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Tip revision: 8a4716382ead3ece116c48a4ae5c65f8c9534437 authored by Florent on 29 January 2015, 12:19:28 UTC
Nbody6 - 29 January 2015 (added GPU2/Build/.gitkeep)
Tip revision: 8a47163
*       Renaming of list arrays.
*       ------------------------
      INCLUDE 'common6.h'
*       Old & new names are shown explicitly for three different cases.
*       Standard sequence     ICOMP = 2*NPAIRS-1     ICOMP = 2*NPAIRS
*       -------------------------------------------------------------------
*       2*NPAIRS-1 ICOMP       2*NPAIRS-1 ICOMP       2*NPAIRS-1 JCOMP
*       2*NPAIRS   JCOMP       ICOMP      2*NPAIRS-1  ICOMP      2*NPAIRS-1
*       ICOMP      2*NPAIRS-1  2*NPAIRS   JCOMP       2*NPAIRS   2*NPAIRS-1
*       JCOMP      2*NPAIRS    JCOMP      2*NPAIRS    JCOMP      2*NPAIRS
*       -------------------------------------------------------------------
*       Form the sequential names of exchanged & regularized bodies.
      ILIST(1) = 2*NPAIRS - 1
      ILIST(2) = 2*NPAIRS
      ILIST(3) = ICOMP
      ILIST(4) = JCOMP
*       Save the corresponding new names for the renaming procedure.
      ILIST(5) = ILIST(3)
      ILIST(6) = ILIST(4)
      ILIST(7) = ILIST(1)
      ILIST(8) = ILIST(2)
*       Ensure consecutive search list and modify renaming list accordingly.
          ILIST(3) = ILIST(2)
          ILIST(2) = ICOMP
*       Note that all the new names are affected by the rearrangement.
          ILIST(5) = ILIST(2)
          ILIST(6) = ILIST(1)
          ILIST(7) = ILIST(4)
          ILIST(8) = ILIST(3)
          IF (ICOMP.NE.ILIST(1)) THEN
*       First single particle is exchanged twice if ICOMP = 2*NPAIRS.
              ILIST(5) = JCOMP
              ILIST(7) = ILIST(1)
*       New name of 2*NPAIRS is not really needed because of duplicity.
          END IF
      END IF
*       Rename neighbour lists with exchanged or regularized components.
      DO 40 J = 1,NTOT-1
*       Skip modification if first neighbour comes after second component.
          IF (LIST(2,J).GT.JCOMP) GO TO 40
*       No special precaution needed for case of no neighbours.
          NNB = LIST(1,J)
          NNB1 = 0
          NIJ = 0
*       See whether any neighbours need to be renamed.
          K1 = 1
          DO 25 L = 2,NNB+1
              IF (LIST(L,J).GT.JCOMP) GO TO 30
*       Start search loop above last identified value (bug fix 10/07).
              DO 20 K = K1,4
                  IF (LIST(L,J).EQ.ILIST(K)) THEN
                      K1 = K + 1
                      NNB1 = NNB1 + 1
*       Save corresponding list location for the modification loop.
                      JLIST(NNB1) = K
                      JLIST(NNB1+4) = L
*       Count number of identified KS components.
                      IF (ILIST(K).EQ.ICOMP.OR.ILIST(K).EQ.JCOMP)
     &                                                     NIJ = NIJ + 1
*       Advance neighbour list after each identification (note duplicity).
                      GO TO 25
                  END IF
   20         CONTINUE
   25     CONTINUE
*       Skip modification if no neighbours need to be renamed.
   30     IF (NNB1.EQ.0) GO TO 40
*       Include c.m. renaming procedure if both components are neighbours.
          DO 38 K = 1,NNB1
              KTIME = JLIST(K)
*       Indicator for identified members of search list.
              INEW = ILIST(KTIME+4)
*       Replace identified components (or single perturber) by c.m.
              IF (INEW.LT.IFIRST) THEN
                  IF (NIJ.EQ.2.OR.J.LT.IFIRST - 3) INEW = NTOT
              END IF
*       Start with the saved list index (may differ by one either way).
