\name{rmhmodel.ppm} \alias{rmhmodel.ppm} \title{Interpret Fitted Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.} \description{ Converts a fitted point process model into a format that can be used to simulate the model by the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. } \usage{ \method{rmhmodel}{ppm}(model, win, ..., verbose=TRUE, project=TRUE, control=rmhcontrol()) } \arguments{ \item{model}{ Fitted point process model (object of class \code{"ppm"}). } \item{win}{ Optional. Window in which the simulations should be generated. } \item{\dots}{Ignored.} \item{verbose}{ Logical flag indicating whether to print progress reports while the model is being converted. } \item{project}{Logical flag indicating what to do if the fitted model does not correspond to a valid point process. See Details.} \item{control}{ Parameters determining the iterative behaviour of the simulation algorithm. Passed to \code{\link{rmhcontrol}}. } } \value{ An object of class \code{"rmhmodel"}, which is essentially a list of parameter values for the model. There is a \code{print} method for this class, which prints a sensible description of the model chosen. } \details{ The generic function \code{\link{rmhmodel}} takes a description of a point process model in some format, and converts it into an object of class \code{"rmhmodel"} so that simulations of the model can be generated using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm \code{\link{rmh}}. This function \code{rmhmodel.ppm} is the method for the class \code{"ppm"} of fitted point process models. The argument \code{model} should be a fitted point process model (object of class \code{"ppm"}) typically obtained from the model-fitting function \code{\link{ppm}}. This will be converted into an object of class \code{"rmhmodel"}. The optional argument \code{win} specifies the window in which the pattern is to be generated. If specified, it must be in a form which can be coerced to an object of class \code{owin} by \code{\link{as.owin}}. Not all fitted point process models obtained from \code{\link{ppm}} can be simulated. We have not yet implemented simulation code for the \code{\link{LennardJones}} and \code{\link{OrdThresh}} models. It is also possible that a fitted point process model obtained from \code{\link{ppm}} may not correspond to a valid point process. For example a fitted model with the \code{\link{Strauss}} interpoint interaction may have any value of the interaction parameter \eqn{\gamma}{gamma}; however the Strauss process is not well-defined for \eqn{\gamma > 1}{gamma > 1} (Kelly and Ripley, 1976). The argument \code{project} determines what to do in such cases. If \code{project=FALSE}, a fatal error will occur. If \code{project=TRUE}, the fitted model parameters will be adjusted to the nearest values which do correspond to a valid point process. For example a Strauss process with \eqn{\gamma > 1}{gamma > 1} will be projected to a Strauss process with \eqn{\gamma = 1}{gamma = 1}, equivalent to a Poisson process. } \references{ Diggle, P. J. (2003) \emph{Statistical Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns} (2nd ed.) Arnold, London. Diggle, P.J. and Gratton, R.J. (1984) Monte Carlo methods of inference for implicit statistical models. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series B} \bold{46}, 193 -- 212. Geyer, C.J. (1999) Likelihood Inference for Spatial Point Processes. Chapter 3 in O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, W.S. Kendall and M.N.M. Van Lieshout (eds) \emph{Stochastic Geometry: Likelihood and Computation}, Chapman and Hall / CRC, Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability, number 80. Pages 79--140. Kelly, F.P. and Ripley, B.D. (1976) On Strauss's model for clustering. \emph{Biometrika} \bold{63}, 357--360. } \seealso{ \code{\link{rmhmodel}}, \code{\link{rmhmodel.list}}, \code{\link{rmhmodel.default}}, \code{\link{rmh}}, \code{\link{rmhcontrol}}, \code{\link{rmhstart}}, \code{\link{ppm}}, \code{\link{AreaInter}}, \code{\link{Strauss}}, \code{\link{Softcore}}, \code{\link{StraussHard}}, \code{\link{MultiStrauss}}, \code{\link{MultiStraussHard}}, \code{\link{DiggleGratton}}, \code{\link{PairPiece}} } \examples{ data(cells) fit <- ppm(cells, ~1, Strauss(0.07)) mod1 <- rmhmodel(fit) fit2 <- ppm(cells, ~1, Geyer(0.07, 2)) mod2 <- rmhmodel(fit2) # Then rmh(mod1), etc } \author{Adrian Baddeley \email{adrian@maths.uwa.edu.au} \url{http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~adrian/} and Rolf Turner \email{r.turner@auckland.ac.nz} } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{datagen}