Raw File
\title{Determine Initial State for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.}
  Builds a description of the initial state
  for the Metropolis-Hastings
   rmhstart(start, \dots)
   \method{rmhstart}{default}(start=NULL, \dots, n.start=NULL, x.start=NULL, iseed)
  \item{start}{An existing description of the initial state in some
    format. Incompatible with the arguments listed below.
  \item{\dots}{There should be no other arguments.}
    Number of initial points (to be randomly generated).
    Incompatible with \code{x.start}.
    Initial point pattern configuration.
    Incompatible with \code{n.start}.
    Vector of 3 integers determining the initial state of
    the random number generator. This argument should not be
    specified, in normal use.
  An object of class \code{"rmhstart"}, which is essentially
  a list of parameters describing the initial point pattern
  and (optionally) the initial state of the random number generator.
  There is a \code{print} method for this class, which prints
  a sensible description of the initial state.
  Simulated realisations of many point process models
  can be generated using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
  implemented in \code{\link{rmh}}.
  This function \code{rmhstart}
  creates a full description of the initial state of the
  Metropolis-Hastings algorithm,
  \emph{including possibly the initial state of the random number generator},
  for use in a subsequent call to \code{\link{rmh}}. It also
  checks that the initial state is valid.

  The initial state should be specified \bold{either} by the
  first argument \code{start} \bold{or} by the other arguments
  \code{n.start}, \code{x.start} etc.
  If \code{start} is a list, then it should have components named 
  \code{n.start} or \code{x.start} and optionally \code{iseed},
  with the same interpretation as described below.

  The arguments are:
	The number of ``initial'' points to be randomly
	(uniformly) generated in the simulation window \code{w}.
	Incompatible with \code{x.start}.

	For a multitype point process, \code{n.start} may be a vector
	(of length equal to the number of types) giving the number
	of points of each type to be generated.  

	If expansion of the simulation window is selected (see the argument
	\code{expand} to \code{\link{rmhcontrol}}),
	then \code{n.start} will be multiplied by the expansion factor
	(ratio of the areas of the expanded window and original window).

	For faster convergence of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm,
	the value of \code{n.start} should be roughly equal to
	(an educated guess at) the expected number of points which
	will be generated inside the window.
	Initial point pattern configuration. Incompatible with

	\code{x.start} may be a point pattern (an object
	of class \code{ppp}), or an object which can be coerced
	to this class by \code{\link{as.ppp}}, or a dataset containing
	vectors \code{x} and \code{y}.  

	If \code{x.start} is specified, then expansion of the
	simulation window (the argument \code{expand}
	of \code{\link{rmhcontrol}}) is not permitted.
	for the random number generator. A vector of three integers.

	If given, this seed will fix the initial state
	of the random number generator in any subsequent call
	to \code{\link{rmh}}.
	This should only be done 
	if it is desired to repeat the algorithm with exactly
	the same sequence of random numbers!
    The parameters \code{n.start} and \code{x.start} are
  If \code{iseed} is specified, this will fix the initial state
  of the random number generator in any subsequent call
  to \code{\link{rmh}}. 

   # 30 random points
   a <- rmhstart(n.start=30)

   # a particular point pattern
   b <- rmhstart(x.start=cells)

   # set the seed
   d <- rmhstart(n.start=30, iseed=c(42, 4, 2))
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner

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