if(OGS_USE_PYTHON) # Troubleshooting: If you get linker errors, such as ogs.cpp:(.text+0xb4): # undefined reference to `_Py_ZeroStruct' it could be that OGS is compiled # with the wrong Python version. I (Ch. Leh.) observed the following: The # symbol _Py_ZeroStruct could not be found in /usr/lib/libpython3.6m.so (I # intended to compile OGS with Python3). It's apparently a Python2 symbol # (present in /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so) The compiler command-line was the # following: # ~~~ # /usr/bin/g++ ... -DvtkRenderingVolume_AUTOINIT="1(vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2)" \ # -I/usr/include/vtk -I/usr/include/python2.7 -I/usr/include/freetype2 \ # -I/usr/include/libxml2 ... -I/.../BaseLib ... \ # -isystem /usr/include/python3.6m ... -o CMakeFiles/ogs.dir/ogs.cpp.o \ # -c /.../Applications/CLI/ogs.cpp # ~~~ # In particular, the Python2 include path comes before the Python3 include # path. Compiling OGS with Python2 solved the issue. I assume (this is only # a guess!) that VTK pulls in Python2 dependencies (on my system). I assume # that this is related to https://github.com/ufz/ogs/pull/2158. Workaround: # Always make sure that OGS is compiled with the same Python version as VTK. # The error described above should be detected automatically by cmake and an # appropriate message should be presented. The note is kept for the case # that the automatic detection does not work due to whatever reason. ogs_add_library(ogs_embedded_python ogs_embedded_python.cpp) # Performance warning from # https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/blob/master/docs/compiling.rst: Since # pybind11 is a metatemplate library, it is crucial that certain compiler # flags are provided to ensure high quality code generation. In contrast to # the pybind11_add_module() command, the CMake interface library only # provides the minimal set of parameters to ensure that the code using # pybind11 compiles, but it does not pass these extra compiler flags (i.e. # this is up to you). TODO: Enable further compiler/linker flags. target_link_libraries( ogs_embedded_python PUBLIC pybind11::embed PRIVATE ProcessLibBoundaryConditionAndSourceTermPythonModule ) target_compile_definitions( ogs_embedded_python PUBLIC OGS_USE_PYTHON # Add macro definition, because static libs make special handling # necessary s.t. the embedded OpenGeoSys Python module won't be # removed by the linker. $<$:PRIVATE OGS_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS> ) endif() ogs_add_executable(ogs ogs.cpp) target_link_libraries( ogs PRIVATE ApplicationsLib BaseLib CMakeInfoLib GitInfoLib MeshLib ProcessLib $<$:ogs_embedded_python> $<$:MPI::MPI_CXX> $<$:InSituLib> $<$:petsc> tclap ) target_compile_definitions(ogs PRIVATE $<$:USE_INSITU>) # ---- Tests ---- add_test(NAME ogs_no_args COMMAND ogs) set_tests_properties(ogs_no_args PROPERTIES WILL_FAIL TRUE) # ---- Installation ---- install(TARGETS ogs RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES ${CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES} "ogs" "OGS Simulator" ) cpack_add_component( ogs_cli DISPLAY_NAME "OGS THMC Simulator" DESCRIPTION "The command line interface for OpenGeoSys." GROUP Applications )