Tip revision: 963608763589e03de38e744d359884d491e65460 authored by Roberto Di Cosmo on 25 November 2022, 20:30:16 UTC
Update biblatex snippet
Update biblatex snippet
Tip revision: 9636087
(* ParMap: a simple library to perform Map computations on a multi-core *)
(* *)
(* Author(s): Marco Danelutto, Roberto Di Cosmo *)
(* *)
(* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
(* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the *)
(* License, or (at your option) any later version. A special linking *)
(* exception to the GNU Lesser General Public License applies to this *)
(* library, see the LICENSE file for more information. *)
module Utils = Parmap_utils
(* OS related constants *)
(* sequence type, subsuming lists and arrays *)
type 'a sequence = L of 'a list | A of 'a array
let debug_enabled = ref false
(* toggle debugging *)
let debugging b = debug_enabled:=b
(* default number of cores, and a setter function *)
let default_ncores=ref (max 2 (Setcore.numcores()-1));;
let set_default_ncores n = default_ncores := n;;
let get_default_ncores () = !default_ncores;;
let ncores = ref 0;;
let set_ncores n = ncores := n;;
let get_ncores () = !ncores
(* core mapping *)
let no_core_pinning = ref false
let disable_core_pinning () =
no_core_pinning := true
let enable_core_pinning () =
no_core_pinning := false
let core_mapping = ref None
let set_core_mapping (m: int array) = core_mapping := Some m
(* worker process rank *)
let masters_rank = -1
let rank = ref masters_rank
let set_rank n = rank := n
let get_rank () = !rank
(* exception handling code *)
let handle_exc core msg =
Utils.log_error "aborting due to exception on core %d: %s" core msg; exit 1;;
(* Helper functions for stdout/stderr redirection *)
let can_redirect path =
if not(Sys.file_exists path) then
Unix.mkdir path 0o777; true
with Unix.Unix_error(e,_s,_s') ->
(* another job may have created it between the check and the mkdir *)
if e == Unix.EEXIST then true
else begin
(Printf.eprintf "[Pid %d]: Error creating %s : %s; proceeding \
without stdout/stderr redirection\n%!"
(Unix.getpid ()) path (Unix.error_message e));
else true
let log_debug fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (
if !debug_enabled then begin
(fun s -> Format.eprintf "[Parmap]: %s@." s)
end else ignore
) fmt
(* freopen emulation, from Xavier's suggestion on OCaml mailing list *)
let reopen_out outchan path fname =
if can_redirect path then
flush outchan;
let filename = Filename.concat path fname in
let fd1 = Unix.descr_of_out_channel outchan in
let fd2 = Unix.openfile
filename [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_TRUNC] 0o666 in
Unix.dup2 fd2 fd1;
Unix.close fd2
else ()
(* send stdout and stderr to a file to avoid mixing output from different
cores, if enabled *)
let[@warning "-16" (*unerasable-optional-argument*)]
redirect ?(path = (Printf.sprintf "/tmp/.parmap.%d" (Unix.getpid ()))) ~id =
reopen_out stdout path (Printf.sprintf "stdout.%d" id);
reopen_out stderr path (Printf.sprintf "stderr.%d" id);;
(* unmarshal from a mmap seen as a bigarray *)
let unmarshal fd =
let a =
Bigarray.array1_of_genarray @@
Parmap_compat.map_file fd Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout true [|-1|] in
let res = Bytearray.unmarshal a 0 in
Unix.close fd;
(* marshal to a mmap seen as a bigarray *)
(* System dependent notes:
(* a reasonable size for mmapping a file containing even huge result data *)
let huge_size = if Sys.word_size = 64 then 1 lsl 32 else 1 lsl 26
- on Linux kernels, we might allocate a mmapped memory area of huge_size
and marshal into it directly
let ba =
Bigarray.array1_of_genarray @@
Parmap_compat.map_file fd Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout true huge_size in
ignore(Bytearray.marshal_to_buffer ba 0 v [Marshal.Closures]);
Unix.close fd
- to be compatible with other systems, notably Mac OS X, which insist in
allocating *all*
the declared memory area even for a sparse file, we must choose a less
efficient approach:
* marshal the value v to a string s, and compute its size
* allocate a mmap of that exact size,
* copy the string to that mmap
this allocates twice as much memory, and incurs an extra copy of the
value v
let marshal fd v =
let s = Marshal.to_string v [Marshal.Closures] in
ignore(Bytearray.mmap_of_string fd s)
(* Exit the program with calling [at_exit] handlers *)
external sys_exit : int -> 'a = "caml_sys_exit"
let spawn_many n ~in_subprocess =
let rec loop i acc =
if i = n then
match Unix.fork() with
0 ->
(* [at_exit] handlers are called in reverse order of registration.
