import datetime import json import lzma import os import os.path import platform import sys # for DataVisitor import ast, inspect from collections import OrderedDict from importlib import util from lxml import etree from pycsp3.dashboard import options from import parsing from import build_similar_constraints from import build_compact_forms from import OpOverrider, convert_to_namedtuples, is_namedtuple from import handle_slides from import Stopwatch, GREEN, WHITE, Error from import build_document None_Values = ['None', '', 'null'] # adding 'none'? class Compilation: string_model = None string_data = None model = None data = None solve = None stopwatch = None stopwatch2 = None done = False user_filename = None @staticmethod def load(console=False): _load(console=console) @staticmethod def set_filename(_user_filename): if _user_filename is None: Compilation.user_filename = None else: Compilation.user_filename = _user_filename if _user_filename.endswith(".xml") else _user_filename + ".xml" @staticmethod def compile(filename=None, disabling_opoverrider=False, verbose=1): Compilation.set_filename(filename) return _compile(disabling_opoverrider, verbose=verbose) def _load_options(): options.set_values("data", "dataparser", "dataexport", "dataformat", "variant", "checker", "solver", "output") options.set_flags("dataexport", "solve", "display", "verbose", "lzma", "sober", "ev", "safe", "recognizeSlides", "keepSmartConditions", "keepSmartTransitions", "restrictTablesWrtDomains", "dontcompactValues", "usemeta", "debug") if options.checker is None: options.checker = "fast" assert options.checker in {"complete", "fast", "none"} options.parse(sys.argv[1:]) def _load_model(): try: name = sys.argv[0] assert name.strip().endswith(".py"), "The first argument has to be a python file." + str(name) model_string = name[name.rfind(os.sep) + 1:name.rfind(".")] specification = util.spec_from_file_location("", name) model = util.module_from_spec(specification) return model, model_string except Exception: usage("It was not possible to read the file: " + sys.argv[0]) raise def _load_data(): def _load_data_sequence(raw_data): od = [None if v in None_Values else int(v) if v and v.isdigit() else v for v in raw_data] return OrderedDict([("f" + str(i), od[i]) for i, v in enumerate(raw_data)]), od # return DataVisitor(raw_data).visit(ast.parse(inspect.getsource(Compilation.model))) def _arg_value(s): return None if s in None_Values else int(s) if s.isdigit() else s def _load_multiple_data_pieces(): # formatting instructions not possible in that case s = "" for arg in args: if "=" in arg: t = arg.split('=') value = _arg_value(t[1]) compilation_data[t[0]] = value s += "-" + str(value) else: assert arg.endswith("json") assert os.path.exists(arg), "The file " + arg + " does not exist (in the specified directory)." + str(os.path) with open(arg) as f: compilation_data.update(json.loads(, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)) s += "-" + arg.split(os.sep)[-1:][0].split(".")[:1][0] return compilation_data, s data = if data is None: return OrderedDict(), "" if data.endswith(".json"): # a single json file if data.startswith("http"): from urllib.request import urlopen # example: python -data= return json.loads(urlopen(data).read(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict), "-" + data.split(os.sep)[-1:][0].split(".")[:1][0] assert os.path.exists(data), "The file " + data + " does not exist (in the specified directory)." with open(data) as f: return json.loads(, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict), "-" + data.split(os.sep)[-1:][0].split(".")[:1][0] compilation_data = OrderedDict() # the object used for recording the data, available in the model # if '{' in data and '}' in data: # compilation_data = json.loads(data, object_hook=lambda d: namedtuple('X', d.keys())(*d.values()), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # for k, v in compilation_data.items(): setattr(compilation_data, k, v) ordered_data = list(compilation_data.values()) if (data[0], data[-1]) in [('[', ']'), ('(', ')')]: # NB: these characters may be needed to be escaped as in \[2,3\] args = data[1:-1].split(",") if "json" in data: return _load_multiple_data_pieces() if '=' in data: assert data.count('=') == data.count(',') + 1, "badly formed string of data " + data ordered_data = [] for arg in args: t = arg.split('=') value = _arg_value(t[1]) compilation_data[t[0]] = value ordered_data.append(value) else: compilation_data, ordered_data = _load_data_sequence(args) else: compilation_data, ordered_data = _load_data_sequence([data]) df = options.dataformat if df: assert df[0] == '{' and df[-1] == '}' if len(ordered_data) > 1 and df.count("{") == 1: df = "-".join(df for _ in range(len(ordered_data))) ss = df.format(*ordered_data) else: ss = "-".join(str(v) for v in ordered_data) string_data = "-" + ss return compilation_data, string_data def _load_dataparser(parser_file, data_value): try: compilation_data = parsing.register_fields(data_value) # the object used for recording data is returned, available in the model specification = util.spec_from_file_location("", parser_file) specification.loader.exec_module(util.module_from_spec(specification)) string_data = "-" +[-1:][0].split(".")