(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2023 Nomadic Labs, *) (* Copyright (c) 2023 Functori, *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) module type PRINTABLE = sig type t val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end module type ITERABLE = sig type t include Compare.S with type t := t include PRINTABLE with type t := t module Set : Set.S with type elt = t module Map : Map.S with type key = t end module type AUTOMATON_SUBCONFIG = sig module Peer : ITERABLE module Topic : ITERABLE module Message_id : sig include ITERABLE (** [get_topic id] returns/computes a message's topic from the given message id. Message ids should be defined so that this function can be implemented. *) val get_topic : t -> Topic.t end module Message : sig include PRINTABLE (** [valid] performs an application layer-level validity check on a message. *) val valid : t -> Message_id.t -> [`Valid | `Unknown | `Invalid] end end module type SPAN = sig include Compare.S include PRINTABLE with type t := t val zero : t val of_int_s : int -> t val to_int_s : t -> int val of_float_s : float -> t val to_float_s : t -> float (** [mul s n] returns [n * s]. *) val mul : t -> int -> t end module type TIME = sig include Compare.S include PRINTABLE with type t := t type span val now : unit -> t val add : t -> span -> t val sub : t -> span -> t val to_span : t -> span end module type AUTOMATON_CONFIG = sig module Subconfig : AUTOMATON_SUBCONFIG module Span : SPAN module Time : TIME with type span = Span.t end type 'span per_topic_score_limits = { time_in_mesh_weight : float; (** P1: The weight of the score associated to the time spent in the mesh. *) time_in_mesh_cap : float; (** P1: The maximum value considered for the score associated to the time spent by a peer in the mesh. *) time_in_mesh_quantum : 'span; (** P1: The score associated to the time spent [t] in the mesh is [(min t time_in_mesh_cap) / time_in_mesh_quantum]. *) first_message_deliveries_weight : float; (** P2: The weight of the score associated to the number of first message deliveries. *) first_message_deliveries_cap : int; (** P2: The maximum value considered during score computation for the number of first message deliveries. *) first_message_deliveries_decay : float; (** P2: The score is multiplied by this factor every [score_cleanup_ticks] heartbeat. This parameter must be in the unit interval. *) mesh_message_deliveries_weight : float; (** P3: The weight of the score associated to the number of first/near-first mesh message deliveries. *) mesh_message_deliveries_window : 'span; (** P3: The delay added to the first delivery of a message to obtain the upper bound up to which a duplicate message is counted as nearly-first delivered. *) mesh_message_deliveries_activation : 'span; (** P3: How long should a peer be in the mesh before we start evaluating P3. *) mesh_message_deliveries_cap : int; (** P3: The maximum value considered during score computation for the number of first/near-first mesh message deliveries. *) mesh_message_deliveries_threshold : int; (** P3: The number of messages received from a peer in the mesh in the associated topic above which the peer won't be penalized *) mesh_message_deliveries_decay : float; (** P3: The score is multiplied by this factor every [score_cleanup_ticks] heartbeat. This parameter must be in the unit interval. *) mesh_failure_penalty_weight : float; (** P3b: Penalty induced when a peer gets pruned with a non-zero mesh message delivery deficit. *) mesh_failure_penalty_decay : float; (** P3b: The score is multiplied by this factor every [score_cleanup_ticks] heartbeat. This parameter must be in the unit interval. *) invalid_message_deliveries_weight : float; (** P4: Penalty induced when a peer sends an invalid message. *) invalid_message_deliveries_decay : float; (** P4: The score is multiplied by this factor every [score_cleanup_ticks] heartbeat. This parameter must be in the unit interval. *) } type ('topic, 'span) topic_score_limits = | Topic_score_limits_single of 'span per_topic_score_limits (** Use this constructor when the topic score parameters do not depend on the topic. *) | Topic_score_limits_family of { all_topics : 'topic Seq.t; parameters : 'topic -> 'span per_topic_score_limits; weights : 'topic -> float; } (** Use this constructor when the topic score parameters may depend on the topic. *) (* N.B.: unlike the Go/Rust implementations, scores are not refreshed in an asynchronous loop but rather in the heartbeat. Hence, we do not have the [decay_interval] parameter. Scores are refreshed and decayed every [score_cleanup_ticks] heartbeats (see [limits]). TODO: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/5545 We did not implement P6, aka IP colocation factor *) type ('topic, 'span) score_limits = { topics : ('topic, 'span) topic_score_limits; (** Per-topic score parameters. *) topic_score_cap : float option; (** An optional cap on the total positive contribution of topics to the score of the peer. If not equal to [None], must be non-negative. *) behaviour_penalty_weight : float; (** P7: The weight of the score associated to the behaviour penalty. This parameter must be negative. *) behaviour_penalty_threshold : float; (** P7: The threshold on the behaviour penalty counter above which we start penalizing the