Raw File
#pragma once

#define REAL double

const float FM_PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751f;
const float FM_DEG_TO_RAD = ((2.0f * FM_PI) / 360.0f);
const float FM_RAD_TO_DEG = (360.0f / (2.0f * FM_PI));

#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>

static REAL fm_dot(const REAL *p1,const REAL *p2)
	return p1[0]*p2[0]+p1[1]*p2[1]+p1[2]*p2[2];

static void fm_cross(REAL *cross,const REAL *a,const REAL *b)
	cross[0] = a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1];
	cross[1] = a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2];
	cross[2] = a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0];

static REAL fm_normalize(REAL *n) // normalize this vector
	REAL dist = (REAL)sqrt(n[0]*n[0] + n[1]*n[1] + n[2]*n[2]);
	if ( dist > 0.0000001f )
		REAL mag = 1.0f / dist;
		n[0] = 1;
		n[1] = 0;
		n[2] = 0;

	return dist;

static void  fm_matrixMultiply(const REAL *pA,const REAL *pB,REAL *pM)
#if 1

	REAL a = pA[0*4+0] * pB[0*4+0] + pA[0*4+1] * pB[1*4+0] + pA[0*4+2] * pB[2*4+0] + pA[0*4+3] * pB[3*4+0];
	REAL b = pA[0*4+0] * pB[0*4+1] + pA[0*4+1] * pB[1*4+1] + pA[0*4+2] * pB[2*4+1] + pA[0*4+3] * pB[3*4+1];
	REAL c = pA[0*4+0] * pB[0*4+2] + pA[0*4+1] * pB[1*4+2] + pA[0*4+2] * pB[2*4+2] + pA[0*4+3] * pB[3*4+2];
	REAL d = pA[0*4+0] * pB[0*4+3] + pA[0*4+1] * pB[1*4+3] + pA[0*4+2] * pB[2*4+3] + pA[0*4+3] * pB[3*4+3];

	REAL e = pA[1*4+0] * pB[0*4+0] + pA[1*4+1] * pB[1*4+0] + pA[1*4+2] * pB[2*4+0] + pA[1*4+3] * pB[3*4+0];
	REAL f = pA[1*4+0] * pB[0*4+1] + pA[1*4+1] * pB[1*4+1] + pA[1*4+2] * pB[2*4+1] + pA[1*4+3] * pB[3*4+1];
	REAL g = pA[1*4+0] * pB[0*4+2] + pA[1*4+1] * pB[1*4+2] + pA[1*4+2] * pB[2*4+2] + pA[1*4+3] * pB[3*4+2];
	REAL h = pA[1*4+0] * pB[0*4+3] + pA[1*4+1] * pB[1*4+3] + pA[1*4+2] * pB[2*4+3] + pA[1*4+3] * pB[3*4+3];

	REAL i = pA[2*4+0] * pB[0*4+0] + pA[2*4+1] * pB[1*4+0] + pA[2*4+2] * pB[2*4+0] + pA[2*4+3] * pB[3*4+0];
	REAL j = pA[2*4+0] * pB[0*4+1] + pA[2*4+1] * pB[1*4+1] + pA[2*4+2] * pB[2*4+1] + pA[2*4+3] * pB[3*4+1];
	REAL k = pA[2*4+0] * pB[0*4+2] + pA[2*4+1] * pB[1*4+2] + pA[2*4+2] * pB[2*4+2] + pA[2*4+3] * pB[3*4+2];
	REAL l = pA[2*4+0] * pB[0*4+3] + pA[2*4+1] * pB[1*4+3] + pA[2*4+2] * pB[2*4+3] + pA[2*4+3] * pB[3*4+3];

	REAL m = pA[3*4+0] * pB[0*4+0] + pA[3*4+1] * pB[1*4+0] + pA[3*4+2] * pB[2*4+0] + pA[3*4+3] * pB[3*4+0];
	REAL n = pA[3*4+0] * pB[0*4+1] + pA[3*4+1] * pB[1*4+1] + pA[3*4+2] * pB[2*4+1] + pA[3*4+3] * pB[3*4+1];
	REAL o = pA[3*4+0] * pB[0*4+2] + pA[3*4+1] * pB[1*4+2] + pA[3*4+2] * pB[2*4+2] + pA[3*4+3] * pB[3*4+2];
	REAL p = pA[3*4+0] * pB[0*4+3] + pA[3*4+1] * pB[1*4+3] + pA[3*4+2] * pB[2*4+3] + pA[3*4+3] * pB[3*4+3];

