Tip revision: af9eede56f27215ca38ddd32564017f1f90417d0 authored by Diana Dima on 20 November 2021, 02:04:32 UTC
final clean up fixes
final clean up fixes
Tip revision: af9eede
function [features, layer_labels, cnn_models] = extract_cnn_features(nettype,imagedata, selected_layers)
%extract layer activations for image set using pre-trained DNNs
%input: nettype: 'alexnet', 'vgg19', 'resnet50', 'resnet101'
% imagedata: path to directory (will be read in alphabetical order)
% or 4D matrix (h x w x c x N)
%output: features (layer activations reshaped into row vectors)
% layer_labels (names of layers extracted)
% cnn_models (RDMs based on feature Euclidean distances)
% DC Dima 2020 (
%defines the layers that will be extracted for each type of network - normally we want one from each 'block'
switch nettype
case 'alexnet'
net = alexnet;
layers = {'pool1','pool2','relu3','relu4','pool5','fc6','fc7','fc8'};
layer_labels = {'Conv1', 'Conv2', 'Conv3', 'Conv4', 'Conv5', 'FC6', 'FC7', 'FC8'};
case 'vgg19'
net = vgg19;
layers = {'conv1_2','conv2_2','conv3_4','conv4_4','conv5_4','fc6','fc7','fc8'};
layer_labels = {'Conv1', 'Conv2', 'Conv3', 'Conv4', 'Conv5', 'FC6', 'FC7', 'FC8'};
case 'resnet50'
net = resnet50;
layers = {'conv1','res2c_branch2c','res3d_branch2c','res4f_branch2c','res5c_branch2c','fc1000'};
layer_labels = {'Conv1', 'Block1', 'Block2', 'Block3', 'Block4', 'FC1000'};
case 'resnet101'
net = resnet101;
layers = {'conv1','res2c_branch2c','res3d_branch2c','res4f_branch2c','res5c_branch2c','fc1000'};
layer_labels = {'Conv1', 'Block1', 'Block2', 'Block3', 'Block4', 'FC1000'};
%% if we want a subset of layers
if ~isempty(selected_layers)
l = cell(numel(selected_layers),1);
for il = 1:numel(selected_layers)
l{il} = layer_labels{contains(layers,selected_layers{il})};
layers = selected_layers;
layer_labels = l;
%% prepare images using imageDatastore or numeric format for input
inputsize = net.Layers(1).InputSize; %image size required by DNN
if ischar(imagedata) %if input is a path to a directory, use imageDatastore to process all images at once
imdata = imageDatastore(imagedata); %path
numimg = length(imdata.Files);
imdata = augmentedImageDatastore(inputsize, imdata, 'ColorPreprocessing','gray2rgb');
numimg = size(imagedata,4); %if input is a 4D array, process images one by one
imdata = nan(inputsize(1), inputsize(2), 3, numimg);
for img = 1:size(imagedata,4)
imdata(:,:,:,img) = imresize(imagedata(:,:,:,img), [inputsize(1) inputsize(2)]);
%% extract features for each layer
numlayers = numel(layers);
%this will store the feature maps for each layer
features = cell(1,numlayers);
%this will store an RDM based on the layer features (in case we want to do RSA)
cnn_models = nan(numimg*(numimg-1)/2,numlayers);
for il = 1:numlayers
fprintf('\nExtracting features for layer %d...', il);
layer = layers{il};
feat = activations(net, imdata, layer, 'OutputAs','rows');
%%for features output as channels
%sz = size(feat);
%feat = reshape(feat, [prod(sz(1:3)) numimg])';
cnn_models(:,il) = pdist(feat);
features{il} = feat;
%% if needed - final prediction step
% the below shows the final label predicted by the network for the test
% images - normally we don't need this (and it's inaccurate)
% [YPred,probs] = classify(net,imdata);
% figure
% %plot first 50 images
% for i = 1:50
% subplot(5,10,i)
% if ischar(imagedata)
% I = readimage(imdata,i);
% else
% I = imdata(:,:,:,i);
% end
% imshow(I)
% label = YPred(i);
% title(string(label) + ", " + num2str(100*max(probs(i,:)),3) + "%");
% end