE, full.check = TRUE, C = C,
D.x = D, v.x = 0, VF.x = por, dx = dx, dy = dy,
C.x.up = C.x.up, =, C.x.down = C.x.down)
## =============================================================================
## A 2-D model with diffusion in x- and y direction and first-order
## consumption - unefficient implementation
## =============================================================================
N <- 51 # number of grid cells
XX <- 10 # total size
dy <- dx <- XX/N # grid size
Dy <- Dx <- 0.1 # diffusion coeff, X- and Y-direction
r <- 0.005 # consumption rate
ini <- 1 # initial value at x=0
N2 <- ceiling(N/2)
X <- seq (dx, by = dx, len = (N2-1))
X <- c(-rev(X), 0, X)
# The model equations
Diff2D <- function (t, y, parms) {
CONC <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N, y)
dCONC <- tran.2D(CONC, D.x = Dx, D.y = Dy, dx = dx, dy = dy)$dC + r * CONC
return (list(dCONC))
# initial condition: 0 everywhere, except in central point
y <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N, data = 0)
y[N2, N2] <- ini # initial concentration in the central point...
# solve for 10 time units
times <- 0:10
out <- ode.2D (y = y, func = Diff2D, t = times, parms = NULL,
dim = c(N,N), lrw = 160000)
pm <- par (mfrow = c(2, 2))
# Compare solution with analytical solution...
for (i in seq(2, 11, by = 3)) {
tt <- times[i]
mat <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N,
data = subset(out, time == tt))
plot(X, mat[N2,], type = "l", main = paste("time=", times[i]),
ylab = "Conc", col = "red")
ana <- ini*dx^2/(4*pi*Dx*tt)*exp(r*tt-X^2/(4*Dx*tt))
points(X, ana, pch = "+")
legend ("bottom", col = c("red","black"), lty = c(1, NA),
pch = c(NA, "+"), c("tran.2D", "exact"))
par("mfrow" = pm )
## =============================================================================
## A 2-D model with diffusion in x- and y direction and first-order
## consumption - more efficient implementation, specifying ALL 2-D grids
## =============================================================================
N <- 51 # number of grid cells
Dy <- Dx <- 0.1 # diffusion coeff, X- and Y-direction
r <- 0.005 # consumption rate
ini <- 1 # initial value at x=0
x.grid <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = -5, x.down = 5, N = N)
y.grid <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = -5, x.down = 5, N = N)
grid2D <- setup.grid.2D(x.grid, y.grid)
D.grid <- setup.prop.2D(value = Dx, y.value = Dy, grid = grid2D)
v.grid <- setup.prop.2D(value = 0, grid = grid2D)
A.grid <- setup.prop.2D(value = 1, grid = grid2D)
AFDW.grid <- setup.prop.2D(value = 1, grid = grid2D)
VF.grid <- setup.prop.2D(value = 1, grid = grid2D)
# The model equations - using the grids
Diff2Db <- function (t, y, parms) {
CONC <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N, data = y)
dCONC <- tran.2D(CONC, grid = grid2D, D.grid = D.grid,
A.grid = A.grid, VF.grid = VF.grid, AFDW.grid = AFDW.grid,
v.grid = v.grid)$dC + r * CONC
return (list(dCONC))
# initial condition: 0 everywhere, except in central point
y <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N, data = 0)
y[N2,N2] <- ini # initial concentration in the central point...
# solve for 8 time units
times <- 0:8
outb <- ode.2D (y = y, func = Diff2Db, t = times, parms = NULL,
dim = c(N, N), lrw = 160000)
image(outb, ask = FALSE, mfrow = c(3, 3), main = paste("time", times))
## =============================================================================
## Same 2-D model, but now with spatially-variable diffusion coefficients
## =============================================================================
N <- 51 # number of grid cells
r <- 0.005 # consumption rate
ini <- 1 # initial value at x=0
N2 <- ceiling(N/2)
D.grid <- list()
# Diffusion on x-interfaces
D.grid$ <- matrix(nrow = N+1, ncol = N, data = runif(N*(N+1)))
# Diffusion on y-interfaces
D.grid$ <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N+1, data = runif(N*(N+1)))
dx <- 10/N
dy <- 10/N
# The model equations
Diff2Dc <- function (t, y, parms) {
CONC <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N, data = y)
dCONC <- tran.2D(CONC, dx = dx, dy = dy, D.grid = D.grid)$dC + r * CONC
return (list(dCONC))
# initial condition: 0 everywhere, except in central point
y <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N, data = 0)
y[N2, N2] <- ini # initial concentration in the central point...
# solve for 8 time units
times <- 0:8
outc <- ode.2D (y = y, func = Diff2Dc, t = times, parms = NULL,
dim = c(N, N), lrw = 160000)
outtimes <- c(1, 3, 5, 7)
image(outc, ask = FALSE, mfrow = c(2, 2), main = paste("time", outtimes),
legend = TRUE, add.contour = TRUE, subset = time \%in\% outtimes)
Soetaert and Herman, 2009. a practical guide to ecological modelling -
using R as a simulation platform. Springer
The \bold{boundary conditions} are either
\item (1) zero-gradient
\item (2) fixed concentration
\item (3) convective boundary layer
\item (4) fixed flux
This is also the order of priority. The zero gradient is the default,
the fixed flux overrules all other.
\code{\link{tran.polar}} for a discretisation of 2-D transport equations
in polar coordinates
\code{\link{tran.1D}}, \code{\link{tran.3D}}