Raw File
% This file is part of NS2DDV.                                                      %
%                                                                                   %
% Copyright(C) 2011-2018    C. Calgaro  (caterina.calgaro@math.univ-lille1.fr)      %
%                           E. Creusé   (emmanuel.creuse@math.univ-lille1.fr)       %
%                           T. Goudon   (thierry.goudon@inria.fr)                   %
%                           A. Mouton   (alexandre.mouton@math.univ-lille1.fr)      %
%                                                                                   %
% NS2DDV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms %
% of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,   %
% either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.           %
%                                                                                   %
% NS2DDV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY         %
% WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   %
% PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.          %
%                                                                                   %
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with      %
% NS2DDV. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                               %
function[res] = read_2D(namefile, header)

	% namefile		The result file to be read
	% header		The diagnostic to be extracted
	% res			The extracted result

	v = version('-release');
	vnum = str2num(v(1:4));
	usemat = strcmp(namefile(size(namefile,2)-3:size(namefile,2)), '.mat');
	usehdf5 = strcmp(namefile(size(namefile,2)-2:size(namefile,2)), '.h5');

	if ~(usemat || usehdf5)
		error('Only .mat or .h5 files can be handled');
	elseif (usehdf5 && (vnum < 2011))
		error('Cannot read .h5 file: please Matlab R2011a or newer version to proceed');

	% Reminder : in .mat files, the vector fields are saved as vectors. Their components are not separated
	% In .h5 files, there are only scalar fields (the vector fields are built in .xdmf descriptors)

	if usemat
		A = load(namefile);
		if exist(A.namemesh)
			B = load(A.namemesh);
			error(sprintf('Cannot find mesh file %s', A.namemesh));
	else if usehdf5
		% Extract the data
		headers = h5info(namefile);
		for i=1:numel(headers.Datasets)
			name = headers.Datasets(i).Name;
			value = h5read(namefile, strcat('/', name));
			switch name
				% Density (scalar)
				case {'Density'}
					A.rho = value;
					A.NAME_RHO = 'Density';
				case {'Density_exact'}
					A.rhoex = value;
					A.NAME_RHOEX = 'Density (exact)';

				% Pressure (scalar)
				case {'Pressure'}
					A.p = value;
					A.NAME_P = 'Pressure';
				case {'Pressure_exact'}
					A.pex = value;
					A.NAME_PEX = 'Pressure (exact)';

				% Components of pressure gradient
				case {'Pressure_gradient_x'}
					A.dxp = value;
				case {'Pressure_gradient_x_exact'}
					A.dxpex = value;

				case {'Pressure_gradient_y'}
					A.dyp = value;
				case {'Pressure_gradient_y_exact'}
					A.dypex = value;

				% Components of velocity
				case {'Velocity_x'}
					A.ux = value;
				case {'Velocity_x_exact'}
					A.uexx = value;

				case {'Velocity_y'}
					A.uy = value;
				case {'Velocity_y_exact'}
					A.uexy = value;

				% Derivatives of the velocity (scalar)
				case {'Velocity_x_dx'}
					A.dxux = value;
					A.NAME_DXUX = 'x-derivative of velocity (x-component)';
				case {'Velocity_x_dx_exact'}
					A.dxuexx = value;
					A.NAME_DXUXEX = 'x-derivative of velocity (x-component) (exact)';

				case {'Velocity_x_dy'}
					A.dyux = value;
					A.NAME_DYUX = 'y-derivative of velocity (x-component)';
				case {'Velocity_x_dy_exact'}
					A.dyuexx = value;
					A.NAME_DYUXEX = 'y-derivative of velocity (x-component) (exact)';

				case {'Velocity_y_dx'}
					A.dxuy = value;
					A.NAME_DXUY = 'x-derivative of velocity (y-component)';
				case {'Velocity_y_dx_exact'}
					A.dxuexy = value;
					A.NAME_DXUYEX = 'x-derivative of velocity (y-component) (exact)';

				case {'Velocity_y_dy'}
					A.dyuy = value;
					A.NAME_DYUY = 'y-derivative of velocity (y-component)';
				case {'Velocity_y_dy_exact'}
					A.dyuexy = value;
					A.NAME_DYUYEX = 'y-derivative of velocity (y-component) (exact)';

