/* * Output_h5.c by Luis Armendariz and Eh Tan. * Copyright (C) 1994-2006, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Routines to write the output of the finite element cycles * into an HDF5 file, using parallel I/O. */ #include #include #include "element_definitions.h" #include "global_defs.h" #include "parsing.h" #include "output_h5.h" #ifdef USE_HDF5 /**************************************************************************** * Structs for HDF5 output * ****************************************************************************/ enum field_class_t { SCALAR_FIELD = 0, VECTOR_FIELD = 1, TENSOR_FIELD = 2 }; struct field_t { /* field datatype (in file) */ hid_t dtype; /* field dataspace (in file) */ int rank; hsize_t *dims; hsize_t *maxdims; hsize_t *chunkdims; /* hyperslab selection parameters */ hsize_t *offset; hsize_t *stride; hsize_t *count; hsize_t *block; /* number of data points in buffer */ int n; float *data; }; /**************************************************************************** * Prototypes for functions local to this file. They are conditionally * * included only when the HDF5 library is available. * ****************************************************************************/ /* for open/close HDF5 file */ static void h5output_open(struct All_variables *, char *filename); static void h5output_close(struct All_variables *); static void h5output_const(struct All_variables *E); static void h5output_timedep(struct All_variables *E, int cycles); /* for creation of HDF5 objects (wrapped for compatibility with PyTables) */ static hid_t h5create_file(const char *filename, unsigned flags, hid_t fcpl_id, hid_t fapl_id); static hid_t h5create_group(hid_t loc_id, const char *name, size_t size_hint); static herr_t h5create_dataset(hid_t loc_id, const char *name, const char *title, hid_t type_id, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *maxdims, hsize_t *chunkdims); /* for creation of field and other dataset objects */ static herr_t h5allocate_field(struct All_variables *E, enum field_class_t field_class, int nsd, hid_t dtype, field_t **field); static herr_t h5create_field(hid_t loc_id, field_t *field, const char *name, const char *title); static herr_t h5create_connectivity(hid_t loc_id, int nel); /* for writing to datasets */ static herr_t h5write_dataset(hid_t dset_id, hid_t mem_type_id, const void *data, int rank, hsize_t *memdims, hsize_t *offset, hsize_t *stride, hsize_t *count, hsize_t *block, int collective, int dowrite); static herr_t h5write_field(hid_t dset_id, field_t *field, int collective, int dowrite); /* for releasing resources from field object */ static herr_t h5close_field(field_t **field); /* for writing to HDF5 attributes */ static herr_t find_attribute(hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name); herr_t set_attribute_string(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_data); herr_t set_attribute(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, const void *data); herr_t set_attribute_float(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, float x); herr_t set_attribute_double(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, double x); herr_t set_attribute_int(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, int n); herr_t set_attribute_long(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, long n); herr_t set_attribute_llong(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, long long n); herr_t set_attribute_array(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, size_t rank, hsize_t *dims, hid_t type_id, const void *data); herr_t set_attribute_vector(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t dim, hid_t type_id, const void *data); herr_t set_attribute_int_vector(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t dim, const int *data); herr_t set_attribute_float_vector(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t dim, const float *data); herr_t set_attribute_double_vector(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t dim, const double *data); /* constant data (only for first cycle) */ void h5output_meta(struct All_variables *); void h5output_coord(struct All_variables *); void h5output_surf_botm_coord(struct All_variables *); void h5output_have_coord(struct All_variables *); void h5output_material(struct All_variables *); void h5output_connectivity(struct All_variables *); /* time-varying data */ void h5output_velocity(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_temperature(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_viscosity(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_pressure(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_stress(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_tracer(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_surf_botm(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_geoid(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_horiz_avg(struct All_variables *, int); void h5output_time(struct All_variables *, int); #endif extern void parallel_process_termination(); extern void heat_flux(struct All_variables *); extern void get_STD_topo(struct All_variables *, float**, float**, float**, float**, int); extern void compute_geoid(struct All_variables *, float**, float**, float**, float**); /**************************************************************************** * Functions that allocate memory for HDF5 output * ****************************************************************************/ void h5output_allocate_memory(struct All_variables *E) { #ifdef USE_HDF5 /* * Field variables */ field_t *tensor3d; field_t *vector3d; field_t *vector2d; field_t *scalar3d; field_t *scalar2d; field_t *scalar1d; hid_t dtype; /* datatype for dataset creation */ int nprocx = E->parallel.nprocx; int nprocy = E->parallel.nprocy; int nprocz = E->parallel.nprocz; /* Determine current cap and remember it */ E->hdf5.cap = (E->parallel.me) / (nprocx * nprocy * nprocz); /******************************************************************** * Allocate field objects for use in dataset writes... * ********************************************************************/ tensor3d = NULL; vector3d = NULL; vector2d = NULL; scalar3d = NULL; scalar2d = NULL; scalar1d = NULL; /* store solutions as floats in .h5 file */ dtype = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT; h5allocate_field(E, TENSOR_FIELD, 3, dtype, &tensor3d); h5allocate_field(E, VECTOR_FIELD, 3, dtype, &vector3d); h5allocate_field(E, VECTOR_FIELD, 2, dtype, &vector2d); h5allocate_field(E, SCALAR_FIELD, 3, dtype, &scalar3d); h5allocate_field(E, SCALAR_FIELD, 2, dtype, &scalar2d); h5allocate_field(E, SCALAR_FIELD, 1, dtype, &scalar1d); /* allocate buffer */ if (E->output.stress == 1) E->hdf5.data = (float *)malloc((tensor3d->n) * sizeof(float)); else E->hdf5.data = (float *)malloc((vector3d->n) * sizeof(float)); /* reuse buffer */ tensor3d->data = E->hdf5.data; vector3d->data = E->hdf5.data; vector2d->data = E->hdf5.data; scalar3d->data = E->hdf5.data; scalar2d->data = E->hdf5.data; scalar1d->data = E->hdf5.data; E->hdf5.tensor3d = tensor3d; E->hdf5.vector3d = vector3d; E->hdf5.vector2d = vector2d; E->hdf5.scalar3d = scalar3d; E->hdf5.scalar2d = scalar2d; E->hdf5.scalar1d = scalar1d; #endif } /**************************************************************************** * Functions that control which data is saved to output file(s). * * These represent possible choices for (E->output) function pointer. * ****************************************************************************/ void h5output(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { #ifndef USE_HDF5 if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr, "h5output(): CitcomS was compiled without HDF5!