By registering a handler that exits prematurely, we prevent the
execution of handlers registered before the fork.
This ignores the exit code provided by the user, but we ignore
it anyway in [wait_for_pids].
at_exit (fun () -> sys_exit 0);
set_rank i;
in_subprocess i;
exit 0
| -1 ->
Utils.log_error "fork error: pid %d; i=%d" (Unix.getpid()) i;
loop (i + 1) acc
| pid ->
loop (i + 1) (pid :: acc)
(* call the GC before forking *)
Gc.compact ();
loop 0 []
let wait_for_pids pids =
let rec wait_for_pid pid =
try ignore(Unix.waitpid [] pid : int * Unix.process_status)
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECHILD, _, _) -> ()
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> wait_for_pid pid
List.iter wait_for_pid pids
let run_many n ~in_subprocess =
wait_for_pids (spawn_many n ~in_subprocess)
(* a simple mapper function that computes 1/nth of the data on each of the n
cores in one iteration *)
let simplemapper (init:int -> unit) (finalize: unit -> unit) ncores' compute opid al collect =
(* flush everything *)
(* init task parameters *)
let ln = Array.length al in
set_ncores (min ln (max 1 ncores'));
let chunksize = max 1 (ln / !ncores) in
"simplemapper on %d elements, on %d cores, chunksize = %d%!"
ln !ncores chunksize;
(* create descriptors to mmap *)
let fdarr=Array.init !ncores (fun _ -> Utils.tempfd()) in
let statusfdarr=Array.init !ncores (fun _ -> Utils.tempfd()) in
(* run children *)
run_many !ncores ~in_subprocess:(fun i ->
init i; (* call initialization function *)
at_exit finalize; (* register finalization function *)
let lo=i*chunksize in
let hi=if i = !ncores - 1 then ln - 1 else (i + 1) * chunksize - 1 in
let exc_handler e j = (* handle an exception at index j *)
"error at index j=%d in (%d,%d), chunksize=%d of a total of \
%d got exception %s on core %d \n%!"
j lo hi chunksize (hi-lo+1) (Printexc.to_string e) i;
marshal statusfdarr.(i) false;
exit 1
let v = compute al lo hi opid exc_handler in
marshal statusfdarr.(i) true;
marshal fdarr.(i) v);
(* read in all data *)
let res = ref [] in
let success = ref true in
(* check whether an exception has been raised in the subprocesses *)
for i = 0 to !ncores - 1 do
success:= !success && ((unmarshal statusfdarr.(i)):bool);
if not !success then failwith "Aborting computation due to exception(s) raised in the workers";
(* iterate in reverse order, to accumulate in the right order *)
for i = 0 to !ncores - 1 do
res:= ((unmarshal fdarr.((!ncores-1)-i)):'d)::!res;
(* collect all results *)
collect !res
(* a simple iteration function that iterates on 1/nth of the data on each of
the n cores *)
let simpleiter init finalize ncores' compute al =
(* flush everything *)
(* init task parameters *)
let ln = Array.length al in
set_ncores (min ln (max 1 ncores'));
let chunksize = max 1 (ln / !ncores) in
"simplemapper on %d elements, on %d cores, chunksize = %d%!"
ln !ncores chunksize;
(* run children *)
run_many !ncores ~in_subprocess:(fun i ->
init i; (* call initialization function *)
at_exit finalize; (* register finalization function *)
let lo=i*chunksize in
let hi=if i= !ncores - 1 then ln-1 else (i+1)*chunksize-1 in
let exc_handler e j = (* handle an exception at index j *)
"error at index j=%d in (%d,%d), chunksize=%d of a total of \
%d got exception %s on core %d \n%!"