peer. *) behaviour_penalty_decay : float; (** P7: The score is multiplied by a factor of [behaviour_penalty_decay] every [score_cleanup_ticks] heartbeat. This parameter must be in the unit interval. *) app_specific_weight : float; (** P5: Application-specific peer scoring *) decay_zero : float; (** The minimum value under which a score is considered to be equal to 0 after applying decay. This parameter must be non-negative. *) } type ('topic, 'peer, 'message_id, 'span) limits = { max_recv_ihave_per_heartbeat : int; (** The maximum number of IHave control messages we can receive from a peer between two heartbeats. It is called [MaxIHaveMessages] in the Go implementation. *) max_sent_iwant_per_heartbeat : int; (** The maximum number of IWant control message ids we can send to a peer between two heartbeats. It is also the maximum number of message ids to include in an IHave message. It is called [MaxIHaveLength] in the Go implementation. *) max_gossip_retransmission : int; (** The maximum number of times the local peer allows a remote peer to request the same message id through IWant gossip before the local peer starts ignoring them. This is designed to prevent peers from spamming with requests. *) degree_optimal : int; (** The optimal number of full connections per topic. For example, if it is 6, each peer will want to have about six peers in their mesh for each topic they're subscribed to. It should be set somewhere between {!degree_low} and {!degree_high}. *) publish_threshold : float; (** The threshold value (as a score) from which we can publish a message to our peers. *) gossip_threshold : float; (** The threshold value (as a score) for a peer to emit/accept gossip: if the remote peer score is below this threshold, the local peer won't emit or accept gossip from the remote peer. *) do_px : bool; (** The flag controls whether peer exchange (PX) is enabled. *) accept_px_threshold : float; (** The threshold value (as a score) from which we accept peer exchanges. *) peers_to_px : int; (** The number of peers to include in prune Peer eXchange. (This is called [PrunePeers] in the Go implementation.) *) unsubscribe_backoff : 'span; (** The duration that prevent reconnections after leaving a topic to our full connections. *) graft_flood_threshold : 'span; (** If a graft comes before [graft_flood_threshold] has elapsed since the last prune, then there is an extra score penalty applied to the peer through P7. *) prune_backoff : 'span; (** The duration added when we prune a peer. *) retain_duration : 'span; (** The duration added to remove metadata about a disconnected peer. *) fanout_ttl : 'span; (** [fanout_ttl] controls how long we keep track of a fanout topic. If it's been [fanout_ttl] since we've published to a topic that we're not subscribed to, then we don't track that topic anymore, that is, we delete it from the fanout map. *) heartbeat_interval : 'span; (** The time between heartbeats. *) backoff_cleanup_ticks : int; (** The number of heartbeat ticks setting the frequency at which the backoffs are checked and potentially cleared. *) score_cleanup_ticks : int; (** [score_cleanup_ticks] is the number of heartbeat ticks setting the frequency at which the scores are refreshed and potentially cleared. *) degree_low : int; (** The lower bound on the number of peers we keep in a topic mesh. If we have fewer than [degree_low] peers, the heartbeat will attempt to graft some more into the mesh at the next heartbeat. *) degree_high : int; (** The upper bound on the number of peers we keep in a topic mesh. If there are more than [degree_high] peers, the heartbeat will select some to prune from the mesh at the next heartbeat. *) degree_score : int; (** [degree_score] affects how peers are selected when pruning a mesh due to over subscription. At least [degree_score] of the retained peers will be high-scoring, while the remainder are chosen randomly. *) (* TODO: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/5052 [degree_score] must not exceed [degree_optimal - degree_out]. *) degree_out : int; (** The number of outbound connections to maintain in a topic mesh. When the mesh is pruned due to over subscription, we make sure that we have outbound connections to at least [degree_out] of the survivor peers. This prevents Sybil attackers from overwhelming our mesh with incoming connections. [degree_out] must be set below {!degree_low}, and must not exceed [degree_optimal / 2]. *) degree_lazy : int; (** [degree_lazy] affects how many peers the local peer will emit gossip to at each heartbeat. The local peer will send gossip to at least [degree_lazy] peers outside its mesh or fanout. The actual number may be more, depending on [gossip_factor] and how many peers the local peer is connected to. *) gossip_factor : float; (** [gossip_factor] affects how many peers the local peer will emit gossip to at each heartbeat. The local peer will send gossip to [gossip_factor] * (total number of non-mesh/non-fanout peers), or [degree_lazy] peers, whichever is greater. *) history_length : int; (** The size of the message cache used for gossip. The message cache will remember messages for [history_length] heartbeats. *) history_gossip_length : int; (** [history_gossip_length] controls how many cached message ids the local peer will advertise in IHave gossip messages. When