## Copyright (C) 2010--2011 Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ## version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS ## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more ## details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ## this program; if not, see . #### Goodness-of-fit testing for nested Archimedean copulas ### transformations to univariate quantities ################################### ##' Kendall distribution function ##' ##' @title Kendall distribution function ##' @param u evaluation point(s) ##' @param cop acopula with specified parameter ##' @param d dimension ##' @param n.MC if > 0 a Monte Carlo approach is applied with sample size equal ##' to n.MC; otherwise the exact formula is used ##' @return Kendall distribution function at u ##' @author Marius Hofert K <- function(u, cop, d, n.MC=0) { stopifnot(is(cop, "acopula")) th <- cop@theta n <- length(u) if(n.MC > 0) { stopifnot(is.finite(n.MC)) V <- cop@V0(n.MC,th) psiI <- cop@psiInv(u, th) unlist(lapply(psiI, function(psInv) mean(ppois(d-1, V* psInv)))) } else { K. <- numeric(n) K.[is0 <- u == 0] <- 0 K.[is1 <- u == 1] <- 1 if(length(not01 <- seq_len(n)[!(is0 | is1)])) K.[not01] <- if(d == 1) { u[not01] } else if(d == 2) { u[not01] + cop@psiInv(u[not01], theta=th) / cop@psiInvD1abs(u[not01], th) } else { ## d >= 3 : j <- seq_len(d-1) lpsiI. <- cop@psiInv(u[not01], theta=th, log=TRUE) lpsiDabs <- do.call(rbind, lapply(j, function(j.) cop@psiDabs(exp(lpsiI.), theta=th, degree=j., log=TRUE))) # (d-1,n)-matrix with n = length(not01) lfac.j <- cumsum(log(j)) ## == lfactorial(j) r <- colSums(exp(lpsiDabs + j %*% t(lpsiI.) - lfac.j)) ## ensure we are in [0,1] {numerical inaccuracy} pmin(1, u[not01] + r) ## Former code: ## K2 <- function(psInv) { ## lpsiDabs <- unlist(lapply(j, cop@psiDabs, ## u=psInv, theta=th, log=TRUE)) ## sum(exp(lpsiDabs + j*log(psInv) - lfac.j)) ## } ## pmin(1, u[not01] + unlist(lapply(psiI[not01], K2))) ## ## NB: AMH, Clayton, Frank are numerically not quite monotone near one; ## -- this does not change that {but maybe slightly *more* accurate}: ## psiDabs. <- unlist(lapply(j, cop@psiDabs, u = psInv, theta = th, ## log = FALSE)) ## sum(psiDabs.*psInv^j/factorial(j)) } K. } } ##' Transforms supposedly U[0,1]^d distributed vectors of random variates to ##' univariate data (for testing in a one-dimensional setup) ##' ##' @title Transformation to a one-dimensional test setting ##' @param u matrix of random variates to be transformed (typically ##' pseudo-observations obtained from gtrafo()) ##' @param method trafo method. Available are: ##' "chisq" : map to a chi-square distribution using the standard normal ##' quantile function ##' "gamma" : map to an Erlang (= gamma) distribution using the logarithm ##' "Remillard": the test statistic S_n^{(B)} in Genest, Remillard, Beaudoin (2009) ##' "Genest" : the test statistic S_n^{(C)} in Genest, Remillard, Beaudoin (2009) ##' @return the transformed variates ##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler ## MM: Der Funktionsname passt mir nicht... "ouni" ist hässlich (wieso auch "trafo"? Jede R Funktion ist eine "Trafo" in einem gewissen Sinn.. ## Brainstorm unid21() ("d to 1 dimensional") gtrafouni <- function(u, method = c("chisq", "gamma", "Remillard", "Genest")) { if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u) d <- ncol(u) n <- nrow(u) method <- match.arg(method) switch(method, "chisq" = pchisq(rowSums(qnorm(u)^2), d), "gamma" = pgamma(rowSums(-log(u)), shape=d), "Remillard" = { u <- t(u) sum1 <- exp(lsum(log1p(-u^2))) ## FIXME(MM): should use lsum(log1p(.)) as sum1 ; should work w/o nested apply(.) sum2 <- mean(apply(u, 2, function(u.) { # u. is in R^d sum(apply(u, 2, function(u..) prod(1- pmax(u., u..)))) })) n/3^d - sum1/2^(d-1) + sum2 }, "Genest" = { Dn <- apply(u, 1, function(u.){ ## u. is one row. We want to know the number of rows of u ## that are (all) componentwise <= u. mean(apply(u <= u., 1, all)) # TRUE <=> the whole row in u is <= u. }) Cperp <- apply(u, 1, prod) sum((Dn-Cperp)^2) }, stop("gtrafouni: unsupported method ", method)) } ### multivariate