Raw File
Simple client code for development purposes.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import os
import sys
import math
import json
import time
import random
import tempfile
import collections
import subprocess

# import numpy as np
# import numpy.random

# import statsmodels.api as sm

# import matplotlib
# # Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend.
# matplotlib.use('Agg')
# from matplotlib import pyplot

import _msprime
import msprime

def print_sim(sim):
    print("sample_size = ", sim.get_sample_size())
    print("num_loci = ", sim.get_num_loci())
    print("recombination_rate = ", sim.get_scaled_recombination_rate())
    print("random_seed = ", sim.get_random_seed())
    print("time = ", sim.get_time())
    print("num_ancestors = ", sim.get_num_ancestors())
    print("num_breakpoints = ", sim.get_num_breakpoints())
    print("num_coalescence_records = ", sim.get_num_coalescence_records())
    print("num_coalescence_record_blocks = ", sim.get_num_coalescence_record_blocks())
    for segs in sim.get_ancestors():
    print("breakpoints = ", sim.get_breakpoints())
    for cr in sim.get_coalescence_records():
    print("population models = ")
    for model in sim.get_population_models():

def check_sim(sim):
    n = sim.get_sample_size()
    ancestors = sim.get_ancestors()
    records = sim.get_coalescence_records()
    breakpoints = sim.get_breakpoints()
    # The amount of ancestral material in the coalescence records and
    # the extant segments over all intervals should be n.
    segments_am = [0 for b in breakpoints[:-1]]
    for ind in ancestors:
        for l, r, _ in ind:
            j = breakpoints.index(l)
            while breakpoints[j] < r:
                segments_am[j] += 1
                j += 1
    records_am = [0 for b in breakpoints[:-1]]
    for l, r, _, _, _ in zip(*records):
        j = breakpoints.index(l)
        while breakpoints[j] < r:
            records_am[j] += 1
            j += 1
    for segment_am, record_am in zip(segments_am, records_am):
        if segment_am == 0:
            assert record_am == n - 1
            assert segment_am + record_am == n

def new_sparse_trees(tree_sequence):
    prototype implementation of list-based sparse trees.
    # TODO add get num node to tree sequence
    n = tree_sequence.get_sample_size()
    R = max(node for _, _, node, _, _ in tree_sequence.records())
    tau  = [0.0 for j in range(R + 1)]
    pi = [0 for j in range(R + 1)]
    position = 0
    records = list(tree_sequence.records())
    right_sorted = sorted(records, key=lambda x: x[1])
    j = 0
    # for t1, t2 in zip(records, right_sorted):
    #     print(t1[:-1], "|", t2[:-1], sep="\t")
    for j in range(n - 1):
        l, r, node, children, time = records[j]
        assert l == 0
        tau[node] = time
        for c in children:
            pi[c] = node
    position = right_sorted[0][1]
    yield position, pi, tau
    j += 1
    while j < len(records):
        # print("j = ", j, j - n + 1)
        k = j - n + 1
        while right_sorted[k][1] == position:
            # print("Removing", right_sorted[k])
            for c in right_sorted[k][3]:
                pi[c] = 0
            k += 1
        while j < len(records) and records[j][0] == position:

            _, _, node, children, time = records[j]
            # print("inserting ", records[j])
            tau[node] = time
            for c in children:
                pi[c] = node
            j += 1
        yield right_sorted[k][1] - position, pi, tau
        position = right_sorted[k][1]
        # print("Tree @ position", position)
        # for x in range(1, R + 1):
        #     print(x, "\t", pi[x])
        # print("yielding", pi)
        # print("unsetting", j - n, right_sorted[j - n])
        # for c in right_sorted[j - n][3]:
        #     pi[c] = 0

def hl_main():