	pM[0] = a;
	pM[1] = b;
	pM[2] = c;
	pM[3] = d;

	pM[4] = e;
	pM[5] = f;
	pM[6] = g;
	pM[7] = h;

	pM[8] = i;
	pM[9] = j;
	pM[10] = k;
	pM[11] = l;

	pM[12] = m;
	pM[13] = n;
	pM[14] = o;
	pM[15] = p;

	memset(pM, 0, sizeof(REAL)*16);
	for(int i=0; i<4; i++ )
		for(int j=0; j<4; j++ )
			for(int k=0; k<4; k++ )
				pM[4*i+j] +=  pA[4*i+k] * pB[4*k+j];

// inverse rotate translate the point.
static void fm_inverseRT(const REAL matrix[16],const REAL pos[3],REAL t[3]) 
	REAL _x = pos[0] - matrix[3*4+0];
	REAL _y = pos[1] - matrix[3*4+1];
	REAL _z = pos[2] - matrix[3*4+2];

	// Multiply inverse-translated source vector by inverted rotation transform

	t[0] = (matrix[0*4+0] * _x) + (matrix[0*4+1] * _y) + (matrix[0*4+2] * _z);
	t[1] = (matrix[1*4+0] * _x) + (matrix[1*4+1] * _y) + (matrix[1*4+2] * _z);
	t[2] = (matrix[2*4+0] * _x) + (matrix[2*4+1] * _y) + (matrix[2*4+2] * _z);

// rotate and translate this point
static void  fm_rotate(const REAL matrix[16],const REAL v[3],REAL t[3]) 
	if ( matrix )
		REAL tx = (matrix[0*4+0] * v[0]) +  (matrix[1*4+0] * v[1]) + (matrix[2*4+0] * v[2]);
		REAL ty = (matrix[0*4+1] * v[0]) +  (matrix[1*4+1] * v[1]) + (matrix[2*4+1] * v[2]);
		REAL tz = (matrix[0*4+2] * v[0]) +  (matrix[1*4+2] * v[1]) + (matrix[2*4+2] * v[2]);
		t[0] = tx;
		t[1] = ty;
		t[2] = tz;
		t[0] = v[0];
		t[1] = v[1];
		t[2] = v[2];

template <class Type> class fm_Eigen

	void DecrSortEigenStuff(void)
		Tridiagonal(); //diagonalize the matrix.
		QLAlgorithm(); //

	void Tridiagonal(void)
		Type fM00 = mElement[0][0];
		Type fM01 = mElement[0][1];
		Type fM02 = mElement[0][2];
		Type fM11 = mElement[1][1];
		Type fM12 = mElement[1][2];
		Type fM22 = mElement[2][2];

		m_afDiag[0] = fM00;
		m_afSubd[2] = 0;
		if (fM02 != (Type)0.0)
			Type fLength = sqrt(fM01*fM01+fM02*fM02);
			Type fInvLength = ((Type)1.0)/fLength;
			fM01 *= fInvLength;
			fM02 *= fInvLength;
			Type fQ = ((Type)2.0)*fM01*fM12+fM02*(fM22-fM11);
			m_afDiag[1] = fM11+fM02*fQ;
			m_afDiag[2] = fM22-fM02*fQ;
			m_afSubd[0] = fLength;
			m_afSubd[1] = fM12-fM01*fQ;
			mElement[0][0] = (Type)1.0;
			mElement[0][1] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[0][2] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[1][0] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[1][1] = fM01;
			mElement[1][2] = fM02;
			mElement[2][0] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[2][1] = fM02;
			mElement[2][2] = -fM01;
			m_bIsRotation = false;
			m_afDiag[1] = fM11;
			m_afDiag[2] = fM22;
			m_afSubd[0] = fM01;
			m_afSubd[1] = fM12;
			mElement[0][0] = (Type)1.0;
			mElement[0][1] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[0][2] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[1][0] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[1][1] = (Type)1.0;
			mElement[1][2] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[2][0] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[2][1] = (Type)0.0;
			mElement[2][2] = (Type)1.0;
			m_bIsRotation = true;

	bool QLAlgorithm(void)
		const int iMaxIter = 32;

		for (int i0 = 0; i0 <3; i0++)
			int i1;
			for (i1 = 0; i1 < iMaxIter; i1++)
				int i2;
				for (i2 = i0; i2 <= (3-2); i2++)
					Type fTmp = fabs(m_afDiag[i2]) + fabs(m_afDiag[i2+1]);
					if ( fabs(m_afSubd[i2]) + fTmp == fTmp )
				if (i2 == i0)

