\name{hankel} \alias{hankel} \title{Hankel Matrix} \description{ Generate Hankel matrix from column and row vector } \usage{ hankel(a, b) } \arguments{ \item{a}{vector that will be the first column} \item{b}{vector that if present will form the last row.} } \details{ \code{hankel(a)} returns the square Hankel matrix whose first column is \code{a} and whose elements are zero below the secondary diagonal. (I.e.: \code{b} may be missing.) \code{hankel(a, b)} returns a Hankel matrix whose first column is \code{a} and whose last row is \code{b}. If the first element of \code{b} differs from the last element of \code{a} it is overwritten by this one. } \value{ matrix of size \code{(length(a), length(b))} } \seealso{ \code{\link{toeplitz}}, \code{\link{hadamard}} } \examples{ hankel(1:5, 5:1) } \keyword{ array }