Raw File
  Runge-Kutta (2, 3)-method with variable step size.
ode23(f, t0, tfinal, y0, ..., rtol = 1e-3, atol = 1e-6)
  \item{f}{function in the differential equation \eqn{y' = f(x, y)};\cr
           defined as a function \eqn{R \times R^m \rightarrow R^m}, where
           \eqn{m} is the number of equations.}
  \item{t0, tfinal}{start and end points of the interval.}
  \item{y0}{starting values as column vector;
    for \eqn{m} equations \code{u0} needs to be a vector of length \code{m}.}
  \item{rtol, atol}{relative and absolute tolerance.}
  \item{...}{Additional parameters to be passed to the function.}
  \code{ode23} is an integration method for systems of ordinary differential
  equations using second and third order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg formulas with
  automatic step-size.
  List with components \code{t} for grid (or `time') points between \code{t0}
  and \code{tfinal}, and \code{y} an n-by-m matrix with solution variables in
  columns, i.e. each row contains one time stamp.
  Moler, C. (2004). Numerical Computing with Matlab. Revised Reprint, SIAM.
  Copyright (c) 2004 C. Moler for the Matlab textbook version \code{ode23tx}.
  \code{\link{rk4sys}}, \code{\link{deval}}
##  Example1: Three-body problem
f <- function(t, y)
		as.matrix(c(y[2]*y[3], -y[1]*y[3], 0.51*y[1]*y[2]))
y0 <- as.matrix(c(0, 1, 1))
t0 <- 0; tf <- 20
sol <- ode23(f, t0, tf, y0, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-10)
matplot(sol$t, sol$y, type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = c(2, 1, 1),
        col = c("darkred", "darkblue", "darkgreen"),
        xlab = "Time [min]", ylab= "",
        main = "Three-body Problem")

##  Example2: Van der Pol Equation
#   x'' + (x^2 - 1) x' + x = 0
f <- function(t, x)
        as.matrix(c(x[1] * (1 - x[2]^2) -x[2], x[1]))
t0 <- 0; tf <- 20
x0 <- as.matrix(c(0, 0.25))
sol <- ode23(f, t0, tf, x0)
plot(c(0, 20), c(-3, 3), type = "n",
     xlab = "Time", ylab = "", main = "Van der Pol Equation")
lines(sol$t, sol$y[, 1], col = "blue")
lines(sol$t, sol$y[, 2], col = "darkgreen")
\keyword{ ode }
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