transformations ############################################### ##' Transforms vectors of random variates following the given (nested) Archimedean ##' copula (with specified parameters) to U[0,1]^d vectors of random variates ##' via Rosenblatt's transformation ##' ##' @title Rosenblatt transformation for a (nested) Archimedean copula ##' @param u data matrix ##' @param cop an outer_nacopula ##' @param m # order up to which Rosenblatt's transform is computed, i.e., ##' C(u_j | u_1,...,u_{j-1}), j=2,..,m ##' @param n.MC parameter n.MC for evaluating the derivatives via Monte Carlo ##' @return matrix of supposedly U[0,1]^d realizations ##' @author Marius Hofert rtrafo <- function(u, cop, m=d, n.MC=0) { stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), 2 <= m, m <= d) if(length(cop@childCops)) stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are provided") if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u) stopifnot(0 <= u, u <=1) cop <- cop@copula th <- cop@theta stopifnot(cop@paraConstr(th)) dim. <- dim(u) n <- dim.[1] d <- dim.[2] psiI <- cop@psiInv(u, theta=th) psiI. <- t(apply(psiI, 1, cumsum)) ## compute all conditional probabilities if(n.MC==0){ C.j <- function(j){ # computes C(u_j | u_1,...,u_{j-1}) with the same idea as for cacopula logD <- cop@psiDabs(c(psiI.[,j], psiI.[,j-1]), theta=th, degree=j-1, n.MC=0, log=TRUE) exp(logD[1:n]-logD[(n+1):(2*n)]) } }else{ # n.MC > 0 ## draw random variates V <- cop@V0(n.MC, th) C.j <- function(j){ # computes C(u_j | u_1,...,u_{j-1}) with the same idea as for cacopula ## use same idea as default method of psiDabsMC ## only difference: only draw V's once arg <- c(psiI.[,j], psiI.[,j-1]) iInf <- is.infinite(arg) logD <- numeric(2*n) logD[iInf] <- -Inf if(any(!iInf)) logD[!iInf] <- lsum(-V %*% t(arg[!iInf]) + (j-1) * log(V) - log(n.MC)) exp(logD[1:n]-logD[(n+1):(2*n)]) } } cbind(u[,1],sapply(2:m, C.j)) } ##' Transforms vectors of random variates following the given (nested) Archimedean ##' copula (with specified parameters) to U[0,1]^d (or U[0,1]^(d-1)) vectors of ##' random variates via the transformation of Hering and Hofert (2011) ##' ##' @title Transformation of Hering and Hofert (2011) ##' @param u data matrix ##' @param cop an outer_nacopula ##' @param include.K boolean indicating whether the last component, K, is also ##' used (include.K = TRUE) ##' @param n.MC parameter n.MC for K ##' @return matrix of supposedly U[0,1]^d realizations ##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler htrafo <- function(u, cop, include.K=TRUE, n.MC=0) { stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula")) if(length(cop@childCops)) stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are provided") if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u) stopifnot((d <- ncol(u)) >= 2, 0 <= u, u <= 1) ## trafo th <- cop@copula@theta lpsiI <- cop@copula@psiInv(u, th, log=TRUE) # matrix log(psi^{-1}(u)) lcumsum <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:d, function(j) lsum(t(lpsiI[,1:j, drop=FALSE])))), ncol=d) u. <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:(d-1), function(k) exp(k*(lcumsum[,k]- lcumsum[,k+1])) )), ncol=d-1) # transformed components (uniform under H_0) if(include.K) u. <- cbind(u., K(cop@copula@psi(exp(lcumsum[,d]), th), cop=cop@copula, d=d, n.MC=n.MC)) u. } ### Gof wrapper ################################################################ ##' Conducts a goodness-of-fit test for the given H0 copula cop based on the ##' (copula) data u ##' ##' @title Goodness-of-fit testing for (nested) Archimedean copulas ##' @param u (copula-)data matrix ##' @param cop outer_nacopula with specified H0 parameters ##' @param n.bootstrap number of bootstrap replications ##' @param estimation.method estimation method, see enacopula ##' @param include.K boolean whether K is included in the transformation ##' @param n.MC parameter n.MC for K ##' @param trafo multivariate goodness-of-fit transformation; available are: ##' "Hering.Hofert" the transformation of Hering, Hofert (2011) ##' "Rosenblatt" the transformation of Rosenblatt (1952) ##' @param method univariate goodness-of-fit