# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Astronomy Software Group # Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License """Class for reading MWA correlator FITS files.""" import numpy as np import warnings from astropy.io import fits from astropy.time import Time from astropy import constants as const from . import UVData from . import utils as uvutils def input_output_mapping(): """Build a mapping dictionary from pfb input to output numbers.""" # the polyphase filter bank maps inputs to outputs, which the MWA # correlator then records as the antenna indices. # the following is taken from mwa_build_lfiles/mwac_utils.c # inputs are mapped to outputs via pfb_mapper as follows # (from mwa_build_lfiles/antenna_mapping.h): # floor(index/4) + index%4 * 16 = input # for the first 64 outputs, pfb_mapper[output] = input pfb_mapper = [0, 16, 32, 48, 1, 17, 33, 49, 2, 18, 34, 50, 3, 19, 35, 51, 4, 20, 36, 52, 5, 21, 37, 53, 6, 22, 38, 54, 7, 23, 39, 55, 8, 24, 40, 56, 9, 25, 41, 57, 10, 26, 42, 58, 11, 27, 43, 59, 12, 28, 44, 60, 13, 29, 45, 61, 14, 30, 46, 62, 15, 31, 47, 63] # build a mapper for all 256 inputs pfb_inputs_to_outputs = {} for p in range(4): for i in range(64): pfb_inputs_to_outputs[pfb_mapper[i] + p * 64] = p * 64 + i return pfb_inputs_to_outputs class MWACorrFITS(UVData): """ UVData subclass for reading MWA correlator fits files. This class should not be interacted with directly; instead use the read_mwa_corr_fits method on the UVData class. """ def correct_cable_length(self, cable_lens): """ Apply a cable length correction to the data array. Parameters ---------- cable_lens : list of strings A list of strings containing the cable lengths for each antenna. """ # "the velocity factor of electic fields in RG-6 like coax" # from MWA_Tools/CONV2UVFITS/convutils.h v_factor = 1.204 # check if the cable length already has the velocity factor applied cable_array = [] for i in cable_lens: if i[0:3] == 'EL_': cable_array.append(float(i[3:])) else: cable_array.append(float(i) * v_factor) # build array of differences cable_len_diffs = np.zeros((self.Nblts, 1)) for j in range(self.Nblts): cable_len_diffs[j] = cable_array[self.ant_2_array[j]] - cable_array[self.ant_1_array[j]] self.data_array *= np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * cable_len_diffs / const.c.to('m/s').value * self.freq_array.reshape(1, self.Nfreqs))[:, :, None] def read_mwa_corr_fits(self, filelist, use_cotter_flags=False, correct_cable_len=False, phase_to_pointing_center=False, run_check=True, check_extra=True, run_check_acceptability=True): """ Read in MWA correlator gpu box files. Parameters ---------- filelist : list of str The list of MWA correlator files to read from. Must include at least one fits file and only one metafits file per data set. Can also be a list of lists to read multiple data sets. axis : str Axis to concatenate files along. This enables fast concatenation along the specified axis without the normal checking that all other metadata agrees. This method does not guarantee correct resulting objects. Please see the docstring for fast_concat for details. Allowed values are: 'blt', 'freq', 'polarization'. Only used if multiple files are passed. use_cotter_flags : bool Option to use cotter output mwaf flag files. Otherwise flagging will only be applied to missing data and bad antennas. correct_cable_len : bool Option to apply a cable delay correction. phase_to_pointing_center : bool Option to phase to the observation pointing center. run_check : bool Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of parameters after after reading in the file (the default is True, meaning the check will be run). check_extra : bool Option to check optional parameters as well as required ones (the default is True, meaning the optional parameters will be checked). run_check_acceptability : bool Option to check acceptable range of the values of parameters after reading in the file (the default is True, meaning the acceptable range check will be done). Raises ------ ValueError If required files are missing or multiple files metafits files are included in filelist. If files from different observations are included in filelist. If files in fileslist have different fine channel widths If file types other than fits, metafits, and mwaf files are included in filelist. """ metafits_file = None obs_id = None file_dict = {} start_time = 0.0 end_time = 0.0 included_file_nums = [] cotter_warning = False num_fine_chans = 0 # iterate through files and organize # create a list of included coarse channels # find the first and last times that have data for file in filelist: if file.lower().endswith('.metafits'): # force only one metafits file if metafits_file is not None: raise ValueError('multiple metafits files