subroutine dsel05( k, n, x) integer k, n double precision x(n) c c Selects the smallest k elements of the array x[1:n]. c The input array is permuted so that the smallest k elements of c x are x(i), i = 1,...,k, (in arbitrary order) and x(k) is the c kth smallest element. c c This is a Fortran 77 version of the Algol 68 procedure from c c R.W. Floyd and R.L. Rivest: "Algorithm 489: The Algorithm c SELECT---for Finding the $i$th Smallest of $n$ Elements", c Comm. ACM 18, 3 (1975) 173, c c including some modifications suggested in c c T. Brown: "Remark on Algorithm 489", ACM Trans. Math. c Software 3, 2 (1976), 301-304. c c Array stack(2,nstack) permits up to nstack levels of recursion. c For standard parameters cs <= 1 and cutoff >= 600, c nstack = 5 suffices for n up to 2**31-1 (maximum integer*4). integer nstack parameter (nstack=10) integer stack(2,nstack) c c Parameters cutoff, cs and csd are as originally proposed. integer cutoff parameter (cutoff=600) double precision cs, csd parameter (cs=0.5d0, csd=0.5d0) c Brown's version c parameter (cs=0.5d0, csd=0.1d0) c c Subprograms called: intrinsic dble, exp, log, max, min, sign c c Written by K.C. Kiwiel, 8 March 2006, c c Local variables: integer i, j, jstack, l, m, r, s, sd double precision dm, swap, v, z l=1 r=n jstack=0 c entry to SELECT( x, n, l, r, k) c SELECT will rearrange the values of the array segment x[l:r] so c that x(k) (for some given k; l <= k <= r) will contain the c (k-l+1)-th smallest value, l <= i <= k will imply x(i) <= x(k), c and k <= i <= r will imply x(k) <= x(i). c while r > l do 1 continue if ( goto 6 c The additional test below prevents stack overflow. if ( .and. then c Use SELECT recursively on a sample of size s to get an c estimate for the (k-l+1)-th smallest element into x(k), c biased slightly so that the (k-l+1)-th element is c expected to lie in the smaller set after partitioning. m=r-l+1 i=k-l+1 dm=m z=log(dm) s=cs*exp(2*z/3)+0.5d0 sd=csd*sqrt(z*s*(1-s/dm))*sign(1d0,i-dm/2)+0.5d0 if (i.eq.m/2) sd=0 c Brown's modification c sd=csd*sqrt(z*s*(1-s/dm))*(2*i/dm-1)+0.5d0 c Push the current l and r on the stack. jstack=jstack+1 stack(1,jstack)=l stack(2,jstack)=r c Find new l and r for the next recursion. l=max(dble(l),k-i*(s/dm)+sd)+0.5d0 r=min(dble(r),k-i*(s/dm)+sd+s)+0.5d0 c call SELECT( x, n, l, r, k) goto 1 endif 2 continue c Partition x[l:r] about the pivot v := x(k). v=x(k) c Initialize pointers for partitioning. i=l j=r c Swap x(l) and x(k). x(k)=x(l) x(l)=v if ( then c Swap x(l) and x(r). x(l)=x(r) x(r)=v endif c while i < j do 3 continue if ( then c Swap x(i) and x(j). swap=x(j) x(j)=x(i) x(i)=swap i=i+1 j=j-1 c Scan up to find element >= v. 4 continue if (x(i).lt.v) then i=i+1 goto 4 endif c Scan down to find element <= v. 5 continue if (x(j).gt.v) then j=j-1 goto 5 endif goto 3 c end of while i < j do endif if (x(l).eq.v) then c Swap x(l) and x(j). swap=x(j) x(j)=v x(l)=swap else j=j+1 c Swap x(j) and x(r). swap=x(j) x(j)=x(r) x(r)=swap endif c Now adjust l, r so that they surround the subset containing c the (k-l+1)-th smallest element. if (j.le.k) l=j+1 if (k.le.j) r=j-1 goto 1 c end of while r > l do 6 continue c Exit if the stack is empty. if (jstack.eq.0) return c Pop l and r from the stack. l=stack(1,jstack) r=stack(2,jstack) jstack=jstack-1 c Continue as if after a return from a recursive call. goto 2 end