asked for its seen message ids, the local peer will return only those from the most recent [history_gossip_length] heartbeats. The slack between [history_gossip_length] and [history_length] allows the local peer to avoid advertising messages that will be expired by the time they're requested. [history_gossip_length] must be less than or equal to [history_length]. *) opportunistic_graft_ticks : int64; (** The number of heartbeat ticks setting the frequency at which to attempt to improve the mesh with opportunistic grafting. Every [opportunistic_graft_ticks], if the median score of the mesh peers falls below the {!opportunistic_graft_threshold}, then the local peer will select some high-scoring mesh peers to graft. *) opportunistic_graft_peers : int; (** The number of peers to opportunistically graft. *) opportunistic_graft_threshold : float; (** The median mesh score threshold before triggering opportunistic grafting; this should have a small positive value. *) score_limits : ('topic, 'span) score_limits; (** score-specific parameters. *) seen_history_length : int; (** [seen_history_length] controls the size of the message cache used for recording seen messages. The seen messages cache will remember messages for [seen_history_length] heartbeats. *) } type ('peer, 'message_id) parameters = { peer_filter : 'peer -> [`IHave of 'message_id | `IWant of 'message_id | `Graft] -> bool; } (** The [SCORE] module type describes primitives used to update the scores associated to each peer. Score computation is described in more details in {{: https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/master/pubsub/gossipsub/gossipsub-v1.1.md#peer-scoring }the specification}. The score associated to a peer is a weighted sum of various counters, some of which are indexed by topics. Each captures a certain aspect of what a well-behaving peer should do. A short description follows, keeping the naming P1, P2, ... used in the specification. - P1: For each topic, we measure how long a peer has spent in the mesh for that topic. The longest, the better. - P2: For each topic, we measure how many times the peer was the first among all peers to send us a message on that topic. - P3: For each topic, we measure the number of message deliveries. If the number is below a threshold, we penalize the associated peer. - P3b: Trigger P3 computation when the peer gets pruned or removed, so as to not forget yet unaccounted for bad message delivery counts. - P4: For each topic, penalize peers sending invalid messages on that topic. - P5: The applicative layer can assign an arbitrary application-specific score to a peer. - P7: When a peer is pruned from the mesh for a topic, we install a backoff that prevents that peer from regrafting too soon. If the peer does not respect this backoff, it is penalized. *) module type SCORE = sig (** The type of peer scoring statistics. *) type t type value type span type time type topic (** [newly_connected params] creates a fresh statistics record. *) val newly_connected : (topic, span) score_limits -> t (** [value ps] evaluates the score of [ps]. *) val value : t -> value (** [penalty ps penalty] increments the behavioural penalty of [ps]. *) val penalty : t -> int -> t (** [set_connected ps] marks [ps] as being associated to a connected peer. *) val set_connected : t -> t (** [remove_peer ps ~retain_duration] will either return [None] if the peer statistics can be cleared, or [Some ps'] with [ps'] some statistics to be retained for at least [retain_duration]. *) val remove_peer : t -> retain_duration:span -> t option (** [expires ps] returns [None] if the score statistics has no expiration time or [Some t] if it expires at time [t]. *) val expires : t -> time option (** [graft ps topic] allows to measure the time spent by the peer in the mesh. It is to be called upon grafting a peer to [topic]. *) val graft : t -> topic -> t (** [prune ps topic] allows to measure the time spent by the peer in the mesh. It is to be called upon pruning a peer from [topic]. *) val prune : t -> topic -> t (** [first_message_delivered ps topic] increments the counter related to first message deliveries and mesh message deliveries on [topic] by the associated peer. *) val first_message_delivered : t -> topic -> t (** [duplicate_message_delivered ps topic validated] increments the counter related to near-first mesh message deliveries on [topic] by the associated peer. [validated] is the time at which the message was seen by the automaton for the first time. *) val duplicate_message_delivered : t -> topic -> time -> t (** [invalid_message_delivered ps topic] increments the counter related to invalid messages sent by the associated peer. *) val invalid_message_delivered : t -> topic -> t (** [set_application_score ps score] sets the application-specific score. This score can be positive or negative. *) val set_application_score : t -> float -> t (** [refresh ps] returns [Some ps'] with [ps'] a refreshed score record or [None] if the score expired. Refreshing a [ps] allows to update time-dependent spects of the scoring statistics. *) val refresh : t -> t option (** The zero score value, corresponding to a neutral score. *) val zero : value (** Convert a float into a score value. *) val of_float : float -> value include Compare.S with type t := value