\n"); MPI_Finalize(); exit(8); #else if (cycles == 0) { h5output_const(E); } h5output_timedep(E, cycles); #endif } /**************************************************************************** * Function to read input parameters for legacy CitcomS * ****************************************************************************/ void h5input_params(struct All_variables *E) { #ifdef USE_HDF5 int m = E->parallel.me; /* TODO: use non-optimized defaults to avoid unnecessary failures */ input_int("cb_block_size", &(E->output.cb_block_size), "1048576", m); input_int("cb_buffer_size", &(E->output.cb_buffer_size), "4194304", m); input_int("sieve_buf_size", &(E->output.sieve_buf_size), "1048576", m); input_int("output_alignment", &(E->output.alignment), "262144", m); input_int("output_alignment_threshold", &(E->output.alignment_threshold), "524288", m); input_int("cache_mdc_nelmts", &(E->output.cache_mdc_nelmts), "10330", m); input_int("cache_rdcc_nelmts", &(E->output.cache_rdcc_nelmts), "521", m); input_int("cache_rdcc_nbytes", &(E->output.cache_rdcc_nbytes), "1048576", m); #endif } #ifdef USE_HDF5 static void h5output_const(struct All_variables *E) { char filename[100]; /* determine filename */ snprintf(filename, (size_t)100, "%s.h5", E->control.data_file); h5output_open(E, filename); h5output_meta(E); h5output_coord(E); h5output_connectivity(E); /*h5output_material(E);*/ h5output_close(E); } static void h5output_timedep(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { char filename[100]; /* determine filename */ snprintf(filename, (size_t)100, "%s.%d.h5", E->control.data_file, cycles); h5output_open(E, filename); h5output_time(E, cycles); h5output_velocity(E, cycles); h5output_temperature(E, cycles); h5output_viscosity(E, cycles); h5output_surf_botm(E, cycles); /* output tracer location if using tracer */ if(E->control.tracer == 1) h5output_tracer(E, cycles); /* optional output below */ if(E->output.geoid == 1) h5output_geoid(E, cycles); if(E->output.stress == 1) h5output_stress(E, cycles); if(E->output.pressure == 1) h5output_pressure(E, cycles); if (E->output.horiz_avg == 1) h5output_horiz_avg(E, cycles); h5output_close(E); } /**************************************************************************** * Functions to initialize and finalize access to HDF5 output file. * * Responsible for creating all necessary groups, attributes, and arrays. * ****************************************************************************/ /* This function should open the HDF5 file */ static void h5output_open(struct All_variables *E, char *filename) { /* * MPI variables */ MPI_Comm comm = E->parallel.world; MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL; int ierr; char tmp[100]; /* * HDF5 variables */ hid_t file_id; /* HDF5 file identifier */ hid_t fcpl_id; /* file creation property list identifier */ hid_t fapl_id; /* file access property list identifier */ herr_t status; /******************************************************************** * Create HDF5 file using parallel I/O * ********************************************************************/ /* TODO: figure out if it's possible give HDF5 a size hint when * creating the file */ /* set up file creation property list with defaults */ fcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT; /* create an MPI_Info object to pass some tuning parameters * to the underlying MPI_File_open call */ ierr = MPI_Info_create(&info); ierr = MPI_Info_set(info, "access_style", "write_once"); ierr = MPI_Info_set(info, "collective_buffering", "true"); snprintf(tmp, (size_t)100, "%d", E->output.cb_block_size); ierr = MPI_Info_set(info, "cb_block_size", tmp); snprintf(tmp, (size_t)100, "%d", E->output.cb_buffer_size); ierr = MPI_Info_set(info, "cb_buffer_size", tmp); /* set up file access property list with parallel I/O access */ fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS); status = H5Pset_sieve_buf_size(fapl_id, (size_t)(E->output.sieve_buf_size)); status = H5Pset_alignment(fapl_id, (hsize_t)(E->output.alignment_threshold), (hsize_t)(E->output.alignment)); status = H5Pset_cache(fapl_id, E->output.cache_mdc_nelmts, (size_t)(E->output.cache_rdcc_nelmts), (size_t)(E->output.cache_rdcc_nbytes), 1.0); /* tell HDF5 to use MPI-IO */ status = H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl_id, comm, info); /* close mpi info object */ ierr = MPI_Info_free(&(info)); /* create a new file collectively and release property list identifier */ file_id = h5create_file(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id); status = H5Pclose(fapl_id); /* save the file identifier for later use */ E->hdf5.file_id = file_id; } /* Finalizing access to HDF5 objects. */ static void h5output_close(struct All_variables *E) { herr_t status; /* close file */ status = H5Fclose(E->hdf5.file_id); } /**************************************************************************** * The following functions are used to save specific physical quantities * * from CitcomS into HDF5 arrays. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * 3D Fields * ****************************************************************************/ void h5output_coord(struct All_variables *E) { hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int i, j, k; int n, nx, ny, nz; int m, mx, my, mz; field = E->hdf5.vector3d; nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; mx = field->block[1]; my = field->block[2]; mz = field->block[3]; /* prepare the data -- change citcom yxz order to xyz order */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = k + j*mz + i*mz*my; field->data[3*m+0] = E->sx[1][1][n+1]; field->data[3*m+1] = E->sx[1][2][n+1]; field->data[3*m+2] = E->sx[1][3][n+1]; } } } h5create_field(E->hdf5.file_id, field, "coord", "coordinates of nodes"); /* write to dataset */ dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/coord"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 1, 1); /* release resources */ status = H5Dclose(dataset); } void h5output_velocity(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int i, j, k; int n, nx, ny, nz; int m, mx, my, mz; field = E->hdf5.vector3d; nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; mx = field->block[1]; my = field->block[2]; mz = field->block[3]; /* prepare the data -- change citcom yxz order to xyz order */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = k + j*mz + i*mz*my; field->data[3*m+0] = E->sphere.cap[1].V[1][n+1]; field->data[3*m+1] = E->sphere.cap[1].V[2][n+1]; field->data[3*m+2] = E->sphere.cap[1].V[3][n+1]; } } } h5create_field(E->hdf5.file_id, field, "velocity", "velocity values on nodes"); /* write to dataset */ dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/velocity"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 1, 1); /* release resources */ status = H5Dclose(dataset); } void h5output_temperature(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int i, j, k; int n, nx, ny, nz; int m, mx, my, mz; field = E->hdf5.scalar3d; nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; mx = field->block[1]; my = field->block[2]; mz = field->block[3]; /* prepare the data -- change citcom yxz order to xyz order */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = k + j*mz + i*mz*my; field->data[m] = E->T[1][n+1]; } } } h5create_field(E->hdf5.file_id, field, "temperature", "temperature values on nodes"); /* write to dataset */ dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/temperature"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 1, 1); /* release resources */ status = H5Dclose(dataset); } void h5output_viscosity(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int lev; int i, j, k; int n, nx, ny, nz; int m, mx, my, mz; field = E->hdf5.scalar3d; lev = E->mesh.levmax; nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; mx = field->block[1]; my = field->block[2]; mz = field->block[3]; /* prepare the data -- change citcom yxz order to xyz order */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = k + j*mz + i*mz*my; field->data[m] = E->VI[lev][1][n+1]; } } } h5create_field(E->hdf5.file_id, field, "viscosity", "viscosity values on nodes"); /* write to dataset */ dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/viscosity"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 