\name{open.ff} \alias{open.ff} \alias{open.ffdf} \title{ Opening an ff file } \description{ \command{open.ff} opens an ff file, optionally marking it readonly and optionally specifying a caching scheme. } \usage{ \method{open}{ff}(con, readonly = FALSE, pagesize = NULL, caching = NULL, \dots) \method{open}{ffdf}(con, readonly = FALSE, pagesize = NULL, caching = NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{con}{ an \code{\link{ff}} or \code{\link{ffdf}} object } \item{readonly}{ \code{readonly} } \item{pagesize}{ number of bytes to use as pagesize or NULL to take the pagesize stored in the \code{\link[=physical.ff]{physical}} attribute of the ff object, see \code{\link{getalignedpagesize}} } \item{caching}{ one of 'mmnoflush' or 'mmeachflush', see \code{\link{ff}} } \item{\dots}{ further arguments (not used) } } \details{ ff objects will be opened automatically when accessing their content and the file is still closed. Opening ffdf objects will open all of their \code{\link[=physical.ffdf]{physical}} components including their \code{\link[=row.names.ffdf]{row.names}} if they are \code{\link{is.ff}} } \value{ TRUE if object could be opened, FALSE if it was opened already (or NA if not all components of an ffdf returned FALSE or TRUE on opening) } \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel } \seealso{ \code{\link{ff}}, \code{\link{close.ff}}, \code{\link{delete}}, \code{\link{deleteIfOpen}}, \code{\link{getalignedpagesize}} } \examples{ x <- ff(1:12) close(x) is.open(x) open(x) is.open(x) close(x) is.open(x) x[] is.open(x) y <- x close(y) is.open(x) rm(x,y); gc() } \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ data }