Raw File
   Copyright Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines 2009
   AUTHORS: Sebastien Briais, Sid Touati

   This file is part of RS.
   RS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.
   RS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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#ifndef __RS_GREEDY_H
#define __RS_GREEDY_H
/** \file greedy.h
    \brief Register saturation (greedy-k heuristic) */ 

#include <GDD/dag.h>
#include <SCEDA/graph.h>

/** Compute a killing function according to Greedy-k algorithm.

    @param[in] dag = GDD_DAG
    @param[in] type = considered type

    @return a killing function */
SCEDA_HashMap *RS_ddag_greedy_k(GDD_DAG *dag, const char *type);

/** Return an approximated set of saturating values for given type.
    Use Greedy-k algorithm.

    @param[in] dag = GDD_DAG
    @param[in] type = considered type

    @return a list of saturating values */
SCEDA_List *RS_ddag_estimate_saturating_values(GDD_DAG *dag, const char *type);

/** Estimate the register saturation for given type.
    Use Greedy-k algorithm.

    @param[in] dag = GDD_DAG
    @param[in] type = considered type
    @param[in] fast = TRUE to use fast version, FALSE to use precise version

    @return an approximation of the register saturation */
int RS_ddag_estimate_saturation(GDD_DAG *dag, const char *type, int fast);


/** \page greedy Register saturation: theory & practice

    \section greedy_intro Introduction

    The register saturation of an acyclic DDG is intuitively the
    maximum number of registers needed simulteanously, over all the
    possible scheduling of the DDG instructions.

    It is possible to compute exactly this value. However, since this
    problem is NP-complete, the exact algorithm may take a very very
    long time in practice. Sid Touati has presented in the research
    article <em>Register saturation in instruction level
    parallelism</em> an efficient heuristic --called Greedy-k-- to
    estimate this value.

    The central point of the two algorithms (exact and approximated)
    is the potential killers graph. This graph is defined as
    follows. If \f$G = (V,E)\f$ is an acyclic DDG and \f$t\f$ is a
    register type, the potential killer graph of type \f$t\f$ is
    \f$\mathop{PK}^t(G) = (V,E_K)\f$, where \f$E_K = \{ (u,v) \mid u \in
    V_R^t \wedge v \in \mathop{pkill}_G^t(u) \}\f$. 

    The set \f$\mathop{pkill}_G^t(u)\f$ is the set of potential
    killers of value \f$u\f$. It is defined by
    \f$\mathop{pkill}_G^t(u) = \{ v \in \mathop{Cons}^t(u) \mid
    \mathop{U}(v) \cap \mathop{Cons}^t(u) = \emptyset \}\f$.

    A killing function is a function \f$\mathop{k}: V_R^t \to V\f$
    that choses for each value \f$u \in V_R^t\f$ which potential
    killer consumes it the latter (ie kills it). If a value is not
    defined in the map (and thus maps to NULL), it means that it is
    killed afterwards.

    A killing function is valid if and only if the graph associated
    with the killing function is acyclic. This graph is defined by
    \f$G^t_{\rightarrow k} = (V,E \cup E_k^t)\f$ where \f$E_k^t = \{
    (v,\mathop{k}(u)) \mid u \in V_R^t, v \in \mathop{pkill}_G^t(u), v
    \neq \mathop{k}(u) \}\f$ with \f$\delta(e) = \delta_r^t(v) -
    \delta_r^t(\mathop{k}(u)) + 1\f$ for any edge \f$e =
    (v,\mathop{k}(u)) \in E_k^t\f$.
    Note that not all killing functions are valid. Any valid killing
    function implies a certain register need.

    Greedy-k heuristics constructs greedily a killing function that
    has in practice a register need close to the exact register

    The exact algorithm makes an exhaustive search amongst all valid
    killing functions and maximises the register need.

    We refer to Sid Touati's article for further details and proofs.

    \section greedy_api API

    These functions work on acyclic DDGs (GDD_DAG of DDG library).

    SCEDA_Graph *RS_ddag_pkill(GDD_DAG *dag, const char *type);

    Compute the "potential killers" graph for given type.

    SCEDA_List *RS_ddag_saturating_values(GDD_DAG *dag, SCEDA_HashMap *killing_map, const char *type);

    Compute a list of saturating values of given type in the DDG, assuming a given killing function.

    SCEDA_HashMap *RS_ddag_greedy_k(GDD_DAG *dag, SCEDA_Graph *pkg, const char *type);

    Compute a killing function for given type using Greedy-k algorithm.

    SCEDA_List *RS_ddag_estimate_saturating_values(GDD_DAG *dag, const char *type);

    Return an approximated set of saturating values for given type.

    int RS_ddag_estimate_saturation(GDD_DAG *dag, const char *type, int fast);

    Estimate register saturation for values of given type, with fast
    or precise heuristic.

    int RS_ddag_compute_saturation(GDD_DAG *dag, const char *type, double timeout, int *rs, SCEDA_HashMap **k);

    Compute the register saturation for values of given type. Since
    the execution time can be very long, the exhaustive search will
    stop after the execution time has exceded the timeout (in

    \section greedy_example Example

    The following program parses an XML description of an architecture
    and a DDG and gives an estimation of the register saturation for
    each types of the architecture.

    \include "greedy/main.c"
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