    # pi, tau = msprime.simulate_tree(4)
    # print(pi, tau)
    # for l, pi, tau in msprime.simulate_trees(3, 100, 0.1):
    #     print(l, pi, tau)
    treefile = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/tmp.hdf5"
    n = 3
    sim = msprime.TreeSimulator(n)
    # sim.set_max_memory("10G")
    # models = [
    #         msprime.ExponentialPopulationModel(0, 1),
    #         msprime.ExponentialPopulationModel(0.1, 2),
    #         msprime.ConstantPopulationModel(0.5, 2.0),
    # ]
    # for m in models:
    #     sim.add_population_model(m)

    tree_sequence = sim.run()
    # for l, s in tree_sequence.newick_trees(3, sim.get_breakpoints()):
    #     print(l, s)
    for st in tree_sequence.sparse_trees():

    # st = tree_sequence.sparse_trees()
    # for l, pi, tau in new_sparse_trees(tree_sequence):
    #     l2, pi2, tau2 = next(st)
    #     for j in range(1, n + 1):
    #         path1, path2 = [], []
    #         u = j
    #         while u != 0:
    #             path1.append(u)
    #             u = pi[u]
    #         u = j
    #         while u != 0:
    #             path2.append(u)
    #             u = pi2[u]
    #         # print("new", path1)
    #         # print("old", path2)
    #         assert path1 == path2
    #         if l != l2:
    #             print(l, l2)
    #         assert l == l2

      # for _, pi, _ in tree_sequence.sparse_trees():
    #     print(pi)
    #     path = []
    #     j = 1
    #     while j != 0:
    #         path.append(j)
    #         j = pi[j]
    #     print("\t", path)
    # print()
    # for j in range(1, n + 1):
    #     print(j, ":", tree_sequence.sample_nodes(j))

    # hg = msprime.HaplotypeGenerator(tree_sequence, 116.1,
    #         random_seed=1)
    # for h in hg.haplotypes():
    #     print(h)
    # print()
    # print("locations:", hg.get_locations())
    # # hg = msprime.CHaplotypeGenerator(tree_sequence, 116.1,
    # #         random_seed=1)
    # # for h in hg.haplotypes():
    # #     print(h)

    N = 10000
    s = np.zeros(N)
    cs = np.zeros(N)
    for j in range(N):
        hg = msprime.CHaplotypeGenerator(tree_sequence, 116.1,
        cs[j] = hg.get_num_segregating_sites()
        hg = msprime.HaplotypeGenerator(tree_sequence, 116.1,
        s[j] = hg.get_num_segregating_sites()
    print("mean:", np.mean(cs), np.mean(s))
    print("var :", np.var(cs), np.var(s))
    sm.qqplot_2samples(s, cs, line="45")
    f = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/s.png"
    pyplot.savefig(f, dpi=72)

def analyse_records(treefile):
    tree_sequence = msprime.TreeSequence.load(treefile)
    n = tree_sequence.get_sample_size()
    num_records = []
    iterator = tree_sequence.diffs()
    length, r_out, r_in = next(iterator)
    parents = {}
    for children, parent, time in r_in:
        for j in children:
            parents[j] = parent
    assert len(r_out) == 0

    num_trees = 0
    num_leaf_diffs = 0
    for length, r_out, r_in in iterator:
        num_trees  += 1
        k = len(r_in)
        root = 1
        while root in parents:
            root = parents[root]
        print("TREE", len(r_in))
        print("ROOT", root)
        for children, parent, time in r_out:
            v = parent
            d = 0
            while v in parents:
                v = parents[v]
                d += 1
            leaves = 0
            for j in children:
                if j <= n:
                    leaves += 1
            print("\t", d, "\t", leaves, "\t", children, parent, time)
            if k == 1:

                assert parent == root
        if leaves > 0:
            num_leaf_diffs += 1
        for children, parent, time in r_out:
            for j in children:
                del parents[j]
        for children, parent, time in r_in:
            for j in children:
                parents[j] = parent
            print("\t", children, parent, time)