1, 1); /* release resources */ status = H5Dclose(dataset); } void h5output_pressure(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int i, j, k; int n, nx, ny, nz; int m, mx, my, mz; field = E->hdf5.scalar3d; nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; mx = field->block[1]; my = field->block[2]; mz = field->block[3]; /* prepare the data -- change citcom yxz order to xyz order */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = k + j*mz + i*mz*my; field->data[m] = E->NP[1][n+1]; } } } /* Create /pressure dataset */ h5create_field(E->hdf5.file_id, field, "pressure", "pressure values on nodes"); /* write to dataset */ dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/pressure"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 1, 1); /* release resources */ status = H5Dclose(dataset); } void h5output_stress(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int i, j, k; int n, nx, ny, nz; int m, mx, my, mz; field = E->hdf5.tensor3d; nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; mx = field->block[1]; my = field->block[2]; mz = field->block[3]; /* prepare the data -- change citcom yxz order to xyz order */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = k + j*mz + i*mz*my; field->data[6*m+0] = E->gstress[1][6*n+1]; field->data[6*m+1] = E->gstress[1][6*n+2]; field->data[6*m+2] = E->gstress[1][6*n+3]; field->data[6*m+3] = E->gstress[1][6*n+4]; field->data[6*m+4] = E->gstress[1][6*n+5]; field->data[6*m+5] = E->gstress[1][6*n+6]; } } } /* Create /stress dataset */ h5create_field(E->hdf5.file_id, field, "stress", "stress values on nodes"); /* write to dataset */ dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/stress"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 1, 1); /* release resources */ status = H5Dclose(dataset); } void h5output_material(struct All_variables *E) { } void h5output_tracer(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { } /**************************************************************************** * 2D Fields * ****************************************************************************/ void h5output_surf_botm_coord(struct All_variables *E) { hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int i, j, k; int n, nx, ny, nz; int m, mx, my; int pz = E->parallel.me_loc[3]; int nprocz = E->parallel.nprocz; field = E->hdf5.vector2d; nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; mx = field->block[1]; my = field->block[2]; if (E->output.surf == 1) { k = nz-1; for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = j + i*my; field->data[2*m+0] = E->sx[1][1][n+1]; field->data[2*m+1] = E->sx[1][2][n+1]; } } dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/surf/coord"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 0, (pz == nprocz-1)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); } if (E->output.botm == 1) { k = 0; for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = j + i*my; field->data[2*m+0] = E->sx[1][1][n+1]; field->data[2*m+1] = E->sx[1][2][n+1]; } } dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/botm/coord"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 0, (pz == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); } } void h5output_surf_botm(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { hid_t file_id; hid_t surf_group; /* group identifier for top cap surface */ hid_t botm_group; /* group identifier for bottom cap surface */ hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *scalar; field_t *vector; float *topo; int i, j, k; int n, nx, ny, nz; int m, mx, my; int pz = E->parallel.me_loc[3]; int nprocz = E->parallel.nprocz; file_id = E->hdf5.file_id; scalar = E->hdf5.scalar2d; vector = E->hdf5.vector2d; nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; mx = scalar->block[1]; my = scalar->block[2]; if((E->output.write_q_files == 0) || (cycles == 0) || (cycles % E->output.write_q_files)!=0) heat_flux(E); /* else, the heat flux will have been computed already */ get_STD_topo(E, E->slice.tpg, E->slice.tpgb, E->slice.divg, E->slice.vort, cycles); /******************************************************************** * Top surface * ********************************************************************/ if (E->output.surf == 1) { /* Create /surf/ group*/ surf_group = h5create_group(file_id, "surf", (size_t)0); h5create_field(surf_group, E->hdf5.vector2d, "velocity", "top surface velocity"); h5create_field(surf_group, E->hdf5.scalar2d, "heatflux", "top surface heatflux"); h5create_field(surf_group, E->hdf5.scalar2d, "topography", "top surface topography"); status = H5Gclose(surf_group); /* radial index */ k = nz-1; /* velocity data */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = j + i*my; vector->data[2*m+0] = E->sphere.cap[1].V[1][n+1]; vector->data[2*m+1] = E->sphere.cap[1].V[2][n+1]; } } dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/surf/velocity"); status = h5write_field(dataset, vector, 0, (pz == nprocz-1)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); /* heatflux data */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = j + i*my; scalar->data[m] = E->slice.shflux[1][n+1]; } } dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/surf/heatflux"); status = h5write_field(dataset, scalar, 0, (pz == nprocz-1)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); /* choose either STD topo or pseudo-free-surf topo */ if (E->control.pseudo_free_surf) topo = E->slice.freesurf[1]; else topo = E->slice.tpg[1]; /* topography data */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = j + i*my; scalar->data[m] = topo[i]; } } dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/surf/topography"); status = h5write_field(dataset, scalar, 0, (pz == nprocz-1)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); } /******************************************************************** * Bottom surface * ********************************************************************/ if (E->output.botm == 1) { /* Create /botm/ group */ botm_group = h5create_group(file_id, "botm", (size_t)0); h5create_field(botm_group, E->hdf5.vector2d, "velocity", "bottom surface velocity"); h5create_field(botm_group, E->hdf5.scalar2d, "heatflux", "bottom surface heatflux"); h5create_field(botm_group, E->hdf5.scalar2d, "topography", "bottom surface topography"); status = H5Gclose(botm_group); /* radial index */ k = 0; /* velocity data */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = j + i*my; vector->data[2*m+0] = E->sphere.cap[1].V[1][n+1]; vector->data[2*m+1] = E->sphere.cap[1].V[2][n+1]; } } dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/botm/velocity"); status = h5write_field(dataset, vector, 0, (pz == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); /* heatflux data */ for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = j + i*my; scalar->data[m] = E->slice.bhflux[1][n+1]; } } dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/botm/heatflux"); status = h5write_field(dataset, scalar, 0, (pz == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); /* topography data */ topo = E->slice.tpg[1]; for(i = 0; i < mx; i++) { for(j = 0; j < my; j++) { n = k + i*nz + j*nz*nx; m = j + i*my; scalar->data[m] = topo[i]; } } dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/botm/topography"); status = h5write_field(dataset, scalar, 0, (pz == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); } } /**************************************************************************** * 1D Fields * ****************************************************************************/ void h5output_have_coord(struct All_variables *E) { hid_t file_id; hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int k; int mz; int px = E->parallel.me_loc[1]; int py = E->parallel.me_loc[2]; field = E->hdf5.scalar1d; mz = field->block[1]; if (E->output.horiz_avg == 1) { for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) field->data[k] = E->sx[1][3][k+1]; dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/horiz_avg/coord"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 