This repository contains scripts for the following publication:
Navarro-Domínguez, B., Chang, C-H, Brand, C, Muirhead, C., Presgraves, D.C., and A.M. Larracuente. 2021 Epistatic selection on a selfish Segregation Distorter supergene: drive, recombination, and genetic load. BioRxiv 12/23/21 eLife 2022;11:e78981 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.78981
# SNP calling and annotation
Depends: samtools, picard, bwa mem and GATK
Create a list of readfile prefixes with your sample IDs to give it on the command line:
e.g. reads.txt
where in the same directory you have sample1_1.fastq and sample1_2.fastq
$ sh reads.txt reference.fasta
## SNPeff
Dependencies: SNPeff
$ path_to_SNPeff input.vcf out_dir
## Keep only biallelic & polymorphic SNPs
Requires: bcftools, samtools
$ input.vcf output.vcf
## Filter heterozygous calls
Requires: GATK
$ input.vcf.gz
## Intersect SNPs
Requires: bcftools.
VCF files must be tabix indexed (`tabix -f file.vcf.gz`).
$ file1.vcf.gz file2.vcf.gz file3.vcf.gz
# Population genomics
Simplify VCF (for each sample)
$ population_1.simple.vcf
$ population_2.simple.vcf
$ population_3.simple.vcf
Run population genomics analyses
$ sample_vcf_list sample_name_list gff_file min_TajD_depth min_Fst_depth max_depth window_size outfile
1. sample_vcf_list: comma-separated list of (simplified) vcfs for each sample
2. sample_name_list: comma-separated list of names for each sample
3. gff_file: gff-formatted list of masked sites; excluded *completely* from analysis (if nothing needs to be masked, give an empty text file instead)
4. min_tajD_depth: minimum sample depth required to include a variant in Tajima's D calculations (required for focal sample)
5. min_Fst_depth minimum sample depth required to include a site in Fst calculations (required for all samples)
6. max_depth: maximum possible sample depth across all samples
7. window_size: size (in bp) of non-overlapping windows to consider
8. outfile: name of the output file
$ population_1.simple.vcf,population_2.simple.vcf,population_3.simple.vcf pop1,pop2,pop3 mask_sites.gff 8 8 1000 10000 out.txt
# Simulations
## ABC (infer time of the sweep)
Depends: ms (
Script to generate *m* posterior samples under a sweep model (absolute bottleneck of N=1 at a time t 4N<sub>e</sub> generations).
We simulated with values of S <sub>sim</sub> drawn from a uniform distribution ±5% of S <sub>obs</sub> .We considered a prior uniform distribution of time of the sweep (t) ranging from 0 to 4N e generations.
The rejection sampling algorithm is as follows:
1. Draw S <sub>sim</sub and t from prior distributions;
2. Simulate 1000 samples using the coalescent under a selective sweep model
3. Calculate average summary statistics for drawn S <sub>sim</sub> and t
4. Accept or reject chosen parameter values conditional on |π <sub>obs</sub> − π <sub>sim</sub> | ≤ ε, |D <sub>obs</sub> − D <sub>sim</sub> | ≤ ε;
5. Return to step 1 and continue simulations until m desired samples from the joint posterior probability distribution are collected.
$ m out_prefix sumstats
1. m: Number of posterior samples
2. Out prefix
3. sumstats: file that contains π <sub>obs</sub>, S <sub>obs</sub> and D <sub>obs</sub> (separated by spaces)
## Model fitting
Generate m samples under three models:
- a sweep (absolute bottleneck of N = 1) at a time t
- constant population size
- exponential growth
$ Nsims OutPrefix ObsS tsweep alpha
1. Nsims: number of simulations
2. Out prefix
3. ObsS: observed S
4. tsweep: time of the sweep, estimated by abc
5. Alpha: exponential growth factor
# TE calling
## Generate TSV file for McClinctock
$ gff fasta
1. gff: from RepeatMasker output
2. TE.fasta: fasta file with TE sequences
## Run McClinctock
## Merge close TE insertions
Depends: []( from KamilSJaron
Concatenate bed files from McClinctock and merge overlapping evidence within a distance smaller than *d* bp
$ cat *.bed > all_te_calls.bed
## Format as a table for
$ all_te_calls.bed
$ all_te_calls.tab3 d
# Detect inversions from Illumina data
Read mapping (repeats in the reference must be masked)
$ sample_name reference out_prefix
Detect In(2L)t, In(2R)NS, In(2R)Mal and Sd-RanGAP in the bams.
$ bamfile
$ bamfile
$ Rscript SD_screening.R
# Recombination
## Linkage disequilibrium decay with distance
$ vcf_file outdir chr coord_start coord_end thin-count(=0 for no thinning)
1. vcf_file with only only non-singletons (mac>1) and biallelic SNPs
2. outdir: output directory
3. chr: chromosome
4. coord_start: start coordinate
5. coord_end: end coordinate
6. thin-count: number of SNPs to reduce data, use 0 for no thinning (use all SNPs)
## Generate input for RecMin from VCF
$ sample.vcf
$ Rscript recmin.R sample.simple.vcf
## Runs of shared and private SNPs
$ Rscript shared-priv_distribution.R private_sites.txt shared_sites.txt