include PRINTABLE with type t := t val pp_value : Format.formatter -> value -> unit module Internal_for_tests : sig val get_topic_params : ('topic, 'span) score_limits -> 'topic -> 'span per_topic_score_limits (** Convert a score value into a float. *) val to_float : value -> float (** [is_active topic t] returns [true] if the peer's score for [topic] is marked as active, and [false] otherwise. *) val is_active : topic -> t -> bool end end module type MESSAGE_CACHE = sig module Peer : ITERABLE module Topic : ITERABLE module Message_id : ITERABLE module Message : PRINTABLE module Time : TIME (** A sliding window cache that stores published messages and their first seen time. The module also keeps track of the number of accesses to a message by a peer, thus indirectly tracking the number of IWant requests a peer makes for the same message between two heartbeats. The module assumes that no two different messages have the same message id. However, the cache stores duplicates; for instance, if [add_message id msg topic] is called exactly twice, then [msg] will appear twice in [get_message_ids_to_gossip]'s result (assuming not more than [gossip_slots] shifts have been executed in the meanwhile). *) type t (** [create ~history_slots ~gossip_slots ~seen_message_slots] creates two sliding window caches, one with length [history_slots] for storing message contents and another with length [seen_message] for storing seen messages and their first seen times. When queried for messages to advertise, the cache only returns messages in the last [gossip_slots]. The [gossip_slots] must be smaller or equal to [history_slots]. The slack between [gossip_slots] and [history_slots] accounts for the reaction time between when a message is advertised via IHave gossip, and when the peer pulls it via an IWant command. To see this, if say [gossip_slot = history_slots] then the messages inserted in cache [history_slots] heartbeat ticks ago and advertised now will not be available after the next tick, because they are removed from the cache. This means IWant requests from the remote peer for such messages would be unfulfilled and potentially penalizing. @raise Assert_failure when [gossip_slots <= 0 || gossip_slots > history_slots] TODO: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/5129 Error handling. *) val create : history_slots:int -> gossip_slots:int -> seen_message_slots:int -> t (** Add message to the most recent cache slot. If the message already exists in the cache, the message is not overridden, instead a duplicate message id is stored (the message itself is only stored once). *) val add_message : Message_id.t -> Message.t -> Topic.t -> t -> t (** Get the message associated to the given message id, increase the access counter for the peer requesting the message, and also returns the updated counter. *) val get_message_for_peer : Peer.t -> Message_id.t -> t -> (t * Message.t * int) option (** Get the message ids for the given topic in the last [gossip_slots] slots of the cache. If there were duplicates added in the cache, then there will be duplicates in the output. There is no guarantee about the order of messages in the output. *) val get_message_ids_to_gossip : Topic.t -> t -> Message_id.t list (** [get_first_seen_time message_id t] returns the time the message with [message_id] was first seen. Returns [None] if the message was not seen during the period covered by the sliding window. *) val get_first_seen_time : Message_id.t -> t -> Time.t option (** [seen_message message_id t] returns [true] if the message was seen during the period covered by the sliding window and returns [false] if otherwise. *) val seen_message : Message_id.t -> t -> bool (** Shift the sliding window by one slot (usually corresponding to one heartbeat tick). *) val shift : t -> t module Internal_for_tests : sig val get_access_counters : t -> (Message_id.t * int Peer.Map.t) Seq.t end end module type AUTOMATON = sig (** Module for peer *) module Peer : ITERABLE (** Module for topic *) module Topic : ITERABLE (** Module for message_id *) module Message_id : sig include ITERABLE (** Computes the topic of the given message id. *) val get_topic : t -> Topic.t end (** Module for message *) module Message : PRINTABLE (** Module for time *) module Time : PRINTABLE (** Module for time duration *) module Span : SPAN (** Module for peers scores *) module Score : SCORE with type time = Time.t and type topic = Topic.t type message = Message.t type span = Span.t (** The state managed by the gossipsub automaton. The state is purely functional. *) type state (** Limits of the gossipsub protocol. *) type limits := (Topic.t, Peer.t, Message_id.t, span) limits (** Parameters of the gossipsub protocol. *) type parameters := (Peer.t, Message_id.t) parameters (** The types of payloads for inputs to the gossipsub automaton. *) type add_peer = {direct : bool; outbound : bool; peer : Peer.t} type remove_peer = {peer : Peer.t} type ihave = {peer : Peer.t; topic : Topic.t; message_ids : Message_id.t list} type iwant = {peer : Peer.t; message_ids : Message_id.t list} type graft = {peer : Peer.t; topic : Topic.t} type prune = { peer : Peer.t; topic : Topic.t; px : Peer.t Seq.t; backoff : span; } type publish_message = { topic : Topic.t; message_id : Message_id.t; message : message; } type receive_message = { sender : Peer.t; topic : Topic.t; message_id : Message_id.t; message : message; } type join = {topic : Topic.t} type leave = {topic : Topic.t} type subscribe = {topic : Topic.t; peer : Peer.t} type unsubscribe = {topic : Topic.t; peer : Peer.t} type set_application_score = {peer : Peer.t; score : float} (** Output produced by one of the actions below. *) type _ output = | Ihave_from_peer_with_low_score : { score : Score.t; threshold : float; } -> [`IHave] output (** The peer who sent an IHave message has a [score] below [threshold]. *) | Too_many_recv_ihave_messages : {count : int; max : int} -> [`IHave] output (** The peer sent us more than [max] IHave messages within two successive heartbeat calls. *) | Too_many_sent_iwant_messages : {count : int; max : int} -> [`IHave] output (** We sent more than [max] IWant messages to this peer within two successive heartbeat calls. *) | Message_topic_not_tracked : [`IHave] output (** We received an IHave message for a topic we don't track. *) | Message_requested_message_ids : Message_id.t list -> [`IHave] output (** The messages ids we want to request from the peer which sent us an IHave message. The implementation honors the [max_sent_iwant_per_heartbeat] limit. *) | Iwant_from_peer_with_low_score : { score : Score.t; threshold : float; } -> [`IWant] output (** The peer who sent an IWant message has a [score] below [threshold]. *) | On_iwant_messages_to_route : { routed_message_ids : [`Ignored | `Not_found | `Too_many_requests | `Message of message] Message_id.Map.t; } -> [`IWant] output (** As an answer for an [`IWant] message, the automaton returns a map associating to each requested message_id either [`Ignored] if the peer is filtered out by [peer_filter], [`Not_found] if the message is not found, or [Message m] if [m] is the message with the given id. *) | Peer_filtered : [`Graft] output (** The peer we attempt to graft has not been selected by [peer_filter]. *) | Unsubscribed_topic : [`Graft] output (** We didn't join the topic for which we are attempting to graft a peer. *) | Peer_already_in_mesh : [`Graft] output (** Attempting to graft a peer which has already been grafted. *) | Grafting_direct_peer : [`Graft] output (** Attempting to graft a direct peer. *) | Unexpected_grafting_peer : [`Graft] output (** The peer we attempt to graft is not known. *) | Grafting_peer_with_negative_score : [`Graft] output (** Attempting to graft a peer with a negative score. *) | Grafting_successfully : [`Graft] output (** Grafting the given peer for the provided topic succeeded. *) | Peer_backed_off : [`Graft] output (** We cannot graft the given peer because it is backed off. *) | Mesh_full : [`Graft] output (** Grafting a peer for a topic whose mesh has already sufficiently many peers. *) | Prune_topic_not_tracked : [`Prune] output (** Attempting to prune a peer for a non-tracked topic. *) | Peer_not_in_mesh : [`Prune] output (** Attempting to prune a peer which is not in the mesh. *) | Ignore_PX_score_too_low : Score.t -> [`Prune] output (** The given peer has been pruned for the given topic, but no alternative peers are returned because the peer's score is too low. The score of the peer is included in the return value. *) | No_PX : [`Prune] output (** The given peer has been pruned for the given topic. No alternatives peers was provided in {!prune}. *) | PX : Peer.Set.t -> [`Prune] output (** The given peer has been pruned for the given topic. The given set of peers alternatives in {!prune} for that topic is returned. *) | Publish_message : {to_publish : Peer.Set.t} -> [`Publish_message] output (** [to_publish] contains: - Direct peers for the message's topic; - The peers in the topic's mesh, if the peer is subscribed to the topic. Otherwise, the peers in the topic's fanout. *) | Already_published : [`Publish_message] output (** Attempting to publish a message that has already been published. *) | Route_message : {to_route : Peer.Set.t} -> [`Receive_message] output (** [to_route] contains: - Direct peers for the message's topic; - The peers in the topic's mesh minus the original sender of the message. *) | Already_received : [`Receive_message] output (** Received a message that has already been recevied before. *) | Not_subscribed : [`Receive_message] output (** Received a message from a remote peer for a topic we are not subscribed to (called "unknown topic" in the Go implementation). *) | Invalid_message : [`Receive_message] output | Unknown_validity : [`Receive_message] output (** Attempting to publish a message that is invalid. *) | Already_joined : [`Join] output (** Attempting to join a topic we already joined. *) | Joining_topic : {to_graft : Peer.Set.t} -> [`Join] output (** When successfully joining a topic, the set of grafted peers for that topic is returned. *) | Not_joined : [`Leave] output (** Attempting to leave a topic which we didn't join or had already left. *) | Leaving_topic : { to_prune : Peer.Set.t; noPX_peers : Peer.Set.t; } -> [`Leave] output (** When successfully leaving a topic, the set of pruned peers for that topic is returned alongside a subset of those peers for which no alternative PX will be proposed. *) | Heartbeat : { to_graft : Topic.Set.t Peer.Map.t; (** The set of topics per peer that have been grafted. *) to_prune : Topic.Set.t Peer.Map.t; (** The set of topics per peer that have been pruned. *) noPX_peers : Peer.Set.t; (** Set of peers for which peer exchange (PX) will not be proposed. *) } -> [`Heartbeat] output | Peer_added : [`Add_peer] output (** The output returned when successfully adding a peer. *) | Peer_already_known : [`Add_peer] output (** The output returned when attempting to add a peer which is already known. *) | Removing_peer : [`Remove_peer] output (** The output returned when successfully removing a peer. *) | Subscribed : [`Subscribe] output (** The output returned once we successfully processed a subscribe request sent from a peer. *) | Subscribe_to_unknown_peer : [`Subscribe] output (** The output returned when we receive a subscribe message from a peer we don't know.