0, (px == 0 && py == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); } } void h5output_horiz_avg(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { /* horizontal average output of temperature and rms velocity */ void compute_horiz_avg(); hid_t file_id; hid_t avg_group; /* group identifier for horizontal averages */ hid_t dataset; herr_t status; field_t *field; int k; int mz; int px = E->parallel.me_loc[1]; int py = E->parallel.me_loc[2]; file_id = E->hdf5.file_id; field = E->hdf5.scalar1d; mz = field->block[1]; /* calculate horizontal averages */ compute_horiz_avg(E); /* Create /horiz_avg/ group */ avg_group = h5create_group(file_id, "horiz_avg", (size_t)0); h5create_field(avg_group, E->hdf5.scalar1d, "temperature", "horizontal temperature average"); h5create_field(avg_group, E->hdf5.scalar1d, "velocity_xy", "horizontal Vxy average (rms)"); h5create_field(avg_group, E->hdf5.scalar1d, "velocity_z", "horizontal Vz average (rms)"); status = H5Gclose(avg_group); /* * note that only the first nprocz processes need to output */ /* temperature horizontal average */ for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) field->data[k] = E->Have.T[k+1]; dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/horiz_avg/temperature"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 0, (px == 0 && py == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); /* Vxy horizontal average (rms) */ for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) field->data[k] = E->Have.V[1][k+1]; dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/horiz_avg/velocity_xy"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 0, (px == 0 && py == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); /* Vz horizontal average (rms) */ for(k = 0; k < mz; k++) field->data[k] = E->Have.V[2][k+1]; dataset = H5Dopen(file_id, "/horiz_avg/velocity_z"); status = h5write_field(dataset, field, 0, (px == 0 && py == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); } /**************************************************************************** * Spherical harmonics coefficients * ****************************************************************************/ void h5output_geoid(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { struct HDF5_GEOID { int ll; int mm; float total_sin; float total_cos; float tpgt_sin; float tpgt_cos; float bncy_sin; float bncy_cos; } *row; hid_t dataset; /* dataset identifier */ hid_t datatype; /* row datatype identifier */ hid_t dataspace; /* memory dataspace */ hid_t dxpl_id; /* data transfer property list identifier */ herr_t status; hsize_t rank = 1; hsize_t dim = E->sphere.hindice; int i, ll, mm; /* Create the memory data type */ datatype = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(struct HDF5_GEOID)); status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "degree", HOFFSET(struct HDF5_GEOID, ll), H5T_NATIVE_INT); status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "order", HOFFSET(struct HDF5_GEOID, mm), H5T_NATIVE_INT); status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "total_sin", HOFFSET(struct HDF5_GEOID, total_sin), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "total_cos", HOFFSET(struct HDF5_GEOID, total_cos), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "tpgt_sin", HOFFSET(struct HDF5_GEOID, tpgt_sin), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "tpgt_cos", HOFFSET(struct HDF5_GEOID, tpgt_cos), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "bncy_sin", HOFFSET(struct HDF5_GEOID, bncy_sin), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "bncy_cos", HOFFSET(struct HDF5_GEOID, bncy_cos), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); /* Create the dataspace */ dataspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, &dim, NULL); /* Create the dataset */ dataset = H5Dcreate(E->hdf5.file_id, "geoid", datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT); /* * Write necessary attributes for PyTables compatibility */ set_attribute_string(dataset, "TITLE", "Geoid table"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "CLASS", "TABLE"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FLAVOR", "numpy"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "VERSION", "2.6"); set_attribute_llong(dataset, "NROWS", dim); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FIELD_0_NAME", "degree"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FIELD_1_NAME", "order"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FIELD_2_NAME", "total_sin"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FIELD_3_NAME", "total_cos"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FIELD_4_NAME", "tpgt_sin"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FIELD_5_NAME", "tpgt_cos"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FIELD_6_NAME", "bncy_sin"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FIELD_7_NAME", "bncy_cos"); set_attribute_double(dataset, "FIELD_0_FILL", 0); set_attribute_double(dataset, "FIELD_1_FILL", 0); set_attribute_double(dataset, "FIELD_2_FILL", 0); set_attribute_double(dataset, "FIELD_3_FILL", 0); set_attribute_double(dataset, "FIELD_4_FILL", 0); set_attribute_double(dataset, "FIELD_5_FILL", 0); set_attribute_double(dataset, "FIELD_6_FILL", 0); set_attribute_double(dataset, "FIELD_7_FILL", 0); /* Create property list for independent dataset write */ dxpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER); status = H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(dxpl_id, H5FD_MPIO_INDEPENDENT); compute_geoid(E, E->sphere.harm_geoid, E->sphere.harm_geoid_from_bncy, E->sphere.harm_geoid_from_tpgt, E->sphere.harm_geoid_from_tpgb); if (E->parallel.me == 0) { /* Prepare data */ row = (struct HDF5_GEOID *) malloc((E->sphere.hindice) * sizeof(struct HDF5_GEOID)); i = 0; for(ll = 0; ll <= E->output.llmax; ll++) for(mm = 0; mm <= ll; mm++) { row[i].ll = ll; row[i].mm = mm; row[i].total_sin = E->sphere.harm_geoid[0][i]; row[i].total_cos = E->sphere.harm_geoid[1][i]; row[i].tpgt_sin = E->sphere.harm_geoid_from_tpgt[0][i]; row[i].tpgt_cos = E->sphere.harm_geoid_from_tpgt[1][i]; row[i].bncy_sin = E->sphere.harm_geoid_from_bncy[0][i]; row[i].bncy_cos = E->sphere.harm_geoid_from_bncy[1][i]; i ++; } /* write data */ status = H5Dwrite(dataset, datatype, dataspace, H5S_ALL, dxpl_id, row); free(row); } /* Release resources */ status = H5Pclose(dxpl_id); status = H5Sclose(dataspace); status = H5Tclose(datatype); status = H5Dclose(dataset); } /**************************************************************************** * Create and output /connectivity dataset * ****************************************************************************/ static herr_t h5create_connectivity(hid_t loc_id, int nel) { hid_t dataset; hid_t dataspace; herr_t status; hsize_t dims[2]; dims[0] = nel; dims[1] = 8; /* Create the dataspace */ dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL); /* Create the dataset */ dataset = H5Dcreate(loc_id, "connectivity", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT); /* Write necessary attributes for PyTables compatibility */ set_attribute_string(dataset, "TITLE", "Node connectivity"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "CLASS", "ARRAY"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FLAVOR", "numpy"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "VERSION", "2.3"); status = H5Sclose(dataspace); status = H5Dclose(dataset); return 0; } void h5output_connectivity(struct All_variables *E) { hid_t dataset; herr_t status; int rank = 2; hsize_t memdims[2]; hsize_t offset[2]; hsize_t stride[2]; hsize_t count[2]; hsize_t block[2]; int p; int px = E->parallel.me_loc[1]; int py = E->parallel.me_loc[2]; int pz = E->parallel.me_loc[3]; int nprocx = E->parallel.nprocx; int nprocy = E->parallel.nprocy; int nprocz = E->parallel.nprocz; int procs_per_cap = nprocx * nprocy * nprocz; int e; int nel = E->lmesh.nel; int *ien; int *data; if (E->output.connectivity == 1) { /* process