				Type fG = (m_afDiag[i0+1] - m_afDiag[i0])/(((Type)2.0) * m_afSubd[i0]);
				Type fR = sqrt(fG*fG+(Type)1.0);
				if (fG < (Type)0.0)
					fG = m_afDiag[i2]-m_afDiag[i0]+m_afSubd[i0]/(fG-fR);
					fG = m_afDiag[i2]-m_afDiag[i0]+m_afSubd[i0]/(fG+fR);
				Type fSin = (Type)1.0, fCos = (Type)1.0, fP = (Type)0.0;
				for (int i3 = i2-1; i3 >= i0; i3--)
					Type fF = fSin*m_afSubd[i3];
					Type fB = fCos*m_afSubd[i3];
					if (fabs(fF) >= fabs(fG))
						fCos = fG/fF;
						fR = sqrt(fCos*fCos+(Type)1.0);
						m_afSubd[i3+1] = fF*fR;
						fSin = ((Type)1.0)/fR;
						fCos *= fSin;
						fSin = fF/fG;
						fR = sqrt(fSin*fSin+(Type)1.0);
						m_afSubd[i3+1] = fG*fR;
						fCos = ((Type)1.0)/fR;
						fSin *= fCos;
					fG = m_afDiag[i3+1]-fP;
					fR = (m_afDiag[i3]-fG)*fSin+((Type)2.0)*fB*fCos;
					fP = fSin*fR;
					m_afDiag[i3+1] = fG+fP;
					fG = fCos*fR-fB;
					for (int i4 = 0; i4 < 3; i4++)
						fF = mElement[i4][i3+1];
						mElement[i4][i3+1] = fSin*mElement[i4][i3]+fCos*fF;
						mElement[i4][i3] = fCos*mElement[i4][i3]-fSin*fF;
				m_afDiag[i0] -= fP;
				m_afSubd[i0] = fG;
				m_afSubd[i2] = (Type)0.0;
			if (i1 == iMaxIter)
				return false;
		return true;

	void DecreasingSort(void)
		//sort eigenvalues in decreasing order, e[0] >= ... >= e[iSize-1]
		for (int i0 = 0, i1; i0 <= 3-2; i0++)
			// locate maximum eigenvalue
			i1 = i0;
			Type fMax = m_afDiag[i1];
			int i2;
			for (i2 = i0+1; i2 < 3; i2++)
				if (m_afDiag[i2] > fMax)
					i1 = i2;
					fMax = m_afDiag[i1];

			if (i1 != i0)
				// swap eigenvalues
				m_afDiag[i1] = m_afDiag[i0];
				m_afDiag[i0] = fMax;
				// swap eigenvectors
				for (i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2++)
					Type fTmp = mElement[i2][i0];
					mElement[i2][i0] = mElement[i2][i1];
					mElement[i2][i1] = fTmp;
					m_bIsRotation = !m_bIsRotation;

	void GuaranteeRotation(void)
		if (!m_bIsRotation)
			// change sign on the first column
			for (int iRow = 0; iRow <3; iRow++)
				mElement[iRow][0] = -mElement[iRow][0];

	Type mElement[3][3];
	Type m_afDiag[3];
	Type m_afSubd[3];
	bool m_bIsRotation;

static bool fm_computeBestFitPlane(size_t vcount,const REAL *points,size_t vstride,const REAL *weights,size_t wstride,	REAL *plane)
	bool ret = false;

	REAL kOrigin[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

	REAL wtotal = 0;

		const char *source  = (const char *) points;
		const char *wsource = (const char *) weights;

		for (size_t i=0; i<vcount; i++)

			const REAL *p = (const REAL *) source;

			REAL w = 1;

			if ( wsource )
				const REAL *ws = (const REAL *) wsource;
				w = *ws; //




	REAL recip = 1.0f / wtotal; // reciprocol of total weighting


	REAL fSumXX=0;
	REAL fSumXY=0;
	REAL fSumXZ=0;

