Tip revision: 3fd3e706522d0f4675eb006a9e9a141931668675 authored by Sudipta Basak on 17 June 2021, 05:56:54 UTC
WIP orbital correction tests
WIP orbital correction tests
Tip revision: 3fd3e70
# This Python module is part of the PyRate software package.
# Copyright 2020 Geoscience Australia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains tests for the PyRate module.
import os
import shutil
from itertools import product
from numpy import empty, array, nan, isnan, sum as nsum
import numpy as np
import pyrate.constants as C
from pyrate.core import algorithm, mst
from pyrate.core.shared import IfgPart, Tile, Ifg, save_numpy_phase
from pyrate.configuration import Configuration
from pyrate import conv2tif, prepifg, correct
from tests import common
from tests.common import UnitTestAdaptation, TEST_CONF_GAMMA, MockIfg, small5_mock_ifgs, small_data_setup
class TestMST(UnitTestAdaptation):
"""Basic verification of minimum spanning tree (MST) functionality."""
def setup_method(self):
self.ifgs = small_data_setup()
def test_mst_matrix_as_array(self):
# Verifies MST matrix func returns array with dict/trees in each cell
for i in self.ifgs[3:]:
i.phase_data[0, 1] = 0 # partial stack of NODATA to one cell
for i in self.ifgs:
i.convert_to_nans() # zeros to NaN/NODATA
epochs = algorithm.get_epochs(self.ifgs)[0]
res = mst._mst_matrix_as_array(self.ifgs)
ys, xs = res.shape
for y, x in product(range(ys), range(xs)):
r = res[y, x]
num_nodes = len(r)
self.assertTrue(num_nodes < len(epochs.dates))
stack = array([i.phase_data[y, x] for i in self.ifgs]) # 17 ifg stack
self.assertTrue(0 == nsum(stack == 0)) # all 0s should be converted
nc = nsum(isnan(stack))
exp_count = len(epochs.dates) - 1
if nc == 0:
self.assertEqual(num_nodes, exp_count)
elif nc > 5:
# rough test: too many nans must reduce the total tree size
self.assertTrue(num_nodes <= (17-nc))
def test_mst_matrix_as_ifgs(self):
# ensure only ifgs are returned, not individual MST graphs
ifgs = small5_mock_ifgs()
nifgs = len(ifgs)
ys, xs = ifgs[0].shape
result = mst._mst_matrix_ifgs_only(ifgs)
for coord in product(range(ys), range(xs)):
stack = (i.phase_data[coord] for i in self.ifgs)
nc = nsum([isnan(n) for n in stack])
check = len(result[coord]) <= (nifgs - nc)
# HACK: type testing here is a bit grubby
self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(i, MockIfg) for i in ifgs]))
def test_partial_nan_pixel_stack(self):
# Ensure a limited # of coherent cells results in a smaller MST tree
num_coherent = 3
def assert_equal():
res = mst._mst_matrix_as_array(mock_ifgs)
self.assertEqual(len(res[0,0]), num_coherent)
mock_ifgs = [MockIfg(i, 1, 1) for i in self.ifgs]
for m in mock_ifgs[num_coherent:]:
m.phase_data[:] = nan
# fill in more nans leaving only one ifg
for m in mock_ifgs[1:num_coherent]:
m.phase_data[:] = nan
num_coherent = 1
def test_all_nan_pixel_stack(self):
# ensure full stack of NaNs in an MST pixel classifies to NaN
mock_ifgs = [MockIfg(i, 1, 1) for i in self.ifgs]
for m in mock_ifgs:
m.phase_data[:] = nan
res = mst._mst_matrix_as_array(mock_ifgs)
exp = empty((1, 1)) # , dtype=object)
exp[:] = nan
shape = (mock_ifgs[0].nrows, mock_ifgs[0].ncols)
self.assertTrue(res.shape == shape)
self.assertTrue(res.shape == exp.shape)
self.assertTrue(isnan(res[0][0]) and isnan(exp[0][0]))
class TestDefaultMST(UnitTestAdaptation):
def test_default_mst(self):
# default MST from full set of Ifgs shouldn't drop any nodes
ifgs = small5_mock_ifgs()
dates = [(i.first, i.second) for i in ifgs]
res = mst.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs)[0]
num_edges = len(res)
self.assertEqual(num_edges, len(ifgs))
