(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - Inria * * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) require import Option List. require (*--*) IterProc. type in_t, state_t. module type Orcl = { proc f (s : state_t, x : in_t) : state_t }. module Fold (O:Orcl) = { proc fold(s : state_t, l : in_t list) = { while (l <> []) { s <@ O.f(s,head witness l); l <- drop 1 l; } return s; } proc fold_12 (s : state_t, t1 : in_t, t2 : in_t) = { s <@ O.f(s,t1); s <@ O.f(s,t2); return s; } proc fold_21 (s : state_t, t1 : in_t, t2 : in_t) = { s <@ O.f(s,t2); s <@ O.f(s,t1); return s; } }. lemma fold_ll (O<:Orcl): islossless O.f => islossless Fold(O).fold. proof. move=> O_ll; proc; inline Fold(O).fold. while true (size l); auto=> /=. + call O_ll; skip=> /= ? [*] Hl <-. smt w=(size_eq0 size_ge0 size_drop). smt w=(size_eq0 size_ge0). qed. section. declare module O:Orcl. axiom fold_swap12: equiv [Fold(O).fold_12 ~ Fold(O).fold_21 : ={t1,t2,glob O,s} ==> ={glob O,res}]. local clone import IterProc as IP with type t <- in_t. local module O' = { var s : state_t proc f (x : in_t): unit = { s <@ O.f(s,x); } }. local equiv Fold_Iter: Fold(O).fold ~ Iter(O').iter: ={glob O,l} /\ s{1} = O'.s{2} ==> ={glob O} /\ res{1} = O'.s{2}. proof. proc; while (={glob O,l} /\ s{1} = O'.s{2}); last by auto. by inline O'.f; wp; call (_: true); auto. qed. local equiv iter_swap1 : Iter(O').iter_12 ~ Iter(O').iter_21 : ={glob O', t1, t2} ==> ={glob O'}. proof. transitivity Fold(O).fold_12 (={glob O,t1,t2} /\ s{2} = O'.s{1} ==> ={glob O} /\ res{2} = O'.s{1}) (={glob O,t1,t2} /\ s{1} = O'.s{2} ==> ={glob O} /\ res{1} = O'.s{2})=> [/#|//||]. + by proc;inline *;sim. transitivity Fold(O).fold_21 (={glob O,s,t1,t2} ==> ={glob O, res}) (={glob O,t1,t2} /\ s{1} = O'.s{2} ==> ={glob O} /\ res{1} = O'.s{2})=> [/#|//||]. + by conseq fold_swap12. by proc;inline *;sim. qed. equiv fold_perm : Fold(O).fold ~ Fold(O).fold : ={glob O,s} /\ perm_eq l{1} l{2} ==> ={glob O,res}. proof. transitivity Iter(O').iter (={glob O,l} /\ s{1} = O'.s{2} ==> ={glob O} /\ res{1} = O'.s{2}) (={glob O} /\ O'.s{1} = s{2} /\ perm_eq l{1} l{2} ==> ={glob O} /\ O'.s{1} = res{2})=> [/#|//||]. + by conseq Fold_Iter. transitivity Iter(O').iter (={glob O'} /\ perm_eq l{1} l{2} ==> ={glob O'}) (={glob O,l} /\ O'.s{1} = s{2} ==> ={glob O} /\ O'.s{1} = res{2})=> [/#|//||]. + by conseq (iter_perm O' _)=>//=; conseq iter_swap1. by symmetry; conseq Fold_Iter. qed. end section.