    print(num_trees, num_leaf_diffs / num_trees)
    pyplot.hist(num_records, range(1, 10), normed=True)
    f = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/num_records.png"
    pyplot.savefig(f, dpi=72)

def analyse_subtrees(records):

    parents = {}
    internal_nodes = set()
    for children, parent, time in records:
        for c in children:
            parents[c] = parent
    leaves = set()
    for children, parent, time in records:
        for c in children:
            if c not in internal_nodes:
    subtrees = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for leaf in leaves:
        v = leaf
        while v in parents:
            v = parents[v]
    print("subtrees:", subtrees)
    print("internal_nodes :", internal_nodes)
    print("leaves = ", leaves)
    print("roots = ", list(subtrees.keys()))

def analyse_mutations(filename):
    ts = msprime.load(filename)
    mutations = ts.get_mutations()
    positions = sorted([position for _, position in mutations])
    j = 0
    total_trees = 0
    empty_trees = 0
    N = []
    for tree in ts.sparse_trees():
        total_trees += 1
        # print(tree.left, tree.right)
        num_mutations = 0
        while j < len(positions) and positions[j] < tree.right:
            # print("\t", positions[j])
            j += 1
            num_mutations += 1
        if num_mutations == 0:
            empty_trees += 1
            # print("EMPTY TREE")
    # print(empty_trees / total_trees)
    pyplot.hist(N, range(1, 10), normed=True)
    f = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/num_records.png"
    pyplot.savefig(f, dpi=72)

def print_newick(filename):
    ts = msprime.TreeSequence.load(filename)
    j = 0
    s = 0
    for l, newick in ts.newick_trees(10):
        j += 1
        s += l
        # # print()
        print(l, newick)
        # if j % 10000 == 0:
        #     print(j, s)
        #     break

def large_sim():
    n = 10**3
    # m = 20 * 10**6
    m = 20 * 10**6
    r = 1e-8
    # Calculate the models
    N0 = 1e6
    N1 = 2e4
    N2 = 2e3
    N3 = 2e4
    g1 = 400
    g2 = 2000
    t1 = g1 / (4 * N0)
    t2 = g2 / (4 * N0)
    # Calculate the growth rates.
    alpha1 = -math.log(N1 / N0) / t1
    alpha2 = -math.log(N2 / N1) / (t2 - t1)
    models = [
            msprime.ExponentialPopulationModel(0, alpha1),
            msprime.ExponentialPopulationModel(t1, alpha2),
            msprime.ConstantPopulationModel(t2, N3 / N0),
    treefile = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/large_tree_models.dat"
    ts = msprime.TreeSimulator(n, treefile)
    ts.set_scaled_recombination_rate(4 * N0 * r)
    # ts.set_segment_block_size(int(1e8))
    for m in models:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception as e:
        print("Died!", e)
    print("num_avl_node_blocks = ", ts.get_num_avl_node_blocks())
    print("num_node_mapping_blocks = ", ts.get_num_node_mapping_blocks())
    print("num_segment_blocks = ", ts.get_num_segment_blocks())

    # tf = msprime.TreeFile(treefile)
    # for l, r, c1, c2, p, t in tf.records():
    #     print(l, r, c1, c2, p, t, sep="\t")
    # msprime.sort_tree_file()

def memory_test():
    while True:
        n = random.randint(2, 100)
        m = random.randint(10, 1000)
        r = random.random()
        treefile = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/treefile.dat"
        # TODO add some different n and m values here.
        ts = msprime.TreeSimulator(n, treefile)
        # todo verify all the setters.
        # self.assertEqual(ts.get_sample_size(), n)
        tf = msprime.TreeFile(treefile)
        l = [t for t in tf]

def haplotype_example():
    tree_sequence = msprime.simulate(
            sample_size=10, num_loci=100,
    # print_out the haplotypes as Python strings.
    for h in tree_sequence.haplotypes():

