import astropy from import fits import numpy as np from uvcal import UVCal import datetime class CALFITS(UVCal): """ Defines a calfits-specific class for reading and writing uvfits files. """ def _indexhdus(self, hdulist): # input a list of hdus # return a dictionary of table names tablenames = {} for i in range(len(hdulist)): try: tablenames[hdulist[i].header['EXTNAME']] = i except(KeyError): continue return tablenames def write_calfits(self, filename, spoof_nonessential=False, run_check=True, run_check_acceptability=True, clobber=False): """ Write the data to a uvfits file. Args: filename: The uvfits file to write to. spoof_nonessential: Option to spoof the values of optional UVParameters that are not set but are required for uvfits files. Default is False. run_check: Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of required parameters before writing the file. Default is True. run_check_acceptability: Option to check acceptability of the values of required parameters before writing the file. Default is True. """ if run_check: self.check(run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability) today ="Date: %d, %b %Y") prihdr = fits.Header() if self.cal_type != 'gain': sechdr = fits.Header() sechdr['EXTNAME'] = 'FLAGS' # Conforming to fits format prihdr['SIMPLE'] = True prihdr['BITPIX'] = 32 prihdr['NAXIS'] = 5 prihdr['TELESCOP'] = self.telescope_name prihdr['GNCONVEN'] = self.gain_convention prihdr['NTIMES'] = self.Ntimes prihdr['NFREQS'] = self.Nfreqs prihdr['NANTSDAT'] = self.Nants_data prihdr['NJONES'] = self.Njones prihdr['CALTYPE'] = self.cal_type prihdr['INTTIME'] = self.integration_time prihdr['CHWIDTH'] = self.channel_width prihdr['NANTSTEL'] = self.Nants_telescope prihdr['NSPWS'] = self.Nspws prihdr['XORIENT'] = self.x_orientation prihdr['FRQRANGE'] = ','.join(map(str, self.freq_range)) prihdr['TMERANGE'] = ','.join(map(str, self.time_range)) for line in self.history.splitlines(): prihdr.add_history(line) for p in self.extra(): ep = getattr(self, p) if ep.form is 'str': prihdr['{0}'.format(p.upper().replace('_', '')[:8])] = ep.value else: continue if prihdr['OBSERVER'] = if self.git_origin_cal: prihdr['ORIGCAL'] = self.git_origin_cal if self.git_hash_cal: prihdr['HASHCAL'] = self.git_hash_cal if self.cal_type == 'unknown': raise ValueError("unknown calibration type. Do not know how to" "store parameters") if self.cal_type == 'gain': # Set header variable for gain. prihdr['CTYPE4'] = ('FREQS', 'Frequency.') prihdr['CUNIT4'] = ('Hz', 'Units of frequecy.') prihdr['CRVAL4'] = self.freq_array[0][0] prihdr['CDELT4'] = self.channel_width # set the last axis for number of arrays. prihdr['CTYPE1'] = ('Narrays', 'Number of image arrays.') prihdr['CUNIT1'] = ('Integer', 'Number of image arrays. Increment.') prihdr['CDELT1'] = 1 if self.input_flag_array is not None: prihdr['CRVAL1'] = (5, 'Number of image arrays.') pridata = np.concatenate([self.gain_array.real[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.gain_array.imag[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.flag_array[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.input_flag_array[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.quality_array[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis]], axis=-1) else: prihdr['CRVAL1'] = (4, 'Number of image arrays.') pridata = np.concatenate([self.gain_array.real[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.gain_array.imag[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.flag_array[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.quality_array[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis]], axis=-1) if self.cal_type == 'delay': # Set header variable for gain. # set the last axis for number of arrays. prihdr['CTYPE1'] = ('Narrays', 'Number of image arrays.') prihdr['CUNIT1'] = ('Integer', 'Number of image arrays. Value.') prihdr['CRVAL1'] = (2, 'Number of image arrays.') prihdr['CDELT1'] = 1 prihdr['CTYPE4'] = ('FREQS', 'Valid frequencies to apply delay.') prihdr['CUNIT4'] = ('Hz', 'Units of frequecy.') prihdr['CRVAL4'] = self.freq_array[0][0] prihdr['CDELT4'] = self.channel_width pridata = np.concatenate([self.delay_array[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.quality_array[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis]], axis=-1) # Set headers for the second hdu containing the flags. Only in cal_type=delay. if self.Njones > 1: jones_spacing = np.diff(self.jones_array) if np.min(jones_spacing) < np.max(jones_spacing): raise ValueError('The jones values are not evenly spaced.' 