j lo hi chunksize (hi-lo+1) (Printexc.to_string e) i;
exit 1
compute al lo hi exc_handler);
(* return with no value *)
(* a more sophisticated mapper function, with automatic load balancing *)
(* the type of messages exchanged between master and workers *)
type msg_to_master = Ready of int | Error of int * string
type msg_to_worker = Finished | Task of int
let setup_children_chans oc pipedown ?fdarr i =
(if !no_core_pinning then ()
else match !core_mapping with
(* map process i to core i, or, if a core_mapping exist,
to core_mapping.(i), reusing core_mapping as many times as needed *)
| None -> Setcore.setcore i
| Some m ->
let ml = Array.length m in
Setcore.setcore m.(i mod ml));
(* close the other ends of the pipe and convert my ends to ic/oc *)
Unix.close (snd pipedown.(i));
let pid = Unix.getpid() in
let ic = Unix.in_channel_of_descr (fst pipedown.(i)) in
let receive () = Marshal.from_channel ic in
let signal v = Marshal.to_channel oc v []; flush oc in
let return v =
let d = Unix.gettimeofday() in
let _ = match fdarr with Some fdarr -> marshal fdarr.(i) v | None -> () in
log_debug "worker elapsed %f in marshalling" (Unix.gettimeofday() -. d) in
let finish () =
(log_debug "shutting down (pid=%d)\n%!" pid;
try close_in ic; close_out oc with _ -> ()
exit 0 in
receive, signal, return, finish, pid
(* parametric mapper primitive that captures the parallel structure *)
let mapper (init:int -> unit) (finalize:unit -> unit) ncores' ~chunksize compute opid al collect =
let ln = Array.length al in
if ln=0 then (collect []) else
set_ncores (min ln (max 1 ncores'));
log_debug "mapper on %d elements, on %d cores%!" ln !ncores;
match chunksize with
None ->
(* no need of load balancing *)
simplemapper init finalize !ncores compute opid al collect
| Some v when !ncores >= ln/v ->
(* no need of load balancing if more cores than tasks *)
simplemapper init finalize !ncores compute opid al collect
| Some v ->
(* init task parameters : ntasks > 0 here,
as otherwise ncores >= 1 >= ln/v = ntasks and we would take
the branch above *)
let chunksize = v and ntasks = ln/v in
(* flush everything *)
flush_all ();
(* create descriptors to mmap *)
let fdarr=Array.init !ncores (fun _ -> Utils.tempfd()) in
(* setup communication channel with the workers *)
let pipedown=Array.init !ncores (fun _ -> Unix.pipe ()) in
let pipeup_rd,pipeup_wr=Unix.pipe () in
let oc_up = Unix.out_channel_of_descr pipeup_wr in
(* run children *)
let pids =
spawn_many !ncores ~in_subprocess:(fun i ->
init i; (* call initialization function *)
at_exit finalize; (* register finalization function *)
let d=Unix.gettimeofday() in
(* primitives for communication *)
Unix.close pipeup_rd;
let receive,signal,return,finish,pid =
setup_children_chans oc_up pipedown ~fdarr i in
let reschunk=ref opid in
let computetask n = (* compute chunk number n *)
let lo=n*chunksize in
let hi=if n=ntasks-1 then ln-1 else (n+1)*chunksize-1 in
let exc_handler e j = (* handle an exception at index j *)
let errmsg = Printexc.to_string e in
"error at index j=%d in (%d,%d), chunksize=%d of a \
total of %d got exception %s on core %d \n%!"
j lo hi chunksize (hi-lo+1) errmsg i;
signal (Error (i,errmsg): msg_to_master);
reschunk:= compute al lo hi !reschunk exc_handler;
"worker on core %d (pid=%d), segment (%d,%d) of data of \
length %d, chunksize=%d finished in %f seconds"
i pid lo hi ln chunksize (Unix.gettimeofday() -. d)
while true do
(* ask for work until we are finished *)
signal (Ready i);
match receive() with
| Finished -> return (!reschunk:'d); finish ()
| Task n -> computetask n
(* close unused ends of the pipes *)
Array.iter (fun (rfd,_) -> Unix.close rfd) pipedown;
Unix.close pipeup_wr;
(* get ic/oc/wfdl *)
let ocs=
Array.init !ncores
(fun n -> Unix.out_channel_of_descr (snd pipedown.(n))) in
let ic=Unix.in_channel_of_descr pipeup_rd in
(* feed workers until all tasks are finished *)
for i=0 to ntasks-1 do
match Marshal.from_channel ic with
Ready w ->
(log_debug "sending task %d to worker %d" i w;
let oc = ocs.(w) in
(Marshal.to_channel oc (Task i) []); flush oc)
| (Error (core,msg): msg_to_master) -> handle_exc core msg
(* send termination token to all children *)
Array.iter (fun oc ->
Marshal.to_channel oc Finished [];
flush oc;
close_out oc
) ocs;
(* wait for all children to terminate *)
wait_for_pids pids;
(* read in all data *)
let res = ref [] in
(* iterate in reverse order, to accumulate in the right order *)
for i = 0 to !ncores-1 do
res:= ((unmarshal fdarr.((!ncores-1)-i)):'d)::!res;
(* close read pipe end *)
Unix.close pipeup_rd;
(* collect all results *)
collect !res
(* parametric iteration primitive that captures the parallel structure *)
let geniter init finalize ncores' ~chunksize compute al =
let ln = Array.length al in
if ln=0 then () else
set_ncores (min ln (max 1 ncores'));
log_debug "geniter on %d elements, on %d cores%!" ln !ncores;
match chunksize with
None ->
simpleiter init finalize !ncores compute al (* no need of load balancing *)
| Some v when !ncores >= ln/v ->
simpleiter init finalize !ncores compute al (* no need of load balancing *)
| Some v ->
(* init task parameters *)
let chunksize = v and ntasks = ln/v in
(* flush everything *)
flush_all ();
(* setup communication channel with the workers *)
let pipedown=Array.init !ncores (fun _ -> Unix.pipe ()) in
let pipeup_rd,pipeup_wr=Unix.pipe () in
let oc_up = Unix.out_channel_of_descr pipeup_wr in
(* spawn children *)
let pids =
spawn_many !ncores ~in_subprocess:(fun i ->
init i; (* call initialization function *)
at_exit finalize; (* register finalization function *)
let d=Unix.gettimeofday() in
(* primitives for communication *)
Unix.close pipeup_rd;
let receive,signal,return,finish,pid =
setup_children_chans oc_up pipedown i in
let computetask n = (* compute chunk number n *)
let lo=n*chunksize in
let hi=if n=ntasks-1 then ln-1 else (n+1)*chunksize-1 in
let exc_handler e j = (* handle an exception at index j *)
let errmsg = Printexc.to_string e in
"error at index j=%d in (%d,%d), chunksize=%d of \
a total of %d got exception %s on core %d \n%!"
