% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/kde1d.R \name{kde1d} \alias{kde1d} \title{Univariate kernel density estimation for bounded and unbounded support} \usage{ kde1d(x, mult = 1, xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, bw = NULL, bw_min = 0, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{vector of length \eqn{n}.} \item{mult}{numeric; the actual bandwidth used is \eqn{bw*mult}.} \item{xmin}{lower bound for the support of the density.} \item{xmax}{upper bound for the support of the density.} \item{bw}{bandwidth parameter; has to be a positive number or \code{NULL}; the latter calls an automatic selection routine.} \item{bw_min}{minimum value for the bandwidth.} \item{...}{unused.} } \value{ An object of class \code{kde1d}. } \description{ Discrete variables are convoluted with the uniform distribution (see, Nagler, 2017). If a variable should be treated as discrete, declare it as \code{\link[=ordered]{ordered()}}. } \details{ If \code{xmin} or \code{xmax} are finite, the density estimate will be 0 outside of \eqn{[xmin, xmax]}. Mirror-reflection is used to correct for boundary bias. Discrete variables are convoluted with the uniform distribution (see, Nagler, 2017). } \examples{ data(wdbc, package = "kdecopula") # load data fit <- kde1d(wdbc[, 5]) # estimate density dkde1d(1000, fit) # evaluate density estimate } \references{ Nagler, T. (2017). \emph{A generic approach to nonparametric function estimation with mixed data.} \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.07457}{arXiv:1704.07457} } \seealso{ \code{\link{dkde1d}}, \code{\link{pkde1d}}, \code{\link{qkde1d}}, \code{\link{rkde1d}} \code{\link{plot.kde1d}} , \code{\link{lines.kde1d}} }