id (local to cap) */ p = pz + px*nprocz + py*nprocz*nprocx; rank = 2; memdims[0] = nel; memdims[1] = 8; offset[0] = nel * p; offset[1] = 0; stride[0] = 1; stride[1] = 1; count[0] = 1; count[1] = 1; block[0] = nel; block[1] = 8; data = (int *)malloc((nel*8) * sizeof(int)); for(e = 0; e < nel; e++) { ien = E->ien[1][e+1].node; data[8*e+0] = ien[1]-1; /* TODO: subtract one? */ data[8*e+1] = ien[2]-1; data[8*e+2] = ien[3]-1; data[8*e+3] = ien[4]-1; data[8*e+4] = ien[5]-1; data[8*e+5] = ien[6]-1; data[8*e+6] = ien[7]-1; data[8*e+7] = ien[8]-1; } /* Create /connectivity dataset */ h5create_connectivity(E->hdf5.file_id, E->lmesh.nel * procs_per_cap); dataset = H5Dopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/connectivity"); status = h5write_dataset(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, data, rank, memdims, offset, stride, count, block, 0, (E->hdf5.cap == 0)); status = H5Dclose(dataset); free(data); } } /**************************************************************************** * Create and output /time and /timstep attributes * ****************************************************************************/ void h5output_time(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { hid_t root; herr_t status; root = H5Gopen(E->hdf5.file_id, "/"); status = set_attribute_float(root, "time", E->monitor.elapsed_time); status = set_attribute_float(root, "timestep", cycles); status = H5Gclose(root); } /**************************************************************************** * Save most CitcomS input parameters, and other information, as * * attributes in a group called /input * ****************************************************************************/ void h5output_meta(struct All_variables *E) { hid_t input; herr_t status; int n; int rank; hsize_t *dims; double *data; float tmp; input = h5create_group(E->hdf5.file_id, "input", (size_t)0); status = set_attribute_int(input, "PID", E->control.PID); /* * Advection_diffusion.inventory */ status = set_attribute_int(input, "ADV", E->advection.ADVECTION); status = set_attribute_int(input, "filter_temp", E->advection.filter_temperature); status = set_attribute_float(input, "finetunedt", E->advection.fine_tune_dt); status = set_attribute_float(input, "fixed_timestep", E->advection.fixed_timestep); status = set_attribute_float(input, "inputdiffusivity", E->control.inputdiff); status = set_attribute_int(input, "adv_sub_iterations", E->advection.temp_iterations); /* * BC.inventory */ status = set_attribute_int(input, "side_sbcs", E->control.side_sbcs); status = set_attribute_int(input, "pseudo_free_surf", E->control.pseudo_free_surf); status = set_attribute_int(input, "topvbc", E->mesh.topvbc); status = set_attribute_float(input, "topvbxval", E->control.VBXtopval); status = set_attribute_float(input, "topvbyval", E->control.VBYtopval); status = set_attribute_int(input, "botvbc", E->mesh.botvbc); status = set_attribute_float(input, "botvbxval", E->control.VBXbotval); status = set_attribute_float(input, "botvbyval", E->control.VBYbotval); status = set_attribute_int(input, "toptbc", E->mesh.toptbc); status = set_attribute_float(input, "toptbcval", E->control.TBCtopval); status = set_attribute_int(input, "bottbc", E->mesh.bottbc); status = set_attribute_float(input, "bottbcval", E->control.TBCbotval); status = set_attribute_int(input, "temperature_bound_adj", E->control.temperature_bound_adj); status = set_attribute_float(input, "depth_bound_adj", E->control.depth_bound_adj); status = set_attribute_float(input, "width_bound_adj", E->control.width_bound_adj); /* * Const.inventory */ status = set_attribute_float(input, "density", E->data.density); status = set_attribute_float(input, "thermdiff", E->data.therm_diff); status = set_attribute_float(input, "gravacc", E->data.grav_acc); status = set_attribute_float(input, "thermexp", E->data.therm_exp); status = set_attribute_float(input, "refvisc", E->data.ref_viscosity); status = set_attribute_float(input, "cp", E->data.Cp); status = set_attribute_float(input, "density_above", E->data.density_above); status = set_attribute_float(input, "density_below", E->data.density_below); status = set_attribute_float(input, "z_lith", E->viscosity.zlith); status = set_attribute_float(input, "z_410", E->viscosity.z410); status = set_attribute_float(input, "z_lmantle", E->viscosity.zlm); status = set_attribute_float(input, "z_cmb", E->viscosity.zcmb); status = set_attribute_float(input, "radius_km", E->data.radius_km); status = set_attribute_float(input, "scalev", E->data.scalev); status = set_attribute_float(input, "scalet", E->data.scalet); /* * IC.inventory */ status = set_attribute_int(input, "restart", E->control.restart); status = set_attribute_int(input, "post_p", E->control.post_p); status = set_attribute_int(input, "solution_cycles_init", E->monitor.solution_cycles_init); status = set_attribute_int(input, "zero_elapsed_time", E->control.zero_elapsed_time); status = set_attribute_int(input, "tic_method", E->convection.tic_method); if (E->convection.tic_method == 0) { n = E->convection.number_of_perturbations; status = set_attribute_int(input, "num_perturbations", n); status = set_attribute_int_vector(input, "perturbl", n, E->convection.perturb_ll); status = set_attribute_int_vector(input, "perturbm", n, E->convection.perturb_mm); status = set_attribute_int_vector(input, "perturblayer", n, E->convection.load_depth); status = set_attribute_float_vector(input, "perturbmag", n, E->convection.perturb_mag); } else if (E->convection.tic_method == 1) { status = set_attribute_float(input, "half_space_age", E->convection.half_space_age); } else if (E->convection.tic_method == 2) { status = set_attribute_float(input, "half_space_age", E->convection.half_space_age); status = set_attribute_float_vector(input, "blob_center", 3, E->convection.blob_center); status = set_attribute_float(input, "blob_radius", E->convection.blob_radius); status = set_attribute_float(input, "blob_dT", E->convection.blob_dT); } /* * Param.inventory */ status = set_attribute_int(input, "file_vbcs", E->control.vbcs_file); status = set_attribute_string(input, "vel_bound_file", E->control.velocity_boundary_file); status = set_attribute_int(input, "mat_control", E->control.mat_control); status = set_attribute_string(input, "mat_file", E->control.mat_file); status = set_attribute_int(input, "lith_age", E->control.lith_age); status = set_attribute_string(input, "lith_age_file", E->control.lith_age_file); status = set_attribute_int(input, "lith_age_time", E->control.lith_age_time); status = set_attribute_float(input, "lith_age_depth", E->control.lith_age_depth); status = set_attribute_float(input, "mantle_temp", E->control.lith_age_mantle_temp); status = set_attribute_float(input, "start_age", E->control.start_age); status = set_attribute_int(input, "reset_startage", E->control.reset_startage); /* * Phase.inventory */ status = set_attribute_float(input, "Ra_410", E->control.Ra_410); status = set_attribute_float(input, "clapeyron410", E->control.clapeyron410); status = set_attribute_float(input, "transT410", E->control.transT410); status = set_attribute_float(input, "width410", E->control.width410); status = set_attribute_float(input, "Ra_670", E->control.Ra_670); status = set_attribute_float(input, "clapeyron670", E->control.clapeyron670); status = set_attribute_float(input, "transT670", E->control.transT670); status = set_attribute_float(input, "width670", E->control.width670); status = set_attribute_float(input, "Ra_cmb", E->control.Ra_cmb); status = set_attribute_float(input, "clapeyroncmb", E->control.clapeyroncmb); status = set_attribute_float(input, "transTcmb", E->control.transTcmb); status = set_attribute_float(input, "widthcmb", E->control.widthcmb); /* * Solver.inventory */ status = set_attribute_string(input, "datadir", E->control.data_dir); status = set_attribute_string(input, "datafile", E->control.data_file); status = set_attribute_string(input, "datadir_old", E->control.data_dir_old); status = set_attribute_string(input, "datafile_old", E->control.old_P_file); status = set_attribute_float(input, "rayleigh", E->control.Atemp); status = set_attribute_float(input, "dissipation_number", E->control.disptn_number); status = set_attribute_float(input, "gruneisen", (E->control.inv_gruneisen == 0)? 