*) | Unsubscribed : [`Unsubscribe] output (** The output returned once we successfully processed an unsubscribe request sent from a peer. *) | Unsubscribe_from_unknown_peer : [`Unsubscribe] output (** The output returned when we receive an unsubscribe message from a peer we don't know.*) | Set_application_score : [`Set_application_score] output (** The output returned when we set the application score of a peer *) (** A type alias for the state monad. *) type 'a monad := state -> state * 'a output (** Initialise a state. *) val make : Random.State.t -> limits -> parameters -> state (** [add_peer { direct; outbound; peer }] is called to notify a new connection. If [direct] is [true], the gossipsub always forwards messages to those peers. [outbound] is [true] if it is an outbound connection, that is, a connection initiated by the local (not the remote) peer. Note however that the notion of "outbound" connections can be refined, relaxed or redefined by the application layer to fit its own needs. *) val add_peer : add_peer -> [`Add_peer] monad (** [remove_peer { peer }] notifies gossipsub that we are disconnected from a peer. Do note that the [state] still maintain information for this connection for [retain_duration] seconds. *) val remove_peer : remove_peer -> [`Remove_peer] monad (** [handle_subscribe {topic; peer}] handles a request from a remote [peer] informing us that it is subscribed to [topic]. *) val handle_subscribe : subscribe -> [`Subscribe] monad (** [handle_unsubscribe {topic; peer}] handles a request from a remote [peer] informing us that it unsubscribed from [topic]. *) val handle_unsubscribe : unsubscribe -> [`Unsubscribe] monad (** [handle_ihave { peer; topic; message_ids }] handles the gossip message [IHave] emitted by [peer] for [topic] with the [message_ids]. *) val handle_ihave : ihave -> [`IHave] monad (** [handle_iwant { peer; message_ids }] handles the gossip message [IWant] emitted by [peer] for [topic] with the [message_ids]. *) val handle_iwant : iwant -> [`IWant] monad (** [handle_graft { peer; topic }] handles the gossip message [Graft] emitted by [peer] for [topic]. This action allows to graft a connection to a full connection allowing the transmission of full messages for the given topic. *) val handle_graft : graft -> [`Graft] monad (** [handle_prune { peer; topic; px; backoff }] handles the gossip message [Prune] emitted by [peer] for [topic]. This action allows to prune a full connection. In that case, the remote peer can send a list of peers to connect to as well as a backoff time, which is a duration for which we cannot [Graft] this peer on this topic. *) val handle_prune : prune -> [`Prune] monad (** [handle_receive_message { sender; topic; message_id; message }] handles a message received from [sender] on the gossip network. The function returns a set of peers to which the (full) message will be directly forwarded. *) val handle_receive_message : receive_message -> [`Receive_message] monad (** [publish { topic; message_id; message }] allows to publish a message on the gossip network from the local node. The function returns a set of peers to which the (full) message will be directly forwarded. *) val publish_message : publish_message -> [`Publish_message] monad (** [heartbeat] executes the heartbeat routine of the algorithm. *) val heartbeat : [`Heartbeat] monad (** [join { topic }] handles a join to a new topic. On success, the function returns the set of peers that have been grafted to form the mesh of the joined topic. *) val join : join -> [`Join] monad (** [leave { topic }] handles a leave from a topic. On success, the function returns the set of peers, forming the mesh, that have been pruned for that topic. *) val leave : leave -> [`Leave] monad (** [set_application_score {peer; score}] handles setting the application score of [peer]. If the peer is not known, this does nothing. *) val set_application_score : set_application_score -> [`Set_application_score] monad (* TODO: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/5352 Handle the random state explicitly for [select_px_peers] and [select_gossip_messages]. *) (** Select random peers for Peer eXchange. Note that function is deterministic; however, it has side effects in that it updates the [state]'s random state. *) val select_px_peers : state -> peer_to_prune:Peer.t -> Topic.t -> noPX_peers:Peer.Set.t -> Peer.t list (** Select the gossip messages to be sent. These are IHave control messages referring to recently seen messages (that is, sent during the last [history_gossip_length] heartbeat