in filelist') metafits_file = file # organize data files elif file.lower().endswith('.fits'): # get the file number from the file name; # this will later be mapped to a coarse channel file_num = int(file.split('_')[-2][-2:]) if file_num not in included_file_nums: included_file_nums.append(file_num) with fits.open(file) as data: # check obs id if obs_id is None: obs_id = data[0].header['OBSID'] else: if data[0].header['OBSID'] != obs_id: raise ValueError('files from different observations submitted in same list') # check headers for first and last times containing data first_time = data[1].header['TIME'] + data[1].header['MILLITIM'] / 1000.0 last_time = data[-1].header['TIME'] + data[-1].header['MILLITIM'] / 1000.0 if start_time == 0.0: start_time = first_time elif start_time > first_time: start_time = first_time if end_time < last_time: end_time = last_time # get number of fine channels if num_fine_chans == 0: num_fine_chans = data[1].header['NAXIS2'] elif num_fine_chans != data[1].header['NAXIS2']: raise ValueError('files submitted have different fine channel widths') # organize files if 'data' not in file_dict.keys(): file_dict['data'] = [file] else: file_dict['data'].append(file) # look for flag files elif file.lower().endswith('.mwaf'): if use_cotter_flags is False and cotter_warning is False: warnings.warn('mwaf files submitted with use_cotter_flags=False') cotter_warning = True elif 'flags' not in file_dict.keys(): file_dict['flags'] = [file] else: file_dict['flags'].append(file) else: raise ValueError('only fits, metafits, and mwaf files supported') # checks: if metafits_file is None: raise ValueError('no metafits file submitted') if 'data' not in file_dict.keys(): raise ValueError('no data files submitted') if 'flags' not in file_dict.keys() and use_cotter_flags: raise ValueError('no flag files submitted. Rerun with flag files \ or use_cotter_flags=False') # first set parameters that are always true self.Nspws = 1 self.spw_array = np.array([0]) self.phase_type = 'drift' self.vis_units = 'uncalib' self.Npols = 4 self.xorientation = 'east' # get information from metafits file with fits.open(metafits_file, memmap=True) as meta: meta_hdr = meta[0].header # get a list of coarse channels coarse_chans = meta_hdr['CHANNELS'].split(',') coarse_chans = np.array(sorted([int(i) for i in coarse_chans])) # integration time in seconds int_time = meta_hdr['INTTIME'] # pointing center in degrees ra_deg = meta_hdr['RA'] dec_deg = meta_hdr['DEC'] ra_rad = np.pi * ra_deg / 180 dec_rad = np.pi * dec_deg / 180 # get parameters from header # this assumes no averaging by this code so will need to be updated self.channel_width = float(meta_hdr.pop('FINECHAN') * 1000) self.history = str(meta_hdr['HISTORY']) if not uvutils._check_history_version(self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str): self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str meta_hdr.remove('HISTORY', remove_all=True) self.instrument = meta_hdr['TELESCOP'] self.telescope_name = meta_hdr.pop('TELESCOP') self.object_name = meta_hdr.pop('FILENAME') # get rid of the instrument keyword so it doesn't get put back in meta_hdr.remove('INSTRUME') # get rid of keywords that uvfits.py gets rid of bad_keys = ['SIMPLE', 'EXTEND', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'DATE-OBS'] for key in bad_keys: meta_hdr.remove(key, remove_all=True) # store remaining keys in extra keywords for key in meta_hdr: if key == 'COMMENT': self.extra_keywords[key] = str(meta_hdr.get(key)) elif key != '': self.extra_keywords[key] = meta_hdr.get(key) # get antenna data from metafits file table meta_tbl = meta[1].data # because of polarization, each antenna # is listed twice antenna_numbers = meta_tbl['Antenna'][1::2] antenna_names = meta_tbl['TileName'][1::2] antenna_flags = meta_tbl['Flag'][1::2] cable_lens = meta_tbl['Length'][1::2] # get antenna postions in enu coordinates antenna_positions = np.zeros((len(antenna_numbers), 3)) antenna_positions[:, 0] = meta_tbl['East'][1::2] antenna_positions[:, 1] = meta_tbl['North'][1::2] antenna_positions[:, 2] = meta_tbl['Height'][1::2] # reorder antenna parameters from metafits ordering reordered_inds = antenna_numbers.argsort() self.antenna_numbers = antenna_numbers[reordered_inds] self.antenna_names = list(antenna_names[reordered_inds]) antenna_positions = antenna_positions[reordered_inds, :] antenna_flags = antenna_flags[reordered_inds] cable_lens = cable_lens[reordered_inds] # find flagged antenna flagged_ants = self.antenna_numbers[np.where(antenna_flags == 1)] # set parameters from other parameters self.Nants_data = len(self.antenna_numbers) self.Nants_telescope = len(self.antenna_numbers) self.Nbls = int(len(self.antenna_numbers) * (len(self.antenna_numbers) + 1) / 2.0) # get telescope parameters