Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Plot variation in PSD
import matplotlib
from six.moves import range
import h5py, numpy, argparse, pylab, pycbc.results, sys
import pycbc.psd
import pycbc.version

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("--version", action="version",
parser.add_argument("--psd-files", nargs='+', required=True,
                    help='HDF file(s) containing the PSDs to plot')
parser.add_argument('--hdf-group', default=None,
                    help="Group in the HDF file(s) to read the psd from. "
                         "PSDs will be read from {psd_group}/{ifo}. Default "
                         "is to look in the top level.")
parser.add_argument('--low-frequency-cutoff', type=float,
                    help="The low frequency cutoff of the PSD. If not "
                         "provided, will try to retrive it from the "
                         "hdf-group's attrs.")
parser.add_argument("--ifos", nargs="+",
                    help="What ifo(s) to plot. If none provided, will look "
                         "for an 'ifo_list' attribute in the hdf file.")
parser.add_argument("--output-file", required=True, help='Output file name')
parser.add_argument("--memory-limit", default=2., type=float, metavar="X GB",
                    help="Reading in all PSD files can use a lot of memory. "
                         "If given, this option will read the PSDs in slices "
                         "ensuring that memory usage approximately is limited "
                         "to the given value in GB. For general usage on LDG "
                         "clusters, this defaults to 2GB if this option is "
                         "not provided explicitly.")
pycbc.psd.insert_psd_option_group(parser, output=False)
args = parser.parse_args()

fig = pylab.figure(0)
ax = fig.gca()
ax.grid(which='both', ls='solid', alpha=0.2, lw=0.3)
ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude Spectral Density (Strain / $\\sqrt{\\rm Hz}$)')
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')

y_min = None

for psd_file in args.psd_files:
    f = h5py.File(psd_file, 'r')
    if args.hdf_group is not None:
        f = f[args.hdf_group]

    if args.ifos is not None:
        ifo_list = args.ifos
    elif "ifo_list" in f.attrs.keys():
        ifo_list = f.attrs["ifo_list"]
        ifo_list = [tuple(f.keys())[0]]
    for ifo in ifo_list:
        fac = 1.0 / pycbc.DYN_RANGE_FAC
        df = f[ifo + '/psds/0'].attrs['delta_f']
        keys = list(f[ifo + '/psds'].keys())
        if args.low_frequency_cutoff is not None:
            flow = args.low_frequency_cutoff
        elif 'low_frequency_cutoff' in f.attrs.keys():
            flow = f.attrs['low_frequency_cutoff']
                with h5py.File(psd_file, 'r') as base_file:
                    flow = base_file.attrs[
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError("hdf file %s does not contain an attribute giving "
                                   "low frequency cutoff, please specify a value using "
                                   "the --low-frequency-cutoff option" % psd_file)
        kmin = int(flow / df)
        kmax = len(f[ifo + '/psds/' + keys[0]][:])
        klen = kmax - kmin
        # Let's try and keep this to 1GB
        num_points = len(keys) * (klen)
        # Assuming 16 bytes memory usage per PSD point read. That number was
        # determined empirically using top on a 16GB machine
        max_points_read = args.memory_limit * (1E9 / 16.)
        num_splits = int(numpy.ceil(num_points / max_points_read))
        num_points_to_read = int((klen) / num_splits)

        high = numpy.zeros(klen)
        low = numpy.zeros(klen)
        middle = numpy.zeros(klen)
        samples = numpy.arange(kmin, kmax) * df

        for split_idx in range(num_splits):
            curr_kmin = kmin + split_idx * num_points_to_read
            curr_kmax = kmin + (split_idx+1) * num_points_to_read
            # klen may not divide by num_gb perfectly
            if split_idx == (num_splits - 1):
                curr_kmax = kmax

            psds = [f[ifo + '/psds/' + key][curr_kmin:curr_kmax] \
                    for key in keys]
            high[curr_kmin-kmin:curr_kmax-kmin] = \
                numpy.percentile(psds, 95, axis=0) ** 0.5 * fac
            low[curr_kmin-kmin:curr_kmax-kmin] = \
                numpy.percentile(psds, 5, axis=0) ** 0.5 * fac
            middle[curr_kmin-kmin:curr_kmax-kmin] = \
                numpy.percentile(psds, 50, axis=0) ** 0.5 * fac

        if y_min is None or y_min > low.min():
            y_min = low.min()

        color = pycbc.results.ifo_color(ifo)

        ax.fill_between(samples, low, high, alpha=0.4, linewidth=0, color=color)
        ax.loglog(samples, middle, linewidth=0.3, color=color, label=ifo)
        ax.set_xlim(flow, samples[-1])

if args.psd_model or args.psd_file or args.asd_file:
    reference_psd = pycbc.psd.from_cli(args, 2048, 1., 10., None)
    if reference_psd is not None:
        ax.loglog(reference_psd.sample_frequencies, reference_psd ** 0.5,
                  '-k', lw=0.3, label='Reference')

ax.set_ylim(y_min * 0.5, y_min * 100)

ax.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize='small')
pycbc.results.save_fig_with_metadata(fig, args.output_file, 
    title="Noise Amplitude Spectral Density",
    caption="Median amplitude spectral density plotted with a shaded region " 
              "between the 5th and 95th perentiles. ",
    cmd=' '.join(sys.argv),
    fig_kwds={'dpi': 200})
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