1.0/E->control.inv_gruneisen : E->control.inv_gruneisen); status = set_attribute_float(input, "surfaceT", E->control.surface_temp); status = set_attribute_float(input, "Q0", E->control.Q0); status = set_attribute_int(input, "stokes_flow_only", E->control.stokes); status = set_attribute_string(input, "output_format", E->output.format); status = set_attribute_string(input, "output_optional", E->output.optional); status = set_attribute_int(input, "output_ll_max", E->output.llmax); status = set_attribute_int(input, "verbose", E->control.verbose); status = set_attribute_int(input, "see_convergence", E->control.print_convergence); /* * Sphere.inventory */ status = set_attribute_int(input, "nproc_surf", E->parallel.nprocxy); status = set_attribute_int(input, "nprocx", E->parallel.nprocx); status = set_attribute_int(input, "nprocy", E->parallel.nprocy); status = set_attribute_int(input, "nprocz", E->parallel.nprocz); status = set_attribute_int(input, "coor", E->control.coor); status = set_attribute_string(input, "coor_file", E->control.coor_file); status = set_attribute_int(input, "nodex", E->mesh.nox); status = set_attribute_int(input, "nodey", E->mesh.noy); status = set_attribute_int(input, "nodez", E->mesh.noz); status = set_attribute_int(input, "levels", E->mesh.levels); status = set_attribute_int(input, "mgunitx", E->mesh.mgunitx); status = set_attribute_int(input, "mgunity", E->mesh.mgunity); status = set_attribute_int(input, "mgunitz", E->mesh.mgunitz); status = set_attribute_double(input, "radius_outer", E->sphere.ro); status = set_attribute_double(input, "radius_inner", E->sphere.ri); status = set_attribute_int(input, "caps", E->sphere.caps); rank = 2; dims = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t)); dims[0] = E->sphere.caps; dims[1] = 4; data = (double *)malloc((dims[0]*dims[1]) * sizeof(double)); for(n = 1; n <= E->sphere.caps; n++) { data[4*(n-1) + 0] = E->sphere.cap[n].theta[1]; data[4*(n-1) + 1] = E->sphere.cap[n].theta[2]; data[4*(n-1) + 2] = E->sphere.cap[n].theta[3]; data[4*(n-1) + 3] = E->sphere.cap[n].theta[4]; } status = set_attribute_array(input, "theta", rank, dims, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, data); for(n = 1; n <= E->sphere.caps; n++) { data[4*(n-1) + 0] = E->sphere.cap[n].fi[1]; data[4*(n-1) + 1] = E->sphere.cap[n].fi[2]; data[4*(n-1) + 2] = E->sphere.cap[n].fi[3]; data[4*(n-1) + 3] = E->sphere.cap[n].fi[4]; } status = set_attribute_array(input, "fi", rank, dims, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, data); free(data); free(dims); if (E->sphere.caps == 1) { status = set_attribute_double(input, "theta_min", E->control.theta_min); status = set_attribute_double(input, "theta_max", E->control.theta_max); status = set_attribute_double(input, "fi_min", E->control.fi_min); status = set_attribute_double(input, "fi_max", E->control.fi_max); } /* * Tracer.inventory */ status = set_attribute_int(input, "tracer", E->control.tracer); status = set_attribute_string(input, "tracer_file", E->trace.tracer_file); /* * Visc.inventory */ status = set_attribute_string(input, "Viscosity", E->viscosity.STRUCTURE); status = set_attribute_int(input, "visc_smooth_method", E->viscosity.smooth_cycles); status = set_attribute_int(input, "VISC_UPDATE", E->viscosity.update_allowed); n = E->viscosity.num_mat; status = set_attribute_int(input, "num_mat", n); status = set_attribute_float_vector(input, "visc0", n, E->viscosity.N0); status = set_attribute_int(input, "TDEPV", E->viscosity.TDEPV); status = set_attribute_int(input, "rheol", E->viscosity.RHEOL); status = set_attribute_float_vector(input, "viscE", n, E->viscosity.E); status = set_attribute_float_vector(input, "viscT", n, E->viscosity.T); status = set_attribute_float_vector(input, "viscZ", n, E->viscosity.Z); status = set_attribute_int(input, "SDEPV", E->viscosity.SDEPV); status = set_attribute_float(input, "sdepv_misfit", E->viscosity.sdepv_misfit); status = set_attribute_float_vector(input, "sdepv_expt", n, E->viscosity.sdepv_expt); status = set_attribute_int(input, "VMIN", E->viscosity.MIN); status = set_attribute_float(input, "visc_min", E->viscosity.min_value); status = set_attribute_int(input, "VMAX", E->viscosity.MAX); status = set_attribute_float(input, "visc_max", E->viscosity.max_value); /* * Incompressible.inventory */ status = set_attribute_string(input, "Solver", E->control.SOLVER_TYPE); status = set_attribute_int(input, "node_assemble", E->control.NASSEMBLE); status = set_attribute_int(input, "precond", E->control.precondition); status = set_attribute_double(input, "accuracy", E->control.accuracy); status = set_attribute_float(input, "tole_compressibility", E->control.tole_comp); status = set_attribute_int(input, "mg_cycle", E->control.mg_cycle); status = set_attribute_int(input, "down_heavy", E->control.down_heavy); status = set_attribute_int(input, "up_heavy", E->control.up_heavy); status = set_attribute_int(input, "vlowstep", E->control.v_steps_low); status = set_attribute_int(input, "vhighstep", E->control.v_steps_high); status = set_attribute_int(input, "piterations", E->control.p_iterations); status = set_attribute_int(input, "aug_lagr", E->control.augmented_Lagr); status = set_attribute_double(input, "aug_number", E->control.augmented); /* status = set_attribute(input, "", H5T_NATIVE_, &(E->)); */ /* * Release resources */ status = H5Gclose(input); } /***************************************************************************** * Private functions to simplify certain tasks in the h5output_*() functions * * The rest of the file can now be hidden from the compiler, when HDF5 * * is not enabled. * *****************************************************************************/ /* Function to create an HDF5 file compatible with PyTables. * * To enable parallel I/O access, use something like the following: * * hid_t file_id; * hid_t fcpl_id, fapl_id; * herr_t status; * * MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; * MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL; * * ... * * fcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT; * * fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS); * status = H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl_id, comm, info); * * file_id = h5create_file(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id); * status = H5Pclose(fapl_id); */ static hid_t h5create_file(const char *filename, unsigned flags, hid_t fcpl_id, hid_t fapl_id) { hid_t file_id; hid_t root; herr_t status; /* Create the HDF5 file */ file_id = H5Fcreate(filename, flags, fcpl_id, fapl_id); /* Write necessary attributes to root group for PyTables compatibility */ root = H5Gopen(file_id, "/"); set_attribute_string(root, "TITLE", "CitcomS output"); set_attribute_string(root, "CLASS", "GROUP"); set_attribute_string(root, "VERSION", "1.0"); set_attribute_string(root, "PYTABLES_FORMAT_VERSION", "1.5"); /* release resources */ status = H5Gclose(root); return file_id; } /* Function to create an HDF5 group compatible with PyTables. * To close group, call H5Gclose(). */ static hid_t h5create_group(hid_t loc_id, const char *name, size_t size_hint) { hid_t group_id; /* TODO: * Make sure this function is called with an appropriately * estimated size_hint parameter */ group_id = H5Gcreate(loc_id, name, size_hint); /* Write necessary attributes for PyTables compatibility */ set_attribute_string(group_id, "TITLE", "CitcomS HDF5 group"); set_attribute_string(group_id, "CLASS", "GROUP"); set_attribute_string(group_id, "VERSION", "1.0"); set_attribute_string(group_id, "PYTABLES_FORMAT_VERSION", "1.5"); return group_id; } static herr_t h5create_dataset(hid_t loc_id, const char *name, const char *title, hid_t type_id, int rank, hsize_t *dims, hsize_t *maxdims, hsize_t *chunkdims) { hid_t dataset; /* dataset identifier */ hid_t dataspace; /* file dataspace identifier */ hid_t dcpl_id; /* dataset creation property list identifier */ herr_t status; /* create the dataspace for the dataset */ dataspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, dims, maxdims); if (dataspace < 0) { /*TODO: print error*/ return -1; } dcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT; if (chunkdims != NULL) { /* modify dataset creation properties to enable chunking */ dcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE); status = H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, rank, chunkdims); /*status = H5Pset_fill_value(dcpl_id, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &fillvalue);*/ } /* create the dataset */ dataset = H5Dcreate(loc_id, name, type_id, dataspace, dcpl_id); if (dataset < 0) { /*TODO: print error*/ return -1; } /* Write necessary attributes for PyTables compatibility */ set_attribute_string(dataset, "TITLE", title); set_attribute_string(dataset, "CLASS", "ARRAY"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "FLAVOR", "numpy"); set_attribute_string(dataset, "VERSION", "2.3"); /* release resources */ if (chunkdims != NULL) { status = H5Pclose(dcpl_id); } status = H5Sclose(dataspace); status = H5Dclose(dataset); return 0; } static herr_t h5allocate_field(struct All_variables *E, enum field_class_t field_class, int nsd, hid_t dtype, field_t **field) { int rank = 0; int tdim = 0; int cdim = 0; /* indices */ int s = -100; /* caps dimension */ int x = -100; /* first spatial dimension */ int y = -100; /* second spatial dimension */ int z = -100; /* third spatial dimension */ int c = -100; /* dimension for components */ int dim; int px, py, pz; int nprocx, nprocy, nprocz; int nx, ny, nz; int nodex, nodey, nodez; /* coordinates of current process in cap */ px = E->parallel.me_loc[1]; py = E->parallel.me_loc[2]; pz = E->parallel.me_loc[3]; /* dimensions of processes per cap */ nprocx = E->parallel.nprocx; nprocy = E->parallel.nprocy; nprocz = E->parallel.nprocz; /* determine dimensions of mesh */ nodex = E->mesh.nox; nodey = E->mesh.noy; nodez = E->mesh.noz; /* determine dimensions of local mesh */ nx = E->lmesh.nox; ny = E->lmesh.noy; nz = E->lmesh.noz; /* clear struct pointer */ *field = NULL; /* start with caps as the first dimension */ rank = 1; s = 0; /* add the spatial dimensions */ switch (nsd) { case 3: rank += 3; x = 1; y = 2; z = 3; break; case 2: rank += 2; x = 1; y = 2; break; case 1: rank += 1; z = 1; break; default: return -1; } /* add components dimension at end */ switch (field_class) { case TENSOR_FIELD: cdim = 6; rank += 1; c = rank-1; break; case VECTOR_FIELD: cdim = nsd; rank += 1; c = rank-1; break; case SCALAR_FIELD: cdim = 0; break; } if (rank > 1) { *field = (field_t *)malloc(sizeof(field_t)); (*field)->dtype = dtype; (*field)->rank = rank; (*field)->dims = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t)); (*field)->maxdims = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t)); (*field)->chunkdims = NULL; (*field)->offset = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t)); (*field)->stride = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t)); (*field)->count = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t)); (*field)->block = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t)); if (s >= 0) { /* dataspace parameters */ (*field)->dims[s] = E->sphere.caps; (*field)->maxdims[s] = E->sphere.caps; /* hyperslab selection parameters */ (*field)->offset[s] = E->hdf5.cap; (*field)->stride[s] = 1; (*field)->count[s] = 1; (*field)->block[s] = 1; } if (x >= 0) { /* dataspace parameters */ (*field)->dims[x] = nodex; (*field)->maxdims[x] = nodex; /* hyperslab selection parameters */ (*field)->offset[x] = px*(nx-1); (*field)->stride[x] = 1; (*field)->count[x] = 1; (*field)->block[x] = ((px == nprocx-1) ? nx : nx-1); } if (y >= 0) { /* dataspace parameters */ (*field)->dims[y] = nodey; (*field)->maxdims[y] = nodey; /* hyperslab selection parameters */ (*field)->offset[y] = py*(ny-1); (*field)->stride[y] = 1; (*field)->count[y] = 1; (*field)->block[y] = ((py == nprocy-1) ? ny : ny-1); } if (z >= 0) { /* dataspace parameters */ (*field)->dims[z] = nodez; (*field)->maxdims[z] = nodez; /* hyperslab selection parameters */ (*field)->offset[z] = pz*(nz-1); (*field)->stride[z] = 1; (*field)->count[z] = 1; (*field)->block[z] = ((pz == nprocz-1) ? nz : nz-1); } if (c >= 0) { /* dataspace parameters */ (*field)->dims[c] = cdim; (*field)->maxdims[c] = cdim; /* hyperslab selection parameters */ (*field)->offset[c] = 0; (*field)->stride[c] = 1; (*field)->count[c] = 1; (*field)->block[c] = cdim; } /* count number of data points */ (*field)->n = 1; for(dim = 0; dim < rank; dim++) (*field)->n *= (*field)->block[dim]; if(E->control.verbose) { fprintf(E->fp_out, "creating dataset: rank=%d size=%d\n", rank, (*field)->n); fprintf(E->fp_out, " s=%d x=%d y=%d z=%d c=%d\n", s, x, y, z, c); fprintf(E->fp_out, "\tdim\tmaxdim\toffset\tstride\tcount\tblock\n"); for(dim = 0; dim < rank; dim++) { fprintf(E->fp_out, "\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", (int) (*field)->dims[dim], (int) (*field)->maxdims[dim], (int) (*field)->offset[dim], (int) (*field)->stride[dim], (int) (*field)->count[dim], (int) (*field)->block[dim]); } } return 0; } return -1; } static herr_t h5create_field(hid_t loc_id, field_t *field, const char *name, const char *title) { herr_t status; status = h5create_dataset(loc_id, name, title, field->dtype, field->rank, field->dims, field->maxdims, field->chunkdims); return status; } static herr_t h5write_dataset(hid_t dset_id, hid_t mem_type_id, const void *data, int rank, hsize_t *memdims, hsize_t *offset, hsize_t *stride, hsize_t *count, hsize_t *block, int collective, int dowrite) { hid_t memspace; /* memory dataspace */ hid_t filespace; /* file dataspace */ hid_t dxpl_id; /* dataset transfer property list identifier */ herr_t status; /* create memory dataspace */ memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, memdims, NULL); if (memspace < 0) { /*TODO: print error*/ return -1; } /* get file dataspace */ filespace = H5Dget_space(dset_id); if (filespace < 0) { /*TODO: print error*/ H5Sclose(memspace); return -1; } /* hyperslab selection */ status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, stride, count, block); if (status < 0) { /*TODO: print error*/ status = H5Sclose(filespace); status = H5Sclose(memspace); return -1; } /* dataset transfer property list */ dxpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER); if (dxpl_id < 0) { /*TODO: print error*/ status = H5Sclose(filespace); status = H5Sclose(memspace); return -1; } if (collective) status = H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(dxpl_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE); else status = H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(dxpl_id, H5FD_MPIO_INDEPENDENT); if (status < 0) { /*TODO: print error*/ status = H5Pclose(dxpl_id); status = H5Sclose(filespace); status = H5Sclose(memspace); return -1; } /* write the data to the hyperslab */ if (dowrite || collective) { status = H5Dwrite(dset_id, mem_type_id, memspace, filespace, dxpl_id, data); if (status < 0) { /*TODO: print error*/ H5Pclose(dxpl_id); H5Sclose(filespace); H5Sclose(memspace); return -1; } } /* release resources */ status = H5Pclose(dxpl_id); status = H5Sclose(filespace); status = H5Sclose(memspace); return 0; } static herr_t h5write_field(hid_t dset_id, field_t *field, int collective, int dowrite) { herr_t status; status = h5write_dataset(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, field->data, field->rank, field->block, field->offset, field->stride, field->count, field->block, collective, dowrite); return status; } static herr_t h5close_field(field_t **field) { if (field != NULL) if (*field != NULL) { free((*field)->dims); free((*field)->maxdims); if((*field)->chunkdims != NULL) free((*field)->chunkdims); free((*field)->offset); free((*field)->stride); free((*field)->count); free((*field)->block); /*free((*field)->data);*/ free(*field); } } /**************************************************************************** * Some of the following functions were based from the H5ATTR.c * * source file in PyTables, which is a BSD-licensed python extension * * for accessing HDF5 files. * * * * The copyright notice is hereby retained. * * * * NCSA HDF * * Scientific Data Technologies * * National Center for Supercomputing Applications * * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820 * * * * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying * * hdf/COPYING file. * * * * Modified versions of H5LT for getting and setting attributes for open * * groups and leaves. * * F. Altet 2005/09/29 * * * ****************************************************************************/ /* Function : find_attr * Purpose : operator function used by find_attribute * Programmer: Pedro Vicente, pvn@ncsa.uiuc.edu * Date : June 21, 2001 */ static herr_t find_attr(hid_t loc_id, const char *name, void *op_data) { /* Define a default zero value for return. This will cause the * iterator to continue if the palette attribute is not found yet. */ int ret = 0; char *attr_name = (char *)op_data; /* Shut the compiler up */ loc_id = loc_id; /* Define a positive value for return value if the attribute was * found. This will cause the iterator to immediately return that * positive value, indicating short-circuit success */ if(strcmp(name, attr_name) == 0) ret = 1; return ret; } /* Function : find_attribute * Purpose : Inquires if an attribute named attr_name exists attached * attached to the object loc_id. * Programmer: Pedro Vicente, pvn@ncsa.uiuc.edu * Date : June 21, 2001 * * Comments: * The function uses H5Aiterate with the operator function find_attr * * Return: * * Success: The return value of the first operator that returns * non-zero, or zero if all members were processed with no * operator returning non-zero. * * Failure: Negative if something goes wrong within the library, * or the negative value returned by one of the operators. */ static herr_t find_attribute(hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name) { unsigned int attr_num; herr_t ret; attr_num = 0; ret = H5Aiterate(loc_id, &attr_num, find_attr, (void *)attr_name); return ret; } /* Function: set_attribute_string * Purpose : Creates and writes a string attribute named attr_name * and attaches it to the object specified by obj_id * Return : Success 0, Failure -1 * Comments: If the attribute already exists, it is overwritten. */ herr_t set_attribute_string(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, const char *attr_data) { hid_t attr_type; hid_t attr_size; hid_t attr_space_id; hid_t attr_id; int has_attr; herr_t status; /* Create the attribute */ attr_type = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1); if (attr_type < 0) goto out; attr_size = strlen(attr_data) + 1; /* extra null term */ status = H5Tset_size(attr_type, (size_t)attr_size); if (status < 0) goto out; status = H5Tset_strpad(attr_type, H5T_STR_NULLTERM); if (status < 0) goto out; attr_space_id = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); if (status < 0) goto out; /* Verify if the attribute already exists */ has_attr = find_attribute(obj_id, attr_name); /* The attribute already exists, delete it */ if (has_attr == 1) { status = H5Adelete(obj_id, attr_name); if (status < 0) goto out; } /* Create and write the attribute */ attr_id = H5Acreate(obj_id, attr_name, attr_type, attr_space_id, H5P_DEFAULT); if(attr_id < 0) goto out; status = H5Awrite(attr_id, attr_type, attr_data); if(status < 0) goto out; status = H5Aclose(attr_id); if(status < 0) goto out; status = H5Sclose(attr_space_id); if(status < 0) goto out; status = H5Tclose(attr_type); if(status < 0) goto out; return 0; out: return -1; } /* Function : set_attribute * Purpose : Private function used by * set_attribute_int and set_attribute_float * Return : Success 0, Failure -1 * Programmer: Pedro Vicente, pvn@ncsa.uiuc.edu * Date : July 25, 2001 */ herr_t set_attribute(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, const void *data) { hid_t space_id, attr_id; herr_t status; int has_attr; /* Create the data space for the attribute. */ space_id = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); if (space_id < 0) goto out; /* Verify if the attribute already exists */ has_attr = find_attribute(obj_id, attr_name); if (has_attr == 1) { /* The attribute already exists. Delete it. */ status = H5Adelete(obj_id, attr_name); if(status < 0) goto out; } /* Create the attribute. */ attr_id = H5Acreate(obj_id, attr_name, type_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT); if (attr_id < 0) goto out; /* Write the attribute data. */ status = H5Awrite(attr_id, type_id, data); if (status < 0) goto out; /* Close the attribute. */ status = H5Aclose(attr_id); if (status < 0) goto out; /* Close the data space. */ status = H5Sclose(space_id); if (status < 0) goto out; return 0; out: return -1; } herr_t set_attribute_float(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, float x) { return set_attribute(obj_id, attr_name, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &x); } herr_t set_attribute_double(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, double x) { return set_attribute(obj_id, attr_name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &x); } herr_t set_attribute_int(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, int n) { return set_attribute(obj_id, attr_name, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &n); } herr_t set_attribute_long(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, long n) { return set_attribute(obj_id, attr_name, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, &n); } herr_t set_attribute_llong(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, long long n) { return set_attribute(obj_id, attr_name, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, &n); } /* Function: set_attribute_array * Purpose : write an array attribute * Return : Success 0, Failure -1 * Date : July 25, 2001 */ herr_t set_attribute_array(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, size_t rank, hsize_t *dims, hid_t type_id, const void *data) { hid_t space_id, attr_id; herr_t status; int has_attr; /* Create the data space for the attribute. */ space_id = H5Screate_simple(rank, dims, NULL); if (space_id < 0) goto out; /* Verify if the attribute already exists. */ has_attr = find_attribute(obj_id, attr_name); if (has_attr == 1) { /* The attribute already exists. Delete it. */ status = H5Adelete(obj_id, attr_name); if (status < 0) goto out; } /* Create the attribute. */ attr_id = H5Acreate(obj_id, attr_name, type_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT); if (attr_id < 0) goto out; /* Write the attribute data. */ status = H5Awrite(attr_id, type_id, data); if (status < 0) goto out; /* Close the attribute. */ status = H5Aclose(attr_id); if (status < 0) goto out; /* Close the dataspace. */ status = H5Sclose(space_id); if (status < 0) goto out; return 0; out: return -1; } herr_t set_attribute_vector(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t dim, hid_t type_id, const void *data) { return set_attribute_array(obj_id, attr_name, 1, &dim, type_id, data); } herr_t set_attribute_int_vector(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t dim, const int *data) { return set_attribute_array(obj_id, attr_name, 1, &dim, H5T_NATIVE_INT, data); } herr_t set_attribute_float_vector(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t dim, const float *data) { return set_attribute_array(obj_id, attr_name, 1, &dim, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, data); } herr_t set_attribute_double_vector(hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hsize_t dim, const double *data) { return set_attribute_array(obj_id, attr_name, 1, &dim, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, data); } #endif /* #ifdef USE_HDF5 */