context("Kmeans") library(jsonlite) test_that("kmeans finishes with result", { load(file = system.file("testdata/GSE27112-GPL6103.rda", package="phantasus")) expect_is(performKmeans(es, k = 10), "json") }) test_that("kmeans works with datasets with lots of NAs", { es <- read.gct(system.file("testdata/centers.gct", package="phantasus")) clusters = fromJSON(performKmeans(es, k=2)) expect_length(clusters, nrow(es)) expect_equal(clusters[4], "") }) # Invalid test. Interface changed such way so no indices passed to arguments #test_that("kmeans returns only vector for a subset", { # es <- read.gct(system.file("testdata/centers.gct", package="phantasus")) # rows <- c(0, 2, 3, 5) # expect_length(fromJSON(performKmeans(es, rows=rows, k = 2)), length(rows)) #})