              LS = JLIST(K+4)
*       See if index needs adjusting after previous modification. 
              IF (LIST(LS,J).LT.ILIST(KTIME)) LS = LS + 1
              IF (LIST(LS,J).GT.ILIST(KTIME)) LS = LS - 1
*       Move list members up or down unless new name is identical to old.
              IF (LS.LE.0) LS = 2
              LL = LS
              IF (INEW.LT.ILIST(KTIME)) THEN
*       Move list members down by one until location for new name is vacated.
                  DO 32 L = LL,3,-1
                      IF (LIST(L-1,J).GT.INEW) THEN
                          LIST(L,J) = LIST(L-1,J)
                          LS = L - 1
                          GO TO 36
                      END IF
   32             CONTINUE
*       Move list members up by one until sequential location is reached.
                  DO 34 L = LL,NNB
                      IF (LIST(L+1,J).LT.INEW) THEN
                          LIST(L,J) = LIST(L+1,J)
                          LS = L + 1
                          GO TO 36
                      END IF
   34             CONTINUE
              END IF
*       Set renamed neighbour in sequential location.
   36         LIST(LS,J) = INEW
   38     CONTINUE
*       Reduce membership by one if c.m. set in last two locations.
          IF (NIJ.EQ.2) LIST(1,J) = NNB - 1
*       Update the list of recently regularized particles.
   41 NNB = LISTR(1)
      DO 44 L = 2,NNB+1
*       First see whether either component has been regularized before.
*       Remove corresponding pair even if only one component is present.
              J = 2*KVEC(L-1)
*       Move up the subsequent pairs and reduce membership by two.
              DO 42 K = J,NNB-1
                  LISTR(K) = LISTR(K+2)
   42         CONTINUE
              LISTR(1) = LISTR(1) - 2
*       Make a new search otherwise LISTR -> -2 if NNB = 2.
              GO TO 41
          END IF
*       Rename exchanged components if present in the list.
      DO 48 KCOMP = 1,2
          DO 46 L = 2,NNB+1
              IF (LISTR(L).EQ.2*NPAIRS - 2 + KCOMP) THEN
                  IF (KCOMP.EQ.1) LISTR(L) = ICOMP
                  IF (KCOMP.EQ.2) LISTR(L) = JCOMP
              END IF
   46     CONTINUE
*       Update the list of high velocity particles.
      IF (LISTV(1).EQ.0) GO TO 70
      NNB = LISTV(1)
      L = 1
   50 L = L + 1
*       Check for removal of regularized component.
          DO 52 K = L,NNB
              LISTV(K) = LISTV(K+1)
   52     CONTINUE
          LISTV(1) = LISTV(1) - 1
          NNB = NNB - 1
*       Consider the same location again.
          L = L - 1
      END IF
      IF (L.LE.NNB) GO TO 50
*       Rename exchanged components.
      DO 58 KCOMP = 1,2
          DO 56 L = 2,NNB+1
              IF (LISTV(L).EQ.2*NPAIRS - 2 + KCOMP) THEN
                  IF (KCOMP.EQ.1) LISTV(L) = ICOMP
                  IF (KCOMP.EQ.2) LISTV(L) = JCOMP
              END IF
   56     CONTINUE
*       Remove any fast particles which have slowed down or are outside 2<R>.
      L = 1
   60 L = L + 1
      IF (LISTV(1).EQ.0) GO TO 70
      J = LISTV(L)
      A0 = XDOT(1,J)**2 + XDOT(2,J)**2 + XDOT(3,J)**2
      A2 = (X(1,J) - RDENS(1))**2 + (X(2,J) - RDENS(2))**2 +
     &                              (X(3,J) - RDENS(3))**2
      IF (A0.LT.16.0*ECLOSE.OR.A2.GT.4.0*RSCALE**2) THEN 
          DO 65 K = L,NNB
              LISTV(K) = LISTV(K+1)
   65     CONTINUE
          LISTV(1) = LISTV(1) - 1
          NNB = NNB - 1
*       Consider the same location again.
          L = L - 1
      END IF
      IF (L.LE.NNB) GO TO 60
   70 RETURN
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