self.set_telescope_params() # build time array of centers time_array = np.arange(start_time + int_time / 2.0, end_time + int_time / 2.0 + int_time, int_time) # convert from unix to julian times julian_time_array = [Time(i, format='unix', scale='utc').jd for i in time_array] # convert to integers float_time_array = np.array([float(i) for i in julian_time_array]) # build into time array self.time_array = np.repeat(float_time_array, self.Nbls) self.Ntimes = len(time_array) self.Nblts = int(self.Nbls * self.Ntimes) # convert times to lst self.lst_array = uvutils.get_lst_for_time(self.time_array, *self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt_degrees) self.integration_time = np.array([int_time for i in range(self.Nblts)]) # convert antenna positions from enu to ecef # antenna positions are "relative to # the centre of the array in local topocentric \"east\", \"north\", # \"height\". Units are meters." antenna_positions_ecef = uvutils.ECEF_from_ENU(antenna_positions, *self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt) # make antenna positions relative to telescope location self.antenna_positions = antenna_positions_ecef - self.telescope_location # make initial antenna arrays, where ant_1 <= ant_2 ant_1_array = [] ant_2_array = [] for i in range(self.Nants_telescope): for j in range(i, self.Nants_telescope): ant_1_array.append(i) ant_2_array.append(j) self.ant_1_array = np.tile(np.array(ant_1_array), self.Ntimes) self.ant_2_array = np.tile(np.array(ant_2_array), self.Ntimes) self.baseline_array = \ self.antnums_to_baseline(self.ant_1_array, self.ant_2_array) # create self.uvw_array self.set_uvws_from_antenna_positions(allow_phasing=False) # coarse channel mapping: # channels in group 0-128 go in order; channels in group 129-155 go in # reverse order # that is, if the lowest channel is 127, it will be assigned to the # first file # channel 128 will be assigned to the second file # then the highest channel will be assigned to the third file # and the next hightest channel assigned to the fourth file, and so on count = 0 # count the number of channels that are in group 0-128 for i in coarse_chans: if i <= 128: count += 1 # map all file numbers to coarse channel numbers file_nums_to_coarse = {i + 1: coarse_chans[i] if i < count else coarse_chans[(len(coarse_chans) + count - i - 1)] for i in range(len(coarse_chans))} # map included coarse channels to file numbers coarse_to_incl_files = {} for i in included_file_nums: coarse_to_incl_files[file_nums_to_coarse[i]] = i # sort included coarse channels included_coarse_chans = sorted(coarse_to_incl_files.keys()) # map included file numbers to an index that orders them file_nums_to_index = {} for i in included_coarse_chans: file_nums_to_index[coarse_to_incl_files[i]] = included_coarse_chans.index(i) # check that coarse channels are contiguous. chans = np.array(included_coarse_chans) for i in np.diff(chans): if i != 1: warnings.warn('coarse channels are not contiguous for this observation') break # warn user if not all coarse channels are included if len(included_coarse_chans) != len(coarse_chans): warnings.warn('some coarse channel files were not submitted') # build frequency array self.Nfreqs = len(included_coarse_chans) * num_fine_chans self.freq_array = np.zeros((self.Nspws, self.Nfreqs)) # each coarse channel is split into 128 fine channels of width 10 kHz. # The first fine channel for each coarse channel is centered on the # lower bound frequency of that channel and its center frequency is # computed as fine_center = coarse_channel_number * 1280-640 (kHz). # If the fine channels have been averaged (added) by some factor, the # center of the resulting channel is found by averaging the centers of # the first and last fine channels it is made up of. # That is, avg_fine_center=(lowest_fine_center+highest_fine_center)/2 # where highest_fine_center=lowest_fine_center+(avg_factor-1)*10 kHz # so avg_fine_center=(lowest_fine_center+lowest_fine_center+(avg_factor-1)*10)/2 # =lowest_fine_center+((avg_factor-1)*10)/2 # =lowest_fine_center+offset # Calculate offset=((avg_factor-1)*10)/2 to build the frequency array avg_factor = self.channel_width / 10000 width = self.channel_width / 1000 offset = (avg_factor - 1) * 10 / 2.0 for i in range(len(included_coarse_chans)): # get the lowest fine freq of the coarse channel (kHz) lower_fine_freq = included_coarse_chans[i] * 1280 - 640 # find the center of the lowest averaged channel first_center = lower_fine_freq + offset # add the channel centers for this coarse channel into # the frequency array (converting from kHz to Hz) self.freq_array[0, int(i * num_fine_chans):int((i + 1) * num_fine_chans)] = \ np.arange(first_center, first_center + num_fine_chans * width, width) * 1000 # read data into an array with