	REAL fSumYY=0;
	REAL fSumYZ=0;
	REAL fSumZZ=0;

		const char *source  = (const char *) points;
		const char *wsource = (const char *) weights;

		for (size_t i=0; i<vcount; i++)

			const REAL *p = (const REAL *) source;

			REAL w = 1;

			if ( wsource )
				const REAL *ws = (const REAL *) wsource;
				w = *ws; //

			REAL kDiff[3];

			kDiff[0] = w*(p[0] - kOrigin[0]); // apply vertex weighting!
			kDiff[1] = w*(p[1] - kOrigin[1]);
			kDiff[2] = w*(p[2] - kOrigin[2]);

			fSumXX+= kDiff[0] * kDiff[0]; // sume of the squares of the differences.
			fSumXY+= kDiff[0] * kDiff[1]; // sume of the squares of the differences.
			fSumXZ+= kDiff[0] * kDiff[2]; // sume of the squares of the differences.

			fSumYY+= kDiff[1] * kDiff[1];
			fSumYZ+= kDiff[1] * kDiff[2];
			fSumZZ+= kDiff[2] * kDiff[2];


	fSumXX *= recip;
	fSumXY *= recip;
	fSumXZ *= recip;
	fSumYY *= recip;
	fSumYZ *= recip;
	fSumZZ *= recip;

	// setup the eigensolver
	fm_Eigen<REAL> kES;

	kES.mElement[0][0] = fSumXX;
	kES.mElement[0][1] = fSumXY;
	kES.mElement[0][2] = fSumXZ;

	kES.mElement[1][0] = fSumXY;
	kES.mElement[1][1] = fSumYY;
	kES.mElement[1][2] = fSumYZ;

	kES.mElement[2][0] = fSumXZ;
	kES.mElement[2][1] = fSumYZ;
	kES.mElement[2][2] = fSumZZ;

	// compute eigenstuff, smallest eigenvalue is in last position

	REAL kNormal[3];

	kNormal[0] = kES.mElement[0][2];
	kNormal[1] = kES.mElement[1][2];
	kNormal[2] = kES.mElement[2][2];

	// the minimum energy
	plane[0] = kNormal[0];
	plane[1] = kNormal[1];
	plane[2] = kNormal[2];

	plane[3] = 0 - fm_dot(kNormal,kOrigin);

	ret = true;

	return ret;

static void fm_eulerToQuat(REAL roll,REAL pitch,REAL yaw,REAL *quat) // convert euler angles to quaternion.
	roll  *= 0.5f;
	pitch *= 0.5f;
	yaw   *= 0.5f;

	REAL cr = cos(roll);
	REAL cp = cos(pitch);
	REAL cy = cos(yaw);

	REAL sr = sin(roll);
	REAL sp = sin(pitch);
	REAL sy = sin(yaw);

	REAL cpcy = cp * cy;
	REAL spsy = sp * sy;
	REAL spcy = sp * cy;
	REAL cpsy = cp * sy;

	quat[0]   = ( sr * cpcy - cr * spsy);
	quat[1]   = ( cr * spcy + sr * cpsy);
	quat[2]   = ( cr * cpsy - sr * spcy);
	quat[3]   = cr * cpcy + sr * spsy;

static void  fm_eulerToQuat(const REAL *euler,REAL *quat) // convert euler angles to quaternion.

static void fm_quatToMatrix(const REAL *quat,REAL *matrix) // convert quaterinion rotation to matrix, zeros out the translation component.

	REAL xx = quat[0]*quat[0];
	REAL yy = quat[1]*quat[1];
	REAL zz = quat[2]*quat[2];
	REAL xy = quat[0]*quat[1];
	REAL xz = quat[0]*quat[2];
	REAL yz = quat[1]*quat[2];
	REAL wx = quat[3]*quat[0];
	REAL wy = quat[3]*quat[1];
	REAL wz = quat[3]*quat[2];

	matrix[0*4+0] = 1 - 2 * ( yy + zz );
	matrix[1*4+0] =     2 * ( xy - wz );
	matrix[2*4+0] =     2 * ( xz + wy );

	matrix[0*4+1] =     2 * ( xy + wz );
	matrix[1*4+1] = 1 - 2 * ( xx + zz );
	matrix[2*4+1] =     2 * ( yz - wx );

	matrix[0*4+2] =     2 * ( xz - wy );
	matrix[1*4+2] =     2 * ( yz + wx );
	matrix[2*4+2] = 1 - 2 * ( xx + yy );

	matrix[3*4+0] = matrix[3*4+1] = matrix[3*4+2] = (REAL) 0.0f;
	matrix[0*4+3] = matrix[1*4+3] = matrix[2*4+3] = (REAL) 0.0f;
	matrix[3*4+3] =(REAL) 1.0f;