ticks), to be sent to a random selection of peers. The message ids for a peer and a topic are also selected at random among the possible ones. At most [max_sent_iwant_per_heartbeat] message ids are sent. The local peer will send gossip to at most [gossip_factor] * (total number of non-mesh/non-fanout peers), or [degree_lazy] random peers, whichever is greater. Note that function is deterministic; however, it has side effects in that it updates the [state]'s random state. *) val select_gossip_messages : state -> ihave list val pp_add_peer : Format.formatter -> add_peer -> unit val pp_remove_peer : Format.formatter -> remove_peer -> unit val pp_ihave : Format.formatter -> ihave -> unit val pp_iwant : Format.formatter -> iwant -> unit val pp_graft : Format.formatter -> graft -> unit val pp_prune : Format.formatter -> prune -> unit val pp_receive_message : Format.formatter -> receive_message -> unit val pp_publish_message : Format.formatter -> publish_message -> unit val pp_join : Format.formatter -> join -> unit val pp_leave : Format.formatter -> leave -> unit val pp_subscribe : Format.formatter -> subscribe -> unit val pp_unsubscribe : Format.formatter -> unsubscribe -> unit val pp_set_application_score : Format.formatter -> set_application_score -> unit val pp_output : Format.formatter -> 'a output -> unit module Introspection : sig type connection = {topics : Topic.Set.t; direct : bool; outbound : bool} type fanout_peers = {peers : Peer.Set.t; last_published_time : Time.t} module Connections : sig type t val empty : t val bindings : t -> (Peer.t * connection) list val find : Peer.t -> t -> connection option val mem : Peer.t -> t -> bool val add_peer : Peer.t -> direct:bool -> outbound:bool -> t -> [`added of t | `already_known] val subscribe : Peer.t -> Topic.t -> t -> [`unknown_peer | `subscribed of t] val unsubscribe : Peer.t -> Topic.t -> t -> [`unknown_peer | `unsubscribed of t] val remove : Peer.t -> t -> t val fold : (Peer.t -> connection -> 'b -> 'b) -> t -> 'b -> 'b val iter : (Peer.t -> connection -> unit) -> t -> unit val peers_in_topic : Topic.t -> t -> Peer.Set.t end module Message_cache : sig type t val get_message_for_peer : Peer.t -> Message_id.t -> t -> (t * Message.t * int) option val seen_message : Message_id.t -> t -> bool module Internal_for_tests : sig val get_access_counters : t -> (Message_id.t * int Peer.Map.t) Seq.t end end type view = { limits : limits; parameters : parameters; connections : Connections.t; scores : Score.t Peer.Map.t; ihave_per_heartbeat : int Peer.Map.t; iwant_per_heartbeat : int Peer.Map.t; mesh : Peer.Set.t Topic.Map.t; fanout : fanout_peers Topic.Map.t; backoff : Time.t Peer.Map.t Topic.Map.t; message_cache : Message_cache.t; rng : Random.State.t; heartbeat_ticks : int64; } (** When selecting a set of connected peers, one can specify some criteria to filter the result. *) type connected_peers_filter = | Direct | Subscribed_to of Topic.t | Score_above of {threshold : Score.value} val view : state -> view (** [get_peers_in_topic_mesh topic state] returns the peers in the mesh of [topic]. *) val get_peers_in_topic_mesh : Topic.t -> view -> Peer.t list (** [get_connected_peers ?filters view] returns the list of connected peers filtered by the given criteria. *) val get_connected_peers : ?filters:connected_peers_filter list -> view -> Peer.t list (** [get_our_topics state] returns the set of topics the local peer is subscribed to. *) val get_our_topics : view -> Topic.t list (** [get_subscribed_topics peer state] returns the set of topics that are subscribed by [peer] *) val get_subscribed_topics : Peer.t -> view -> Topic.t list (** [get_fanout_peers topic state] returns the fanout peers of [topic]. *) val get_fanout_peers : Topic.t -> view -> Peer.t list (** [get_peer_score peer view] returns the score of [peer]. *) val get_peer_score : Peer.t -> view -> Score.value (** [get_peer_ihave_per_heartbeat peer view] returns the number of IHaves received from [peer] since the last heartbeat. *) val get_peer_ihave_per_heartbeat : Peer.t -> view -> int (** [get_peer_iwant_per_heartbeat peer view] returns the number of IWants sent to [peer] since the last heartbeat. *) val get_peer_iwant_per_heartbeat : Peer.t -> view -> int (** [get_peer_backoff topic peer view] returns the backoff time of [peer] for [topic]. Returns [None] if the peer is not backoffed for [topic]. *) val get_peer_backoff : Topic.t -> Peer.t -> view -> Time.t option val limits : view -> limits (** [has_joined topic view] returns true if and only if the automaton is currently tracking messages for [topic]. That is, the local peer has joined and hasn't left the [topic]. *) val has_joined : Topic.t -> view -> bool (** [in_mesh peer topic view] returns true if and only if [peer] is in the mesh of [topic]. *) val in_mesh : Topic.t -> Peer.t -> view -> bool (** [is_direct peer view] returns true if and only if [peer] is a direct peer. *) val is_direct : Peer.t -> view -> bool (** [is_outbound peer view] returns true if and only if [peer] has an outbound connection. *) val is_outbound : Peer.t -> view -> bool val pp_connection : connection Fmt.t val pp_connections : Connections.t Fmt.t val pp_scores : Score.value Peer.Map.t Fmt.t val pp_peer_map : 'a Fmt.t -> 'a Peer.Map.t Fmt.t val pp_message_id_map : 'a Fmt.t -> 'a Message_id.Map.t