Tip revision: fe9c3824eb3d9649de2d0c074c8896ae13c45f27 authored by Nitesh Turaga on 27 April 2020, 19:14:57 UTC
bump x.y.z version to even y prior to creation of RELEASE_3_11 branch
bump x.y.z version to even y prior to creation of RELEASE_3_11 branch
Tip revision: fe9c382
renameColumn <- function (es, isFeature = TRUE, oldName, newName) {
if (isFeature) {
fData(es)[[newName]] <- fData(es)[[oldName]]
fData(es)[[oldName]] <- NULL
} else {
phenoData(es)[[newName]] <- phenoData(es)[[oldName]]
phenoData(es)[[oldName]] <- NULL
assign("es", es, envir = parent.frame())