Feature: Data In order to use well-formatted data in my blog As a blog's user I want to use _data directory in my site Scenario: autoload *.yaml files in _data directory Given I have a _data directory And I have a "_data/products.yaml" file with content: """ - name: sugar price: 5.3 - name: salt price: 2.5 """ And I have an "index.html" page that contains "{% for product in site.data.products %}{{product.name}}{% endfor %}" When I run jekyll build Then the "_site/index.html" file should exist And I should see "sugar" in "_site/index.html" And I should see "salt" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: autoload *.yml files in _data directory Given I have a _data directory And I have a "_data/members.yml" file with content: """ - name: Jack age: 28 - name: Leon age: 34 """ And I have an "index.html" page that contains "{% for member in site.data.members %}{{member.name}}{% endfor %}" When I run jekyll build Then the "_site/index.html" file should exist And I should see "Jack" in "_site/index.html" And I should see "Leon" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: autoload *.json files in _data directory Given I have a _data directory And I have a "_data/members.json" file with content: """ [{"name": "Jack", "age": 28},{"name": "Leon", "age": 34}] """ And I have an "index.html" page that contains "{% for member in site.data.members %}{{member.name}}{% endfor %}" When I run jekyll build Then the "_site/index.html" file should exist And I should see "Jack" in "_site/index.html" And I should see "Leon" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: autoload *.yml files in _data directory with space in file name Given I have a _data directory And I have a "_data/team members.yml" file with content: """ - name: Jack age: 28 - name: Leon age: 34 """ And I have an "index.html" page that contains "{% for member in site.data.team_members %}{{member.name}}{% endfor %}" When I run jekyll build Then the "_site/index.html" file should exist And I should see "Jack" in "_site/index.html" And I should see "Leon" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: autoload *.yaml files in subdirectories in _data directory Given I have a _data directory And I have a _data/categories directory And I have a "_data/categories/dairy.yaml" file with content: """ name: Dairy Products """ And I have an "index.html" page that contains "{{ site.data.categories.dairy.name }}" When I run jekyll build Then the "_site/index.html" file should exist And I should see "Dairy Products" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: folders should have precedence over files with the same name Given I have a _data directory And I have a _data/categories directory And I have a "_data/categories/dairy.yaml" file with content: """ name: Dairy Products """ And I have a "_data/categories.yaml" file with content: """ dairy: name: Should not display this """ And I have an "index.html" page that contains "{{ site.data.categories.dairy.name }}" When I run jekyll build Then the "_site/index.html" file should exist And I should see "Dairy Products" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: should be backward compatible with site.data in _config.yml Given I have a "_config.yml" file with content: """ data: - name: Jack age: 28 - name: Leon age: 34 """ And I have an "index.html" page that contains "{% for member in site.data %}{{member.name}}{% endfor %}" When I run jekyll build Then the "_site/index.html" file should exist And I should see "Jack" in "_site/index.html" And I should see "Leon" in "_site/index.html"