# Position-Free Monte Carlo Simulation for Arbitrary Layered BSDFs
[Yu Guo](https://tflsguoyu.github.io/), [Miloš Hašan](http://miloshasan.net/), [Shuang Zhao](https://shuangz.com/).
In ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2018).
[[Supplemental Materials](https://tflsguoyu.github.io/layeredbsdf_suppl/)]
[Fastforward on Siggraph Asia 2018 ([Video](https://youtu.be/v5u6LYCN_PU))([Slides](https://www.dropbox.com/s/zirw16peipdtq70/layeredbsdf_ff.pptx?dl=0))] \
[Presentation on Siggraph Asia 2018 ([Slides](https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8h4h9jph1np3dt/layeredbsdf_main.pptx?dl=0))]
[[Two Minute Papers](https://youtu.be/Bv3yat484aQ)]
## Overview
This is a branch of the Mitsuba (0.6.0) renderer (official repo: https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/mitsuba)
## Install
### Linux (Preferred, Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04)
- `$ sudo apt update`
- `$ sudo apt upgrade`
- `$ sudo apt install git scons libboost-all-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libopenexr-dev libxerces-c-dev libeigen3-dev libfftw3-dev libglewmx-dev freeglut3-dev`
- `$ git clone https://github.com/tflsguoyu/layeredbsdf.git`
- `$ cd layeredbsdf/`
- `$ mv config_linux.py config.py`
- `$ scons -j x` (x = # of cpu cores)
- `$ source setpath.sh`
Now you can render scenes
- `$ mitsuba xxx.xml`
### Windows (Tested on Windows 10 x64)
- install visual studio 2017
- clone this git to local folder
- go to folder ..\layeredbsdf\
- rename config_windows.py to config.py
- download [dependencies](https://github.com/tflsguoyu/layeredbsdf_suppl/blob/master/github/dependencies.zip)
## Examples in paper (click image to download scene files)
## Scene file (.xml) explanation
- `` (Here using 0.6.0, but not 0.5.0)
- `` (`path_layered` preferred, but can still use `path`, `volpath` or `volpath_simple` instead)
- ` ... ` (BSDF type is `multilayered`, both our `uni-dir` and `bi-dir` methods are implemented here)
## Notes
- Default precision in `config.py` is `single`. If you find too many warnings or even it is crashed when rendering scenes, you should try `double` precision instead. (Already provided in `config.py`)
- `conductor` and `dielectric` are not supported now, use `roughconductor (a=0.001)` and `roughdielectric (a=0.001)` instead.
- Welcome to report bugs and leave comments (Yu Guo: tflsguoyu@gmail.com)