transformation; available are those ##' of gtrafouni ##' @param verbose if TRUE, the progress of the bootstrap is displayed ##' @param ... additional arguments to enacopula ##' @return htest object ##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler gnacopula <- function(u, cop, n.bootstrap, estimation.method= eval(formals(enacopula)$method), include.K= TRUE, n.MC= 0, trafo= c("Hering.Hofert", "Rosenblatt"), method= eval(formals(gtrafouni)$method), verbose= TRUE, ...) { ## setup if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u) stopifnot(0 <= u, u <= 1, is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), (d <- ncol(u)) >= 2, max(cop@comp) == d, n.bootstrap >= 0, n.MC >= 0) if(length(cop@childCops)) stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are provided") if(n.bootstrap == 0) stop("Choose a reasonable number of bootstrap replications or apply the transformations yourself, see ?gnacopula.") u.name <- deparse(substitute(u)) ## additional warnings for now estimation.method <- match.arg(estimation.method) if(estimation.method != "mle"){ if(estimation.method == "smle") warning("'estimation.method = \"smle\"' may be time-consuming!") else warning("Consistency for the chosen estimation.method is not clear. Additionally, numerical problems might appear.") } ## build multivariate transformation trafo <- match.arg(trafo) method <- match.arg(method) gtrafomulti <- switch(trafo, "Hering.Hofert" = { function(u, cop) htrafo(u, cop=cop, include.K=include.K, n.MC=n.MC) }, "Rosenblatt" = { function(u, cop) rtrafo(u, cop=cop, n.MC=n.MC) }, stop("invalid 'trafo' argument")) ## build test statistic function and string describing the method string <- "Bootstrapped test of" test.stat <- switch(method, # define test statistic (and correct string describing the procedure) "chisq" =, "gamma" = { string <- paste0(string, "Anderson and Darling (with trafo = ", trafo, " and method = ", method, ")") function(x) ad.test(x)$statistic }, "Remillard" =, "Genest" = { string <- paste0(string, " ", method," (with trafo = ", trafo, ")") function(x) x }, stop("wrong 'method' argument")) ## main part --- Bootstrapping ------------------ ## (1) estimate the parameter by the provided estimation method and ## define the estimated copula if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u) theta.hat <- enacopula(u, cop, method=estimation.method, ...) cop.hat <- onacopulaL(cop@copula@name, list(theta.hat, 1:d)) # copula with theta.hat ## (2) transform the data with the copula with estimated parameter u.prime <- gtrafomulti(u, cop=cop.hat) # transformed data in the unit hypercube Y <- gtrafouni(u.prime, method=method) # transformed data ## (3) conduct the Anderson-Darling test or compute the test statistic (depends on method) teststat <- test.stat(Y) ## (4) conduct the parametric bootstrap theta.hat. <- numeric(n.bootstrap) # vector of estimators teststat. <- vector("list", n.bootstrap) # vector of test.stat() results if(verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=n.bootstrap, style = 3) # setup progress bar for(k in 1:n.bootstrap) { ## (4.1) sample from the copula with estimated parameter and build ## the corresponding pseudo-observations u. <- pobs(rnacopula(nrow(u), cop.hat)) ## (4.2) estimate the parameter by the provided method and define ## the estimated copula theta.hat.[k] <- enacopula(u., cop, method=estimation.method, ...) cop.hat. <- onacopulaL(cop@copula@name, list(theta.hat.[k], 1:d)) ## (4.3) transform the data with the copula with estimated parameter u.prime. <- gtrafomulti(u., cop=cop.hat.) Y. <- gtrafouni(u.prime., method=method) ## (4.4) conduct the Anderson-Darling test or compute the test statistic (depends on method) teststat.[[k]] <- test.stat(Y.) if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, k) # update progress bar } if(verbose) close(pb) # close progress bar ## (5) build and return results structure(class = "htest", list(p.value= mean(unlist(teststat.) > teststat), statistic = teststat, data.name = u.name, method=string, estimator=theta.hat, bootStats = list(estimator=theta.hat., statistic=teststat.))) }