Fmt.t val pp_topic_map : 'a Fmt.t -> 'a Topic.Map.t Fmt.t val pp_peer_set : Peer.Set.t Fmt.t val pp_topic_set : Topic.Set.t Fmt.t end end module type WORKER_CONFIGURATION = sig (** The gossipsub automaton that will be used by the worker. *) module GS : AUTOMATON (** Abstraction of the IO monad used by the worker. *) module Monad : sig (** The monad type. *) type 'a t (** Equivalent to [bind m f] function, in infix notation. *) val ( let* ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t (** The monad's return function. *) val return : 'a -> 'a t (** [sleep span] will block for the amount of time specified by [span]. *) val sleep : GS.span -> unit t end (** A mutable (FIFO) stream of data. *) module Stream : sig (** The stream data structure. *) type 'a t (** Create a new empty stream. *) val empty : unit -> 'a t (** Push the given value into the stream. *) val push : 'a -> 'a t -> unit (** Pops the oldest value that has been pushed to the stream. In case the stream is empty, the function will wait until some value is pushed. *) val pop : 'a t -> 'a Monad.t (** Returns and removes all available elements of the stream l without blocking. *) val get_available : 'a t -> 'a list end end (** The interface of a gossipsub worker. *) module type WORKER = sig (** The state of a gossipsub worker. *) type t (** We (re-)export the GS, Monad and Stream modules. *) include WORKER_CONFIGURATION (** A message together with a header, that is, a topic and an id. This corresponds to what the spec calls a "full message". *) type message_with_header = { message : GS.Message.t; topic : GS.Topic.t; message_id : GS.Message_id.t; } (** The following type defines the different kinds of messages a peer could receive from or sent to the P2P layer. *) type p2p_message = | Graft of {topic : GS.Topic.t} | Prune of {topic : GS.Topic.t; px : GS.Peer.t Seq.t; backoff : GS.Span.t} | IHave of {topic : GS.Topic.t; message_ids : GS.Message_id.t list} | IWant of {message_ids : GS.Message_id.t list} | Subscribe of {topic : GS.Topic.t} | Unsubscribe of {topic : GS.Topic.t} | Message_with_header of message_with_header (** The different kinds of input events that could be received from the P2P layer. *) type p2p_input = | In_message of {from_peer : GS.Peer.t; p2p_message : p2p_message} | New_connection of {peer : GS.Peer.t; direct : bool; outbound : bool} | Disconnection of {peer : GS.Peer.t} (** The different kinds of input events that could be received from the application layer. *) type app_input = | Publish_message of message_with_header | Join of GS.Topic.t | Leave of GS.Topic.t (** The different kinds of outputs that could be emitted by the worker for the P2P layer. *) type p2p_output = | Out_message of {to_peer : GS.Peer.t; p2p_message : p2p_message} (** Emit the given [p2p_message] to the remote peer [to_peer]. *) | Disconnect of {peer : GS.Peer.t} (** End the connection with the peer [peer]. *) | Kick of {peer : GS.Peer.t} (** Kick the peer [peer]: the peer is disconnected and blacklisted.*) | Connect of {px : GS.Peer.t; origin : GS.Peer.t} (** Inform the p2p_output messages processor that we want to connect to the peer [px] advertised by some other peer [origin]. *) | Forget of {px : GS.Peer.t; origin : GS.Peer.t} (** Inform the p2p_output messages processor that we don't want to connect to the peer [px] advertised by some other peer [origin]. *) (** The application layer will be advertised about full messages it's interested in. *) type app_output = message_with_header (** The different kinds of events the Gossipsub worker handles. *) type event = private | Heartbeat | P2P_input of p2p_input | App_input of app_input (** [make ~events_logging rng limits parameters] initializes a new Gossipsub automaton with the given arguments. Then, it initializes and returns a worker for it. The [events_logging] function can be used to define a handler for logging the worker's events. *) val make : ?events_logging:(event -> unit Monad.t) -> Random.State.t -> (GS.Topic.t, GS.Peer.t, GS.Message_id.t, GS.span) limits -> (GS.Peer.t, GS.Message_id.t) parameters -> t (** [start topics state] runs the (not already started) worker whose [state] is given together with the initial list of [topics] the caller is interested in. *) val start : GS.Topic.t list -> t -> t (** [shutdown state] allows stopping the worker whose [state] is given. *) val shutdown : t -> unit Monad.t (** [app_input state app_input] adds the given application input [app_input] to the worker's input stream. *) val app_input : t -> app_input -> unit (** [p2p_input state p2p_input] adds the given P2P input [p2p_input] to the worker's input stream. *) val p2p_input : t -> p2p_input -> unit (** [p2p_output_stream t] returns the output stream containing data for the P2P layer. *) val p2p_output_stream : t -> p2p_output Stream.t (** [app_output_stream t] returns the output stream containing data for the application layer. *) val app_output_stream : t -> app_output Stream.t (** [is_subscribed t topic] checks whether [topic] is in the mesh of [t]. *) val is_subscribed : t -> GS.Topic.t -> bool (** Pretty-printer for values of type {!p2p_output}. *) val pp_p2p_output : Format.formatter -> p2p_output -> unit (** Pretty-printer for values of type {!app_output}. *) val pp_app_output : Format.formatter -> app_output -> unit end