# test edges, note node order can be reversed
for edge in res:
self.assertTrue(edge in dates or (edge[1], edge[0]) in dates)
# check all nodes exist in this default tree
mst_dates = set(res)
mst_dates = list(sum(mst_dates, ()))
for i in ifgs:
for node in (i.first, i.second):
self.assertIn(node, mst_dates)
class TestNetworkxMSTTreeCheck(UnitTestAdaptation):
def setup_class(cls):
cls.ifgs = small_data_setup()
def test_assert_is_not_tree(self):
non_overlapping = [1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]
ifgs_non_overlapping = [ifg for i, ifg in enumerate(self.ifgs) if i + 1 in non_overlapping]
edges, is_tree, ntrees, _ = mst.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs_non_overlapping)
self.assertEqual(4, ntrees)
def test_small_data_tree(self):
def test_assert_is_tree(self):
overlapping = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16, 17]
ifgs_overlapping = [ifg for i, ifg in enumerate(self.ifgs) if (i + 1 in overlapping)]
edges, is_tree, ntrees, _ = mst.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs_overlapping)
self.assertEqual(4, ntrees)
def test_assert_two_trees_overlapping(self):
overlapping = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17]
ifgs_overlapping = [ifg for i, ifg in enumerate(self.ifgs) if (i + 1 in overlapping)]
edges, is_tree, ntrees, _ = mst.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs_overlapping)
self.assertEqual(2, ntrees)
def test_assert_two_trees_non_overlapping(self):
non_overlapping = [2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 15]
ifgs_non_overlapping = [ifg for i, ifg in enumerate(self.ifgs) if i + 1 in non_overlapping]
edges, is_tree, ntrees, _ = mst.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs_non_overlapping)
self.assertEqual(2, ntrees)
class TestIfgPart(UnitTestAdaptation):
def setup_method(self):
self.ifgs = small_data_setup()
self.params = Configuration(common.TEST_CONF_ROIPAC).__dict__
def test_ifg_part_shape_and_slice(self):
r_start = 0
r_end = 10
for i in self.ifgs:
tile = Tile(0, top_left=(r_start, 0), bottom_right=(r_end, i.ncols))
ifg_part = IfgPart(i.data_path, tile, params=self.params)
self.assertEqual(ifg_part.phase_data.shape, (r_end-r_start, i.phase_data.shape[1]))
np.testing.assert_array_equal(ifg_part.phase_data, i.phase_data[r_start:r_end, :])
def test_mst_multiprocessing_serial(self):
self.params[C.PARALLEL] = False
original_mst = mst.mst_boolean_array(self.ifgs)
parallel_mst = mst.mst_parallel(self.ifgs, params=self.params)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(original_mst, parallel_mst)
def test_mst_multiprocessing(self):
self.params[C.PARALLEL] = True
original_mst = mst.mst_boolean_array(self.ifgs)
parallel_mst = mst.mst_parallel(self.ifgs, params=self.params)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(original_mst, parallel_mst)
class TestMSTFilesReusedFromDisc:
def setup_class(cls):
cls.conf = TEST_CONF_GAMMA
cls.params = Configuration(cls.conf).__dict__
cls.params = Configuration(cls.conf).__dict__
cls.params = Configuration(cls.conf).__dict__
multi_paths = cls.params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]
cls.ifg_paths = [p.tmp_sampled_path for p in multi_paths]
def teardown_class(cls):
def test_mst_used_from_disc_on_rerun(self):
times_written = self.__run_once()
times_written_1 = self.__run_once()
np.testing.assert_array_equal(times_written_1, times_written)
def __run_once(self):
tiles = self.params[C.TILES]
mst_files = [Configuration.mst_path(self.params, t.index) for t in tiles]
save_numpy_phase(self.ifg_paths, self.params)
assert all(m.exists() for m in mst_files)
return [os.stat(o).st_mtime for o in mst_files]