# Smoke simulation with wavelet turbulence
# (This is a simpler example, a more generic and automated example can be found in waveletTurbObs.py)
from manta import *
import os, shutil, math, sys
# how much to upres the XL sim?
upres = 2
# turbulence strength
wltStrength = 0.4
# solver params
dim = 2
res = 80
gs = vec3(res,int(1.5*res),res)
if (dim==2): gs.z = 1 # 2D
sm = Solver(name='main', gridSize = gs, dim=dim)
sm.timestep = 1.5
timings = Timings()
# note - world space velocity, convert to grid space later
velInflow = vec3(0.025, 0, 0)
# inflow noise field
noise = NoiseField( parent=sm, fixedSeed=265, loadFromFile=True)
noise.posScale = vec3(20)
noise.clamp = True
noise.clampNeg = 0
noise.clampPos = 2
noise.valScale = 1
noise.valOffset = 0.075
noise.timeAnim = 0.3
source = Cylinder( parent=sm, center=gs*vec3(0.3,0.2,0.5), radius=res*0.081, z=gs*vec3(0.081, 0, 0))
sourceVel = Cylinder( parent=sm, center=gs*vec3(0.3,0.2,0.5), radius=res*0.15, z=gs*vec3(0.15, 0, 0))
# larger solver, recompute sizes...
xl_gs = vec3(upres*gs.x,upres*gs.y,upres*gs.z)
if (dim==2): xl_gs.z = 1 # 2D
xl = Solver(name='larger', gridSize = xl_gs, dim=dim)
xl.timestep = sm.timestep
xl_flags = xl.create(FlagGrid)
xl_vel = xl.create(MACGrid)
xl_density = xl.create(RealGrid)
xl_weight = xl.create(RealGrid)
xl_source = Cylinder( parent=xl, center=xl_gs*vec3(0.3,0.2,0.5), radius=xl_gs.x*0.081, z=xl_gs*vec3(0.081, 0, 0))
xl_noise = NoiseField( parent=xl, fixedSeed=265, loadFromFile=True)
xl_noise.posScale = noise.posScale
xl_noise.clamp = noise.clamp
xl_noise.clampNeg = noise.clampNeg
xl_noise.clampPos = noise.clampPos
xl_noise.valScale = noise.valScale
xl_noise.valOffset = noise.valOffset
xl_noise.timeAnim = noise.timeAnim * upres
# wavelet turbulence octaves
wltnoise = NoiseField( parent=xl, loadFromFile=True)
# scale according to lowres sim , smaller numbers mean larger vortices
wltnoise.posScale = vec3( int(1.0*gs.x) ) * 0.5
wltnoise.timeAnim = 0.1
wltnoise2 = NoiseField( parent=xl, loadFromFile=True)
wltnoise2.posScale = wltnoise.posScale * 2.0
wltnoise2.timeAnim = 0.1
wltnoise3 = NoiseField( parent=xl, loadFromFile=True)
wltnoise3.posScale = wltnoise2.posScale * 2.0
wltnoise3.timeAnim = 0.1
# allocate low-res grids
flags = sm.create(FlagGrid)
vel = sm.create(MACGrid)
density = sm.create(RealGrid)
pressure = sm.create(RealGrid)
energy = sm.create(RealGrid)
if (GUI):
gui = Gui()
# main loop
for t in range(200):
mantaMsg('\nFrame %i, simulation time %f' % (sm.frame, sm.timeTotal))
advectSemiLagrange(flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=density, order=2)
advectSemiLagrange(flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=vel, order=2, openBounds=True, boundaryWidth=bWidth )
if (sm.timeTotal>=0 and sm.timeTotal<50.):
densityInflow( flags=flags, density=density, noise=noise, shape=source, scale=1, sigma=0.5 )
sourceVel.applyToGrid( grid=vel , value=(velInflow*float(res)) )
setWallBcs(flags=flags, vel=vel)
addBuoyancy(density=density, vel=vel, gravity=vec3(0,-1e-3,0), flags=flags)
vorticityConfinement( vel=vel, flags=flags, strength=0.3 )
#applyNoiseVec3( flags=flags, target=vel, noise=noise, scale=1 ) # just to test, add everywhere...
solvePressure(flags=flags, vel=vel, pressure=pressure , cgMaxIterFac=1.0, cgAccuracy=0.01 )
setWallBcs(flags=flags, vel=vel)
computeEnergy(flags=flags, vel=vel, energy=energy)
# standard weights for wavelet turbulence
# other possibilities of generating turbulence weights:
#computeVorticity( vel=vel, vorticity=vort, norm=energy);
#computeStrainRateMag( vel=vel, vorticity=vort, mag=energy);
# xl solver, update up-res'ed grids ...
# same inflow
interpolateGrid( target=xl_weight, source=energy )
interpolateMACGrid( source=vel, target=xl_vel )
applyNoiseVec3( flags=xl_flags, target=xl_vel, noise=wltnoise, scale=wltStrength*1.0 , weight=xl_weight)
# manually weight and apply further octaves
applyNoiseVec3( flags=xl_flags, target=xl_vel, noise=wltnoise2, scale=wltStrength*0.6 , weight=xl_weight)
applyNoiseVec3( flags=xl_flags, target=xl_vel, noise=wltnoise3, scale=wltStrength*0.6*0.6 , weight=xl_weight)
for substep in range(upres):
advectSemiLagrange(flags=xl_flags, vel=xl_vel, grid=xl_density, order=2)
if (applyInflow):
densityInflow( flags=xl_flags, density=xl_density, noise=xl_noise, shape=xl_source, scale=1, sigma=0.5 )
#xl_density.save('densityXl08_%04d.vol' % t)
#gui.screenshot( 'waveletTurb_%04d.png' % t );