\name{infantGrowth} \alias{infantGrowth} \docType{data} \title{ Tibia Length for One Baby } \description{ Measurement of the length of the tibia for the first 40 days of life for one infant. } \usage{data(infantGrowth)} \format{ A matrix with three columns: \itemize{ \item{day}{age in days} \item{tibiaLength}{ The average of five measurements of tibia length in millimeters } \item{sd.length}{ The standard deviation of five measurements of tibia length in millimeters } } } %\details{} \source{ Hermanussen, M., Thiel, C., von Bueren, E., de los Angeles Rol. de Lama, M., Perez Romero, A., Arizonavarreta Ruiz, C., Burmeister, J., Tresguerras, J. A. F. (1998) Micro and macro perspectives in auxology: Findings and considerations upon the variability of short term and individual growth and the stability of population derived parameters, \emph{Annals of Human Biology}, 25: 359-395. } \references{ Ramsay, James O., and Silverman, Bernard W. (2006), \emph{Functional Data Analysis, 2nd ed.}, Springer, New York. } \examples{ data(infantGrowth) plot(tibiaLength~day, infantGrowth) } \keyword{datasets}