# fields, Tools for spatial data # Copyright 2004-2011, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences # University Corporation for Atmospheric Research # Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html fields.rdist.near <- function(x1, x2, delta, max.points = NULL, mean.neighbor = 50) { if (!is.matrix(x1)) x1 <- as.matrix(x1) if (missing(x2)) x2 <- x1 if (!is.matrix(x2)) x2 <- as.matrix(x2) d <- ncol(x1) n1 <- nrow(x1) n2 <- nrow(x2) if (is.null(max.points)) { Nmax <- n1 * mean.neighbor } else { Nmax <- max.points } out <- .Fortran("ddfind", nd = as.integer(d), x1 = as.double(x1), n1 = as.integer(n1), x2 = as.double(x2), n2 = as.integer(n2), D0 = as.double(delta), ind = as.integer(rep(0, Nmax * 2)), rd = as.double(rep(-1, Nmax)), Nmax = as.integer(Nmax), iflag = as.integer(1)) N <- out$Nmax if (out$iflag == -1) { cat("temp space set at", Nmax, fill = TRUE) stop("Ran out of space, increase max.points") } return(list(ind = matrix(out$ind, Nmax, 2)[1:N, ], ra = out$rd[1:N], da = c(n1, n2))) }