dimensions (time, uv, baselines*pols) data_dump = np.zeros((self.Ntimes, self.Nfreqs, self.Nbls * self.Npols), dtype=np.complex64) # read data files for file in file_dict['data']: # get the file number from the file name file_num = int(file.split('_')[-2][-2:]) # map file number to frequency index freq_ind = file_nums_to_index[file_num] * num_fine_chans with fits.open(file, memmap=False, do_not_scale_image_data=False) as hdu_list: # count number of times end_list = len(hdu_list) for i in range(1, end_list): time = hdu_list[i].header['TIME'] + hdu_list[i].header['MILLITIM'] / 1000.0 + int_time / 2.0 time_ind = np.where(time_array == time)[0][0] # dump data into matrix # and take data from real to complex numbers data_dump[time_ind, freq_ind:freq_ind + num_fine_chans, :] = \ hdu_list[i].data[:, 0::2] + 1j * hdu_list[i].data[:, 1::2] # polarizations are ordered yy, yx, xy, xx self.polarization_array = np.array([-6, -8, -7, -5]) # initialize matrices for data reordering self.nsample_array = np.zeros((self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols), dtype=np.float32) self.data_array = np.zeros((self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols), dtype=np.complex64) self.flag_array = np.full((self.Ntimes, self.Nbls, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols), True) # build mapper from antenna numbers and polarizations to pfb inputs corr_ants_to_pfb_inputs = {} for i in range(len(antenna_numbers)): for p in range(2): corr_ants_to_pfb_inputs[(antenna_numbers[i], p)] = 2 * i + p # for mapping, start with a pair of antennas/polarizations # this is the pair we want to find the data for # map the pair to the corresponding pfb input indices # map the pfb input indices to the pfb output indices # these are the indices for the data corresponding to the initial antenna/pol pair pfb_inputs_to_outputs = input_output_mapping() for ant1 in range(128): for ant2 in range(ant1, 128): for p1 in range(2): for p2 in range(2): # generate the indices in self.data_array for this combination # baselines are ordered (0,0),(0,1),...,(0,127),(1,1),..... # polarizion of 0 (1) corresponds to y (x) pol_ind = int(2 * p1 + p2) bls_ind = int(128 * ant1 - ant1 * (ant1 + 1) / 2 + ant2) # find the pfb input indices for this combination (ind1_1, ind1_2) = (corr_ants_to_pfb_inputs[(ant1, p1)], corr_ants_to_pfb_inputs[(ant2, p2)]) # find the pfb output indices (ind2_1, ind2_2) = (pfb_inputs_to_outputs[(ind1_1)], pfb_inputs_to_outputs[(ind1_2)]) out_ant1 = int(ind2_1 / 2) out_ant2 = int(ind2_2 / 2) out_p1 = ind2_1 % 2 out_p2 = ind2_2 % 2 # the correlator has ind2_2 <= ind2_1 except for # redundant data. The redundant data is not perfectly # redundant; sometimes the values of redundant data # are off by one in the imaginary part. # For consistency, we are ignoring the redundant values # that have ind2_2 > ind2_1 if ind2_2 > ind2_1: # get the index for the data data_index = int(2 * out_ant2 * (out_ant2 + 1) + 4 * out_ant1 + 2 * out_p2 + out_p1) # need to take the complex conjugate of the data self.data_array[:, bls_ind, :, pol_ind] = np.conj(data_dump[:, :, data_index]) else: data_index = int(2 * out_ant1 * (out_ant1 + 1) + 4 * out_ant2 + 2 * out_p1 + out_p2) self.data_array[:, bls_ind, :, pol_ind] = data_dump[:, :, data_index] # unflag where the data is self.flag_array[:, bls_ind, :, pol_ind] = False # nsamples = 1 where the data is self.nsample_array[:, bls_ind, :, pol_ind] = 1.0 # generage baseline flags for flagged ants bad_ant_inds = [] for ant1 in range(128): for ant2 in range(ant1, 128): if ant1 in flagged_ants or ant2 in flagged_ants: bad_ant_inds.append(int(128 * ant1 - ant1 * (ant1 + 1) / 2 + ant2)) self.flag_array[:, bad_ant_inds, :, :] = True # combine baseline and time axes self.data_array = self.data_array.reshape((self.Nblts, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols)) self.flag_array = self.flag_array.reshape((self.Nblts, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols)) self.nsample_array = self.nsample_array.reshape((self.Nblts, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols)) # cable delay corrections if correct_cable_len: self.correct_cable_length(cable_lens) # add spectral window index self.data_array = self.data_array[:, np.newaxis, :, :] self.flag_array = self.flag_array[:, np.newaxis, :, :] self.nsample_array = self.nsample_array[:, np.newaxis, :, :] # because of an annoying discrepancy between file conventions, in order # to be consistent with the uvw vector direction, all the data must # be conjugated self.data_array = np.conj(self.data_array) # reorder polarizations self.reorder_pols() # phasing if phase_to_pointing_center: self.phase(ra_rad, dec_rad) if use_cotter_flags: raise NotImplementedError('reading in cotter flag files is not yet available')