import unittest import six import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import GPflow from GPflow import settings float_type = settings.dtypes.float_type np_float_type = np.float32 if float_type is tf.float32 else np.float64 class TestSetup(object): def __init__(self, likelihood, Y, tolerance): self.likelihood, self.Y, self.tolerance = likelihood, Y, tolerance self.is_analytic = six.get_unbound_function(likelihood.predict_density) is not\ six.get_unbound_function(GPflow.likelihoods.Likelihood.predict_density) def getTestSetups(includeMultiClass=True, addNonStandardLinks=False): test_setups = [] rng = np.random.RandomState(1) for likelihoodClass in GPflow.likelihoods.Likelihood.__subclasses__(): if likelihoodClass == GPflow.likelihoods.Ordinal: test_setups.append(TestSetup(likelihoodClass(np.array([-1, 1])), rng.randint(0, 3, (10, 2)), 1e-6)) elif (likelihoodClass == GPflow.likelihoods.MultiClass): if includeMultiClass: sample = rng.randn(10, 2) # Multiclass needs a less tight tolerance due to presence of clipping. tolerance = 1e-3 test_setups.append(TestSetup(likelihoodClass(2), np.argmax(sample, 1).reshape(-1, 1), tolerance)) else: # most likelihoods follow this standard: test_setups.append(TestSetup(likelihoodClass(), rng.rand(10, 2).astype(np_float_type), 1e-6)) if addNonStandardLinks: test_setups.append(TestSetup(GPflow.likelihoods.Poisson(invlink=tf.square), rng.rand(10, 2).astype(np_float_type), 1e-6)) test_setups.append(TestSetup(GPflow.likelihoods.Exponential(invlink=tf.square), rng.rand(10, 2).astype(np_float_type), 1e-6)) test_setups.append(TestSetup(GPflow.likelihoods.Gamma(invlink=tf.square), rng.rand(10, 2).astype(np_float_type), 1e-6)) def sigmoid(x): return 1./(1 + tf.exp(-x)) test_setups.append(TestSetup(GPflow.likelihoods.Bernoulli(invlink=sigmoid), rng.rand(10, 2).astype(np_float_type), 1e-6)) return test_setups class TestPredictConditional(unittest.TestCase): """ Here we make sure that the conditional_mean and contitional_var functions give the same result as the predict_mean_and_var function if the prediction has no uncertainty. """ def setUp(self): tf.reset_default_graph() self.test_setups = getTestSetups(addNonStandardLinks=True) self.x = tf.placeholder(float_type) for test_setup in self.test_setups: test_setup.likelihood.make_tf_array(self.x) self.F = tf.placeholder(float_type) rng = np.random.RandomState(0) self.F_data = rng.randn(10, 2).astype(np_float_type) def test_mean(self): for test_setup in self.test_setups: l = test_setup.likelihood with l.tf_mode(): mu1 = tf.Session().run(l.conditional_mean(self.F), feed_dict={self.x: l.get_free_state(), self.F: self.F_data}) mu2, _ = tf.Session().run(l.predict_mean_and_var(self.F, self.F * 0), feed_dict={self.x: l.get_free_state(), self.F: self.F_data}) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mu1, mu2, test_setup.tolerance, test_setup.tolerance)) def test_variance(self): for test_setup in self.test_setups: l = test_setup.likelihood with l.tf_mode(): v1 = tf.Session().run(l.conditional_variance(self.F), feed_dict={self.x: l.get_free_state(), self.F: self.F_data}) v2 = tf.Session().run(l.predict_mean_and_var(self.F, self.F * 0)[1], feed_dict={self.x: l.get_free_state(), self.F: self.F_data}) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v1, v2, atol=test_setup.tolerance)) def test_var_exp(self): """ Here we make sure that the variational_expectations gives the same result as logp if the latent function has no uncertainty. """ for test_setup in self.test_setups: l = test_setup.likelihood y = test_setup.Y with l.tf_mode(): r1 = tf.Session().run(l.logp(self.F, y), feed_dict={self.x: l.get_free_state(), self.F: self.F_data}) r2 = tf.Session().run(l.variational_expectations(self.F, self.F * 0, test_setup.Y), feed_dict={self.x: l.get_free_state(), self.F: self.F_data}) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(r1, r2, test_setup.tolerance, test_setup.tolerance)) class