// convert the 3x3 portion of a 4x4 matrix into a quaterion as x,y,z,w
static void fm_matrixToQuat(const REAL *matrix,REAL *quat) 

	REAL tr = matrix[0*4+0] + matrix[1*4+1] + matrix[2*4+2];

	// check the diagonal

	if (tr > 0.0f )
		REAL s = (REAL) sqrt ( (double) (tr + 1.0f) );
		quat[3] = s * 0.5f;
		s = 0.5f / s;
		quat[0] = (matrix[1*4+2] - matrix[2*4+1]) * s;
		quat[1] = (matrix[2*4+0] - matrix[0*4+2]) * s;
		quat[2] = (matrix[0*4+1] - matrix[1*4+0]) * s;

		// diagonal is negative
		int nxt[3] = {1, 2, 0};
		REAL  qa[4];

		int i = 0;

		if (matrix[1*4+1] > matrix[0*4+0]) i = 1;
		if (matrix[2*4+2] > matrix[i*4+i]) i = 2;

		int j = nxt[i];
		int k = nxt[j];

		REAL s = sqrt ( ((matrix[i*4+i] - (matrix[j*4+j] + matrix[k*4+k])) + 1.0f) );

		qa[i] = s * 0.5f;

		if (s != 0.0f ) s = 0.5f / s;

		qa[3] = (matrix[j*4+k] - matrix[k*4+j]) * s;
		qa[j] = (matrix[i*4+j] + matrix[j*4+i]) * s;
		qa[k] = (matrix[i*4+k] + matrix[k*4+i]) * s;

		quat[0] = qa[0];
		quat[1] = qa[1];
		quat[2] = qa[2];
		quat[3] = qa[3];

// rotate and translate this point
static void  fm_transform(const REAL matrix[16],const REAL v[3],REAL t[3]) 
	if ( matrix )
		REAL tx = (matrix[0*4+0] * v[0]) +  (matrix[1*4+0] * v[1]) + (matrix[2*4+0] * v[2]) + matrix[3*4+0];
		REAL ty = (matrix[0*4+1] * v[0]) +  (matrix[1*4+1] * v[1]) + (matrix[2*4+1] * v[2]) + matrix[3*4+1];
		REAL tz = (matrix[0*4+2] * v[0]) +  (matrix[1*4+2] * v[1]) + (matrix[2*4+2] * v[2]) + matrix[3*4+2];
		t[0] = tx;
		t[1] = ty;
		t[2] = tz;
		t[0] = v[0];
		t[1] = v[1];
		t[2] = v[2];

static void  fm_setTranslation(const REAL *translation,REAL *matrix)
	matrix[12] = translation[0];
	matrix[13] = translation[1];
	matrix[14] = translation[2];

static void fm_getTranslation(const REAL *matrix,REAL *t)
	t[0] = matrix[3*4+0];
	t[1] = matrix[3*4+1];
	t[2] = matrix[3*4+2];

// Reference, from Stan Melax in Game Gems I
//  Quaternion q;
//  vector3 c = CrossProduct(v0,v1);
//  REAL   d = DotProduct(v0,v1);
//  REAL   s = (REAL)sqrt((1+d)*2);
//  q.x = c.x / s;
//  q.y = c.y / s;
//  q.z = c.z / s;
//  q.w = s /2.0f;
//  return q;
static void fm_rotationArc(const REAL *v0,const REAL *v1,REAL *quat)
	REAL cross[3];

	REAL d = fm_dot(v0,v1);
	REAL s = sqrt((1+d)*2);
	REAL recip = 1.0f / s;

	quat[0] = cross[0] * recip;
	quat[1] = cross[1] * recip;
	quat[2] = cross[2] * recip;
	quat[3] = s * 0.5f;


// convert a plane equation to a 4x4 rotation matrix
static void fm_planeToMatrix(const REAL *plane,REAL *matrix) 
	REAL ref[3] = { 0, 1, 0 };
	REAL quat[4];
	REAL origin[3] = { 0, -plane[3], 0 };
	REAL center[3];
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