Raw File
# fields, Tools for spatial data
# Copyright 2004-2013, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
# University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
# Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
"print.summary.Krig" <- function(x, ...) {
    digits <- x$digits
    c1 <- "Number of Observations:"
    c2 <- x$num.observation
    c1 <- c(c1, "Number of unique points:")
    c2 <- c(c2, x$num.uniq)
    # print out null space poly info only if 'm' is used
    if (!is.null(x$args.null$m)) {
        c1 <- c(c1, "Degree of polynomial null space ( base model):")
        c2 <- c(c2, x$m - 1)
    c1 <- c(c1, "Number of parameters in the null space")
    c2 <- c(c2, x$nt)
    c1 <- c(c1, "Parameters for fixed spatial drift")
    c2 <- c(c2, x$df.drift)
    c1 <- c(c1, "Effective degrees of freedom:")
    c2 <- c(c2, format(round(x$enp, 1)))
    c1 <- c(c1, "Residual degrees of freedom:")
    c2 <- c(c2, format(round(x$num.observation - x$enp, 1)))
    c1 <- c(c1, "MLE sigma ")
    c2 <- c(c2, format(signif(x$shat.MLE, digits)))
    c1 <- c(c1, "GCV sigma ")
    c2 <- c(c2, format(signif(x$shat.GCV, digits)))
    if (!is.na(x$shat.pure.error)) {
        c1 <- c(c1, "Pure error sigma")
        c2 <- c(c2, format(signif(x$shat.pure.error, digits)))
    c1 <- c(c1, "MLE rho ")
    c2 <- c(c2, format(signif(x$rhohat, digits)))
    c1 <- c(c1, "Scale passed for covariance (rho)")
    c2 <- c(c2, signif(x$rho, digits))
    c1 <- c(c1, "Scale passed for nugget (sigma^2)")
    c2 <- c(c2, signif(x$sigma2, digits))
    c1 <- c(c1, "Smoothing parameter lambda")
    c2 <- c(c2, signif(x$lambda, digits))
    sum <- cbind(c1, c2)
    dimnames(sum) <- list(rep("", dim(sum)[1]), rep("", dim(sum)[2]))
    res.quantile <- x$res.quantile
    names(res.quantile) <- c("min", "1st Q", "median", "3rd Q", 
    print(sum, quote = FALSE)
    cat("Residual Summary:", fill = TRUE)
    print(signif(res.quantile, digits))
    cat("Covariance Model:", x$cov.function, fill = TRUE)
    if (x$cov.function == "stationary.cov") {
        cat("  Covariance function is ", x$args$Covariance, fill = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(x$args)) {
        cat("  Names of non-default covariance arguments: ", 
            fill = TRUE)
        cat("      ", paste(as.character(names(x$args)), collapse = ", "), 
            fill = TRUE)
    if ((x$correlation.model)) {
        cat(" A correlation model was fit:\nY is standardized before spatial estimate is found", 
            fill = TRUE)
    if (x$knot.model) {
        cat(" Knot model: ", x$np - x$nt, " knots supplied to define basis\nfunctions", 
            fill = TRUE)
    cat(" Method used:  ", x$method, "   Cost: ", x$cost, fill = TRUE)
    print(x$sum.gcv.lambda, digits = digits)
    cat(" Summary of all estimates found for lambda", fill = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(x$lambda.est[1])) {
        print(x$lambda.est, digits = x$digits)
    else {
        cat(x$lambda, " supplied by user", fill = TRUE)
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