TestQuadrature(unittest.TestCase): """ Where quadratre methods have been overwritten, make sure the new code does something close to the quadrature """ def setUp(self): tf.reset_default_graph() self.rng = np.random.RandomState() self.Fmu, self.Fvar, self.Y = self.rng.randn(3, 10, 2).astype(np_float_type) self.Fvar = 0.01 * self.Fvar ** 2 self.test_setups = getTestSetups(includeMultiClass=False) def test_var_exp(self): # get all the likelihoods where variational expectations has been overwritten for test_setup in self.test_setups: if not test_setup.is_analytic: continue l = test_setup.likelihood y = test_setup.Y x_data = l.get_free_state() x = tf.placeholder(float_type) l.make_tf_array(x) # 'build' the functions with l.tf_mode(): F1 = l.variational_expectations(self.Fmu, self.Fvar, y) F2 = GPflow.likelihoods.Likelihood.variational_expectations(l, self.Fmu, self.Fvar, y) # compile and run the functions: F1 = tf.Session().run(F1, feed_dict={x: x_data}) F2 = tf.Session().run(F2, feed_dict={x: x_data}) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(F1, F2, test_setup.tolerance, test_setup.tolerance)) def test_pred_density(self): # get all the likelihoods where predict_density has been overwritten. for test_setup in self.test_setups: if not test_setup.is_analytic: continue l = test_setup.likelihood y = test_setup.Y x_data = l.get_free_state() # make parameters if needed x = tf.placeholder(float_type) l.make_tf_array(x) # 'build' the functions with l.tf_mode(): F1 = l.predict_density(self.Fmu, self.Fvar, y) F2 = GPflow.likelihoods.Likelihood.predict_density(l, self.Fmu, self.Fvar, y) # compile and run the functions: F1 = tf.Session().run(F1, feed_dict={x: x_data}) F2 = tf.Session().run(F2, feed_dict={x: x_data}) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(F1, F2, test_setup.tolerance, test_setup.tolerance)) class TestRobustMaxMulticlass(unittest.TestCase): """ Some specialized tests to the multiclass likelihood with RobustMax inverse link function. """ def setUp(self): tf.reset_default_graph() def testSymmetric(self): """ This test is based on the observation that for symmetric inputs the class predictions must have equal probability. """ nClasses = 5 nPoints = 10 tolerance = 1e-4 epsilon = 1e-3 F = tf.placeholder(float_type) x = tf.placeholder(float_type) F_data = np.ones((nPoints, nClasses)) l = GPflow.likelihoods.MultiClass(nClasses) l.invlink.epsilon = epsilon rng = np.random.RandomState(1) Y = rng.randint(nClasses, size=(nPoints, 1)) with l.tf_mode(): mu, _ = tf.Session().run(l.predict_mean_and_var(F, F), feed_dict={x: l.get_free_state(), F: F_data}) pred = tf.Session().run(l.predict_density(F, F, Y), feed_dict={x: l.get_free_state(), F: F_data}) variational_expectations = tf.Session().run(l.variational_expectations(F, F, Y), feed_dict={x: l.get_free_state(), F: F_data}) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mu, np.ones((nPoints, nClasses))/nClasses, tolerance, tolerance)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(pred, np.ones((nPoints, 1))/nClasses, tolerance, tolerance)) validation_variational_expectation = 1./nClasses * np.log(1. - epsilon) + \ (1. - 1./nClasses) * np.log(epsilon / (nClasses - 1)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(variational_expectations, np.ones((nPoints, 1)) * validation_variational_expectation, tolerance, tolerance)) class TestMulticlassIndexFix(unittest.TestCase): """ A regression test for a bug in multiclass likelihood. """ def setUp(self): tf.reset_default_graph() def testA(self): mu, var = tf.placeholder(float_type), tf.placeholder(float_type) Y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32) lik = GPflow.likelihoods.MultiClass(3) ve = lik.variational_expectations(mu, var, Y) tf.gradients(tf.reduce_sum(ve), mu) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()