/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include #include "element_definitions.h" #include "global_defs.h" #include "drive_solvers.h" double global_vdot(); double vnorm_nonnewt(); /************************************************************/ void general_stokes_solver_setup(struct All_variables *E) { int i, m; void construct_node_maps(); if (E->control.NMULTIGRID || E->control.NASSEMBLE) construct_node_maps(E); else for (i=E->mesh.gridmin;i<=E->mesh.gridmax;i++) for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) E->elt_k[i][m]=(struct EK *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEL[i]+1)*sizeof(struct EK)); return; } void general_stokes_solver(struct All_variables *E) { void solve_constrained_flow_iterative(); void construct_stiffness_B_matrix(); void velocities_conform_bcs(); void assemble_forces(); void sphere_harmonics_layer(); void get_system_viscosity(); void remove_rigid_rot(); float vmag; double Udot_mag, dUdot_mag,omega[3]; int m,count,i,j,k; double *oldU[NCS], *delta_U[NCS]; const int nno = E->lmesh.nno; const int nel = E->lmesh.nel; const int nnov = E->lmesh.nnov; const int neq = E->lmesh.neq; const int vpts = vpoints[E->mesh.nsd]; const int dims = E->mesh.nsd; const int addi_dof = additional_dof[dims]; velocities_conform_bcs(E,E->U); assemble_forces(E,0); if(E->monitor.solution_cycles==0 || E->viscosity.update_allowed) { get_system_viscosity(E,1,E->EVI[E->mesh.levmax],E->VI[E->mesh.levmax]); construct_stiffness_B_matrix(E); } solve_constrained_flow_iterative(E); if (E->viscosity.SDEPV || E->viscosity.PDEPV) { for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { delta_U[m] = (double *)malloc(neq*sizeof(double)); oldU[m] = (double *)malloc(neq*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;isphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for (i=0;iU[m][i] - oldU[m][i]; oldU[m][i] = E->U[m][i]; } Udot_mag = sqrt(global_vdot(E,oldU,oldU,E->mesh.levmax)); dUdot_mag = vnorm_nonnewt(E,delta_U,oldU,E->mesh.levmax); if(E->parallel.me==0){ fprintf(stderr,"Stress dep. visc./plast.: DUdot = %.4e (%.4e) for iteration %d\n", dUdot_mag,Udot_mag,count); fprintf(E->fp,"Stress dep. visc./plast.: DUdot = %.4e (%.4e) for iteration %d\n", dUdot_mag,Udot_mag,count); fflush(E->fp); } if ((count>50) || (dUdot_mag < E->viscosity.sdepv_misfit)) break; get_system_viscosity(E,1,E->EVI[E->mesh.levmax],E->VI[E->mesh.levmax]); construct_stiffness_B_matrix(E); solve_constrained_flow_iterative(E); count++; } /*end while*/ for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { free((void *) oldU[m]); free((void *) delta_U[m]); } } /*end if SDEPV or PDEPV */ /* remove the rigid rotation component from the velocity solution */ if(E->sphere.caps == 12 && E->control.remove_rigid_rotation) { remove_rigid_rot(E); } return; } void general_stokes_solver_pseudo_surf(struct All_variables *E) { void solve_constrained_flow_iterative_pseudo_surf(); void construct_stiffness_B_matrix(); void velocities_conform_bcs(); void assemble_forces_pseudo_surf(); void get_system_viscosity(); void std_timestep(); void remove_rigid_rot(); void get_STD_freesurf(struct All_variables *, float**); float vmag; double Udot_mag, dUdot_mag; int m,count,i,j,k,topo_loop; double *oldU[NCS], *delta_U[NCS]; const int nno = E->lmesh.nno; const int nel = E->lmesh.nel; const int nnov = E->lmesh.nnov; const int neq = E->lmesh.neq; const int vpts = vpoints[E->mesh.nsd]; const int dims = E->mesh.nsd; const int addi_dof = additional_dof[dims]; velocities_conform_bcs(E,E->U); E->monitor.stop_topo_loop = 0; E->monitor.topo_loop = 0; if(E->monitor.solution_cycles==0) std_timestep(E); while(E->monitor.stop_topo_loop == 0) { assemble_forces_pseudo_surf(E,0); if(E->monitor.solution_cycles==0 || E->viscosity.update_allowed) { get_system_viscosity(E,1,E->EVI[E->mesh.levmax],E->VI[E->mesh.levmax]); construct_stiffness_B_matrix(E); } solve_constrained_flow_iterative_pseudo_surf(E); if (E->viscosity.SDEPV || E->viscosity.PDEPV) { for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { delta_U[m] = (double *)malloc(neq*sizeof(double)); oldU[m] = (double *)malloc(neq*sizeof(double)); for(i=0;isphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for (i=0;iU[m][i] - oldU[m][i]; oldU[m][i] = E->U[m][i]; } Udot_mag = sqrt(global_vdot(E,oldU,oldU,E->mesh.levmax)); dUdot_mag = vnorm_nonnewt(E,delta_U,oldU,E->mesh.levmax); if(E->parallel.me==0){ fprintf(stderr,"Stress dependent viscosity: DUdot = %.4e (%.4e) for iteration %d\n",dUdot_mag,Udot_mag,count); fprintf(E->fp,"Stress dependent viscosity: DUdot = %.4e (%.4e) for iteration %d\n",dUdot_mag,Udot_mag,count); fflush(E->fp); } if (count>50 || dUdot_magviscosity.sdepv_misfit) break; get_system_viscosity(E,1,E->EVI[E->mesh.levmax],E->VI[E->mesh.levmax]); construct_stiffness_B_matrix(E); solve_constrained_flow_iterative_pseudo_surf(E); count++; } /*end while */ for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { free((void *) oldU[m]); free((void *) delta_U[m]); } } /*end if SDEPV or PDEPV */ E->monitor.topo_loop++; } /* remove the rigid rotation component from the velocity solution */ if(E->sphere.caps == 12 && E->control.remove_rigid_rotation) remove_rigid_rot(E); get_STD_freesurf(E,E->slice.freesurf); return; }