				% Shear rate (scalar)
				case {'Shear_rate'}
					A.shear = value;
					A.NAME_SHEAR = 'Shear rate';
				case {'Shear_rate_exact'}
					A.shearex = value;
					A.NAME_SHEAREX = 'Shear rate (exact)';

				% Velocity magnitude (scalar)
				case {'Velocity_magnitude'}
					A.umod = value;
					A.NAME_UMOD = 'Velocity magnitude';
				case {'Velocity_magnitude_exact'}
					A.umod = value;
					A.NAME_UMODEX = 'Velocity magnitude (exact)';

				% Vorticity (exact)
				case {'Vorticity'}
					A.omega = value;
					A.NAME_OMEGA = 'Vorticity';
				case {'Vorticity_exact'}
					A.omegaex = value;
					A.NAME_OMEGAEX = 'Vorticity (exact)';

				% Stream function (scalar)
				case {'Streamlines'}
					A.psi = value;
					A.NAME_PSI = 'Streamlines';
				case {'Streamlines_exact'}
					A.psiex = value;
					A.NAME_PSIEX = 'Streamlines (exact)';

				% Components of auxiliary velocity
				case {'w_x'}
					A.wx = value;

				case {'w_y'}
					A.wy = value;

				% Auxiliary pressure (scalar)
				case {'r'}
					A.r = value;
					A.NAME_R = 'r';

				case {'Time'}
					A.time = value;
		if (isfield(A, 'ux') && isfield(A, 'uy'))
			A.u = [A.ux', A.uy'];
			A.NAME_U = 'Velocity';
		if (isfield(A, 'uexx') && isfield(A, 'uexy'))
			A.uex = [A.uexx', A.uexy'];
			A.NAME_UEX = 'Velocity (exact)';
		if (isfield(A, 'dxp') && isfield(A, 'dyp'))
			A.gradp = [A.dxp', A.dyp'];
			A.NAME_GRADP = 'Pressure gradient';
		if (isfield(A, 'dxpex') && isfield(A, 'dypex'))
			A.gradpex = [A.dxpex', A.dypex'];
			A.NAME_GRADPEX = 'Pressure gradient (exact)';
		if (isfield(A, 'wx') && isfield(A, 'wy'))
			A.w = [A.wx', A.wy'];
			A.NAME_W = 'w';

		% Extract the mesh
		namemesh = h5readatt(namefile, '/', 'Mesh');
		A.NAME_MESH = 'Mesh';
		if exist(namemesh)
			headers = h5info(namemesh);
			error(sprintf('Cannot find mesh file %s', namemesh));
		for i=1:numel(headers.Datasets)
			name = headers.Datasets(i).Name;
			value = h5read(namemesh, strcat('/', name));
			switch name
				case {'MESH_p1'}
					B.GRID.p1 = value;
				case {'MESH_t1'}
					B.GRID.t1 = value;
					B.GRID.t1 = B.GRID.t1 + ones(size(value));
				case {'MESH_p1b'}
					B.GRID.p1b = value;
				case {'MESH_st1b'}
					B.GRID.st1b = value;
					B.GRID.st1b = B.GRID.st1b + ones(size(value));
				case {'MESH_p2'}
					B.GRID.p2 = value;
				case {'MESH_st2'}
					B.GRID.st2 = value;
					B.GRID.st2 = B.GRID.st2 + ones(size(value));
		B.GEOMETRY = h5readatt(namemesh, '/', 'Geometry');
		A.METHOD_U = h5readatt(namefile, '/', 'Method_velocity');
		A.METHOD_P = h5readatt(namefile, '/', 'Method_pressure');

	for i=1:numel(header)
		if isfield(A, header{i})
			res{i} = getfield(A, header{i});
		elseif isfield(B.GRID, header{i})
			res{i} = getfield(B.GRID, header{i});
		elseif isfield(B, header{i})
			res{i} = getfield(B, header{i});
			error(sprintf('Cannot find field %s in input files %s and %s\n', header{i}, namefile, namemesh));


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