citHeader("To cite the CluMix package in publications use:") if(!exists("meta") || is.null(meta)) meta <- packageDescription("foo") year <- sub(".*(2[[:digit:]]{3})-.*", "\\1", meta$Date) vers <- paste("R package version", meta$Version) citEntry(entry="Manual", title = "CluMix: Clustering and visualization of mixed-type data ", author = personList(as.person("M. Hummel"), as.person("D. Edelmann"), as.person("A. Kopp-Schneider")), year = year, note = vers, textVersion = paste("M. Hummel, D. Edelmann and A. Kopp-Schneider (", year, ") CluMix ", vers, ".", sep = "") ) citEntry(entry="Article", title = "Clustering of samples and variables with mixed-type data", author = personList(as.person("M. Hummel"), as.person("D. Edelmann"), as.person("A. Kopp-Schneider")), journal = "PLOS ONE", number = "12(11):e0188274", pages = "", year = 2017, textVersion = paste("M. Hummel, D. Edelmann and A. Kopp-Schneider (2017)", "Clustering of samples and variables with mixed-type data,", "PLOS ONE, 12(11):e0188274") )