def get_total_branch_length(sparse_tree):
    Compute the total branch length of the specified tree using
    a top-down traversal.
    stack = [sparse_tree.root]
    total_branch_length = 0
    while len(stack) > 0:
        u = stack.pop()
        if sparse_tree.children[0][u] != 0:
            for j in range(2):
        parent = sparse_tree.parent[u]
        if sparse_tree.parent[u] != 0:
            total_branch_length += (
                sparse_tree.time[parent] - sparse_tree.time[u])
    return total_branch_length

def tree_processing_example():
    tree_sequence = msprime.simulate(
            sample_size=10, num_loci=100,
    # we can now access the trees in this tree sequence sequentially.
    for sparse_tree in tree_sequence.sparse_trees():
        print("TMCRA for interval [{}, {}) = {}".format(
            sparse_tree.left, sparse_tree.right,
            "\ttotal_branch_length = ", get_total_branch_length(sparse_tree))

def dump_load_example():
    tree_sequence = msprime.simulate(
            sample_size=10, num_loci=10,
    filename = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/dump.hdf5"
    copy = msprime.load(filename)

def edit_visualisation():
    Create some visualisation of the edit structure of the tree file.
    n = 5
    m = 10
    r = 0.5
    mu = 2.0
    treefile = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/treefile.dat"
    ts = msprime.TreeSimulator(n, treefile)
    tf = msprime.TreeFile(treefile)
    max_time = 0
    for l, pi, tau in tf:
        max_time = max(max_time, *tau)
    tf = msprime.TreeFile(treefile)
    for j, (l, pi, tau) in enumerate(tf):
        output_file = "tmp__NOBACKUP__/viz_{0}.pdf".format(j)
        fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(".asy")
        out = os.fdopen(fd, "w")
        make_tree_visualisation(pi, tau, out, max_time)
        args = ["asy", filename, "-f", "pdf", "-o", output_file]
    tf = msprime.TreeFile(treefile)
    for r in tf.records():

def make_tree_visualisation(pi, tau, out, max_time):
    print(pi, tau, max_time)
    print("size(8cm, 0);", file=out)
    print("defaultpen(fontsize(6pt));", file=out)
    n = len(pi) // 2
    nodes = {}
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        x = (j, 0)
        nodes[j] = x
    for j in range(n + 1, 2 * n):
        k = j - n
        if j % 2 == 0:
            x0 = j % n + 0.5 * k
            x0 = n - (j % n - 1) + 0.5 * k
        x = (x0, k)
        nodes[j] = x
    for j, x in nodes.items():
        s = 'dot({0});'.format(x)
        l = "S" if j <= n else "NW"
        print(s, file=out)
        s = 'label("{0}, t={3:.3f}", {1}, {2});'.format(j, x, l, tau[j])
        print(s, file=out)
    m = [0 for j in range(2 * n)]
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        u = j
        while pi[u] != 0 and m[u] == 0:
            m[u] = 1
            x = nodes[u]
            y = nodes[pi[u]]
            s = 'draw({0}--{1});'.format(x, y)
            print(s, file=out)
            u = pi[u]

def print_tree_file(filename):
    ts = msprime.TreeSequence.load(filename)
    max_node = 0
    for l, r, node, (c1, c2), t in ts.records():
        if node > max_node:
            max_node = node
        # print(l, r, node, c1, c2, t, sep="\t")

def dump_simulation(filename, n=10, m=100):
    sim = msprime.TreeSimulator(n)
    ts = sim.run()
    for l, r, node, children, time in ts.records():
        print(l, r, node, children, time, sep="\t")
    # ts.dump(filename)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # dump_simulation(sys.argv[1])
    # print_tree_file(sys.argv[1])
    # analyse_records(sys.argv[1])
    # edit_visualisation()
    # haplotype_example()
    # tree_processing_example()
    # dump_load_example()
    # analyse_mutations("tmp__NOBACKUP__/quinlan-mutations.hdf5")
    # hl_main()
    # print_newick(sys.argv[1])
    # memory_test()
    # large_sim()

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