[:1][0] if else None if string_data is None: string_data = Compilation.string_data if Compilation.string_data else "" # in case data are recorded through the dataparser (after asking the user) return compilation_data, string_data except Exception: usage("It was not possible to correctly read the file: " + parser_file) raise def _load(*, console=False): Compilation.stopwatch = Stopwatch() _load_options() if console is False: Compilation.model, Compilation.string_model = _load_model() if options.dataparser:, Compilation.string_data = _load_dataparser(options.dataparser, else:, Compilation.string_data = _load_data() = convert_to_namedtuples( Compilation.string_data = Compilation.string_data.replace("/", "-") if len( == 0: = None elif len( == 1: =[0] # the value instead of a tuple of size 1 else: Compilation.string_model = "Console" Compilation.string_data = "" OpOverrider.enable() options.verbose and print("\tWCK for loading model and data:", Compilation.stopwatch.elapsed_time(), "seconds") def load_json_data(filename, *, storing=False): """ Loads and returns the data from the specified JSON file (possibly given by an URL) :param filename: name (possibly ULR) of a JSON file :return: the loaded data """ assert filename.endswith(".json") if filename.startswith("http"): from urllib.request import urlopen data = json.loads(urlopen(filename).read(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) else: if os.path.exists(filename): fn = filename elif filename[0] == '.': fn = os.path.abspath('.') + filename[1:] else: fn = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.sep + "problems" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "json" + os.sep + filename assert os.path.exists(fn), "The file " + fn + " does not exist (in the specified directory)." with open(fn) as f: data = json.loads(, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) data = convert_to_namedtuples(data) if len(data) == 0: data = None elif len(data) == 1: data = data[0] # the value instead of a tuple of size 1 if storing: = data Compilation.string_data = "-" + filename.split(os.sep)[-1:][0].split(".")[:1][0] return data def default_data(filename): """ Loads data from the specified JSON file (possibly given by an URL) :param filename: mane (possibly ULR) of a JSON file :return: the loaded data """ return load_json_data(filename, storing=True) def _compile(disabling_opoverrider=False, verbose=1): # used to save data in jSON def prepare_for_json(obj): if is_namedtuple(obj): r = obj._asdict() for k in r: r[k] = prepare_for_json(r[k]) return r if isinstance(obj, list): for i in range(len(obj)): obj[i] = prepare_for_json(obj[i]) return obj return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, datetime.time) else obj if Error.errorOccurrence: return None if disabling_opoverrider: OpOverrider.disable() if Compilation.user_filename is None and options.output is not None: Compilation.set_filename(options.output) if Compilation.user_filename is not None: if options.output is None and options.verbose: print(" * User-defined XML file name:", Compilation.user_filename) filename = Compilation.user_filename if filename.endswith(".xml"): filename_prefix = filename[:-4] # can be useful if data are exported else: same_prefix = Compilation.string_data.startswith("-" + Compilation.string_model) suffix = Compilation.string_data if not same_prefix else Compilation.string_data[1 + len(Compilation.string_model):] filename_prefix = Compilation.string_model + ("-" + options.variant if options.variant else "") + suffix filename = filename_prefix + ".xml" stopwatch = Stopwatch() if options.verbose: print(" PyCSP3 (Python:" + platform.python_version() + ", Path:" + os.path.abspath(__file__) + ")\n") build_similar_constraints() options.verbose and print("\tWCK for generating groups:", stopwatch.elapsed_time(reset=True), "seconds") handle_slides() options.verbose and print("\tWCK for handling slides:", stopwatch.elapsed_time(reset=True), "seconds") build_compact_forms() options.verbose and print("\tWCK for compacting forms:", stopwatch.elapsed_time(reset=True), "seconds") root = build_document() if root is not None: pretty_text = etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False, encoding='UTF-8').decode("UTF-8") if options.display: print("\n", pretty_text) else: with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(pretty_text) if verbose > 0: print(" * Generating the file " + filename + " completed in " + GREEN + Compilation.stopwatch.elapsed_time() + WHITE + " seconds.") if options.lzma: with + ".lzma", "w") as f: f.write(bytes(pretty_text, 'utf-8')) print("\tGeneration of the file " + filename + ".lzma completed.\n") options.verbose and print("\tWCK for generating files:", stopwatch.elapsed_time(reset=True), "seconds") if options.dataexport: if isinstance(options.dataexport, bool): json_prefix ="/")[-1:][0].split(".")[:1][0] if options.dataparser else filename_prefix # TODO if data are given with name as e.g., in [k=3,l=9,b=0,r=0,v=9] for Bibd, maybe we should sort them else: json_prefix = str(options.dataexport) with open(json_prefix + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(prepare_for_json(, f) print(" Saving data in the file " + json_prefix + '.json' + " completed.") Compilation.done = True cop = root is not None and root.attrib and root.attrib["type"] == "COP" return filename, cop def usage(message): print(message) print("\nThe PyCSP3 Compiler allows us to generate XCSP3 files.") print("\n\nUsage: python3.5 ") print(" - is the name of a Python file containing a PyCSP3 model (i.e., a Python file with code posting variables/constraints/objectives)") print(" - is either a fixed list of elementary data or the name of a JSON file") # solver = s if s[0] not in {'[', '('} else s["[,)\]]", s).start()]