Tip revision: 3060d2b3ea45059741f3612cf8273a125315b3ac authored by Nitesh Turaga on 27 October 2020, 15:33:27 UTC
bump x.y.z version to odd y following creation of RELEASE_3_12 branch
bump x.y.z version to odd y following creation of RELEASE_3_12 branch
Tip revision: 3060d2b
#' Create calculated annotation
#' \code{calculatedAnnotation} adds a column calculated by operation
#' @param es ExpressionSet object.
#' @param operation Name of the operation to perform calculation
#' @param columns List of specified columns' indices (optional),
#' indices start from 0#'
#' @param rows List of specified rows' indices (optional), indices start from 0
#' @param name Name of the new annotation
#' @param isColumns Apply fn to columns
#' @return Nothing. Annotated dataset will be assigned to es in environment
#' @import Biobase
calculatedAnnotation <- function (es, operation, rows = c(),
columns = c(), isColumns = FALSE, name = NULL) {
rows <- getIndicesVector(rows, nrow(exprs(es)))
columns <- getIndicesVector(columns, ncol(exprs(es)))
fn <- tolower(operation)
if (!isColumns) {
fData(es)[[name]] <- NA
fData(es)[[name]][rows] <- apply(exprs(es[rows,columns]), 1, fn)
} else {
phenoData(es)[[name]] <- NA
phenoData(es)[[name]][columns] <- apply(exprs(es[rows,columns]), 2, fn)
assign("es", es, envir = parent.frame())