'The calibration fits file format does not' ' support unevenly spaced polarizations.') sechdr['CTYPE2'] = ('JONES', 'Jones matrix array') sechdr['CUNIT2'] = ('Integer', 'representative integer for polarization.') sechdr['CRVAL2'] = self.jones_array[0] # always start with first jones. if self.Njones > 1: sechdr['CDELT2'] = jones_spacing[0] else: sechdr['CDELT2'] = -1 sechdr['CTYPE3'] = ('TIME', 'Time axis.') sechdr['CUNIT3'] = ('JD', 'Time in julian date format') sechdr['CRVAL3'] = self.time_array[0] sechdr['CDELT3'] = self.integration_time sechdr['CTYPE4'] = ('FREQS', 'Valid frequencies to apply delay.') sechdr['CUNIT4'] = ('Hz', 'Units of frequecy.') sechdr['CRVAL4'] = self.freq_array[0][0] sechdr['CDELT4'] = self.channel_width sechdr['CTYPE5'] = ('ANTAXIS', 'See antenna_numbers/names for values.') if self.input_flag_array is not None: secdata = np.concatenate([self.flag_array.astype(np.int64)[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis], self.input_flag_array.astype(np.int64)[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis]], axis=-1) sechdr['CTYPE1'] = ('Narrays', 'Number of image arrays.') sechdr['CUNIT1'] = ('Integer', 'Number of image arrays. Value.') sechdr['CRVAL1'] = (2, 'Number of image arrays.') sechdr['CDELT1'] = 1 else: secdata = self.flag_array.astype(np.int64)[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis] # Can't be bool sechdr['CTYPE1'] = ('Narrays', 'Number of image arrays.') sechdr['CUNIT1'] = ('Integer', 'Number of image arrays. Value.') sechdr['CRVAL1'] = (1, 'Number of image arrays.') sechdr['CDELT1'] = 1 # primary header ctypes for NAXIS [ for both gain and delay cal_type.] # Check polarizations. if self.Njones > 1: jones_spacing = np.diff(self.jones_array) if np.min(jones_spacing) < np.max(jones_spacing): raise ValueError('The jones values are not evenly spaced.' 'The calibration fits file format does not' ' support unevenly spaced polarizations.') prihdr['CTYPE2'] = ('JONES', 'Jones matrix array') prihdr['CUNIT2'] = ('Integer', 'representative integer for polarization.') prihdr['CRVAL2'] = self.jones_array[0] # always start with first jones. if self.Njones > 1: prihdr['CDELT2'] = jones_spacing[0] else: prihdr['CDELT2'] = -1 prihdr['CTYPE3'] = ('TIME', 'Time axis.') prihdr['CUNIT3'] = ('JD', 'Time in julian date format') prihdr['CRVAL3'] = self.time_array[0] prihdr['CDELT3'] = self.integration_time prihdr['CTYPE5'] = ('ANTAXIS', 'See antenna_numbers/names for values.') prihdr['CUNIT5'] = 'Integer' prihdr['CRVAL5'] = 0 prihdr['CDELT5'] = -1 prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=pridata, header=prihdr) col1 = fits.Column(name='ANTNAME', format='8A', array=self.antenna_names) col2 = fits.Column(name='ANTINDEX', format='D', array=self.antenna_numbers) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2]) ant_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) ant_hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'ANTENNAS' if self.cal_type != 'gain': prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=pridata, header=prihdr) sechdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=secdata, header=sechdr) hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, ant_hdu, sechdu]) else: prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=pridata, header=prihdr) hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, ant_hdu]) if float(astropy.__version__[0:3]) < 1.3: hdulist.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber) else: hdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite=clobber) def read_calfits(self, filename, run_check=True, run_check_acceptability=True): F = data = F[0].data hdr = F[0].header.copy() hdunames = self._indexhdus(F) anthdu = F[hdunames['ANTENNAS']] antdata = self.antenna_names = map(str, antdata['ANTNAME']) self.antenna_numbers = map(int, antdata['ANTINDEX']) self.Nfreqs = hdr['NFREQS'] self.Njones = hdr['NJONES'] self.Ntimes = hdr['NTIMES'] self.channel_width = hdr['CHWIDTH'] self.integration_time = hdr['INTTIME'] self.telescope_name = hdr['TELESCOP'] self.history = str(hdr.get('HISTORY', '')) if self.pyuvdata_version_str not in self.history.replace('\n', ''): if self.history.endswith('\n'): self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str else: self.history += '\n' + self.pyuvdata_version_str while 'HISTORY' in hdr.keys(): hdr.remove('HISTORY') self.freq_range = map(float, hdr['FRQRANGE'].split(',')) self.time_range = map(float, hdr['TMERANGE'].split(',')) self.Nspws = hdr['NSPWS'] self.Nants_data = hdr['NANTSDAT'] self.Nants_telescope = hdr['NANTSTEL'] self.gain_convention = hdr['GNCONVEN'] self.x_orientation = hdr['XORIENT'] self.cal_type = hdr['CALTYPE'] try: = hdr['OBSERVER'] except: pass try: self.git_origin_cal = hdr['ORIGCAL'] except: pass try: self.git_hash_cal = hdr['HASHCAL'] except: pass # get data. if self.cal_type == 'gain': self.set_gain() self.gain_array = data[:, :, :, :, 0] + 1j * data[:, :, :, :, 1] self.flag_array = data[:, :, :, :, 2].astype('bool') if hdr['CTYPE1'] == 5: self.input_flag_array = data[:, :, :, :, 3].astype('bool') self.quality_array = data[:, :, :, :, 4] else: self.quality_array = data[:, :, :, :, 3] if self.cal_type == 'delay': self.set_delay() self.delay_array = data[:, :, :, :, 0] self.quality_array = data[:, :, :, :, 1] sechdu = F[hdunames['FLAGS']] flag_data = if sechdu.header['CTYPE1'] == 2: self.flag_array =[:, :, :, :, 0].astype('bool') self.input_flag_array =[:, :, :, :, 1] else: self.flag_array =[:, :, :, :, 0].astype('bool') # generate frequency, polarization, and time array. self.freq_array = np.arange(self.Nfreqs).reshape(1, -1) * hdr['CDELT4'] + hdr['CRVAL4'] self.jones_array = np.arange(self.Njones) * hdr['CDELT2'] + hdr['CRVAL2'] self.time_array = np.arange(self.Ntimes) * hdr['CDELT3'] + hdr['CRVAL3'] if run_check: self.check(run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability)