Raw File
<tool id="interactive_tool_phinch" tool_type="interactive" name="Phinch Visualisation" version="0.1">
        <container type="docker">shiltemann/docker-phinch-galaxy:16.04</container>
        <entry_point name="Phinch Visualisation of $infile.display_name" requires_domain="True">
        ## ToDo nginx, proxy.conf etc can be removed from the container

        #import os
        #set $name = os.path.splitext(str($infile.display_name).replace(' ', '_'))[0]
        ## in case someone names the data testdata.
        rm /home/Phinch/data/testdata.biom | true &&
        ln -s '$infile' '/home/Phinch/data/${name}.biom' &&
        cd /home/Phinch/data &&
        sed -i  "s/'REPLACE_ME'/'${name}.biom'/g" /home/Phinch/scripts/readFile.js &&
        sed -i  "s/http/https/g" /home/Phinch/scripts/readFile.js &&
        ## keep it running
        cd /home/Phinch &&
        php -S 2>&1 > /var/log/phinch.log

        <param name="infile" type="data" format="biom1" label="Biom1 dataset"/>
        <data name="outfile" format="txt" />
        Interactive tool for visualising Biom data.
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