Raw File
\title{Class "Schur" of Schur Matrix Factorizations}
\description{Class \code{"Schur"} is the class of Schur matrix
  factorizations.  These are a generalization of eigen value (or
  \dQuote{spectral}) decompositions for general (possibly asymmmetric)
  square matrices, see the \code{\link{Schur}()} function.
\section{Objects from the Class}{
  Objects of class \code{"Schur"} are typically created by
  \code{"Schur"} has slots
    \item{\code{T}:}{Upper Block-triangular \code{\linkS4class{Matrix}}
    \item{\code{Q}:}{Square \emph{orthogonal} \code{"Matrix"}.}
    \item{\code{EValues}:}{numeric or complex vector of eigenvalues of \code{T}.}
    \item{\code{Dim}:}{the matrix dimension: equal to \code{c(n,n)} of
      class \code{"integer"}.}
Class \code{"\linkS4class{MatrixFactorization}"}, directly.

% \note{There's not yet a class for \emph{sparse} Schur decompositions;
%   mainly because there's no \code{\link{Schur}()} method for those neither.
% }
  \code{\link{Schur}()} for object creation;
Schur(M <- Matrix(c(1:7, 10:2), 4,4))
## Trivial, of course:

## for more examples, see Schur()
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