j lo hi chunksize (hi-lo+1) errmsg i;
signal (Error (i,errmsg): msg_to_master);
compute al lo hi exc_handler;
"worker on core %d (pid=%d), segment (%d,%d) of data \
of length %d, chunksize=%d finished in %f seconds"
i pid lo hi ln chunksize (Unix.gettimeofday() -. d)
while true do
(* ask for work until we are finished *)
signal (Ready i);
match receive() with
| Finished -> return(); finish ()
| Task n -> computetask n
(* close unused ends of the pipes *)
Array.iter (fun (rfd,_) -> Unix.close rfd) pipedown;
Unix.close pipeup_wr;
(* get ic/oc/wfdl *)
let ocs=Array.init !ncores
(fun n -> Unix.out_channel_of_descr (snd pipedown.(n))) in
let ic=Unix.in_channel_of_descr pipeup_rd in
(* feed workers until all tasks are finished *)
for i=0 to ntasks-1 do
match Marshal.from_channel ic with
Ready w ->
(log_debug "sending task %d to worker %d" i w;
let oc = ocs.(w) in
(Marshal.to_channel oc (Task i) []); flush oc)
| (Error (core,msg): msg_to_master) -> handle_exc core msg
(* send termination token to all children *)
Array.iter (fun oc ->
Marshal.to_channel oc Finished [];
flush oc;
close_out oc
) ocs;
(* wait for all children to terminate *)
wait_for_pids pids;
(* no data to return *)
(* the parallel mapfold function *)
let parmapifold
?(init = fun _ -> ())
?(finalize = fun () -> ())
?(ncores= !default_ncores)
(f:int -> 'a -> 'b)
(s:'a sequence)
(concat:'c->'c->'c) : 'c=
(* enforce array to speed up access to the list elements *)
let al = match s with A al -> al | L l -> Array.of_list l in
let compute al lo hi previous exc_handler =
(* iterate in reverse order, to accumulate in the right order *)
let r = ref previous in
for j=0 to (hi-lo) do
let idx = hi-j in
r := op (f idx (Array.unsafe_get al idx)) !r;
with e -> exc_handler e j
done; !r
init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute opid al (fun r -> Utils.fold_right concat r opid)
let parmapfold
?(init = fun _ -> ())
?(finalize = fun () -> ())
(f:'a -> 'b)
(s:'a sequence)
(concat:'c->'c->'c) : 'c=
parmapifold ~init ~finalize ?ncores ?chunksize (fun _ x -> f x) s op opid concat
(* the parallel fold function *)
let parfold
?(init = fun _ -> ())
?(finalize = fun () -> ())
?(ncores= !default_ncores)
(op:'a -> 'b -> 'b)
(s:'a sequence)
(concat:'b->'b->'b) : 'b=
parmapfold ~init ~finalize ~ncores ?chunksize (fun x -> x) s op opid concat
(* the parallel map function *)
let mapi_range lo hi (f:int -> 'a -> 'b) a =
let l = hi-lo in
if l < 0 then [||] else begin
let r = Array.make (l+1) (f lo (Array.unsafe_get a lo)) in
for i = 1 to l do
let idx = lo+i in
Array.unsafe_set r i (f idx (Array.unsafe_get a idx))
(* the parallel map function, on arrays *)
let array_parmapi
?(init = fun _ -> ())
?(finalize = fun () -> ())
?(ncores= !default_ncores)
(f:int -> 'a -> 'b)
(al:'a array) : 'b array=
(* compute, collect and opid definitions for reordering after load balancing *)
let compute_sorted a lo hi previous exc_handler =
(lo,mapi_range lo hi f a)::previous
with e -> exc_handler e lo
and collect_sorted (r:(int * 'b array) list list) =
let fragments = List.flatten r in
let snd (List.stable_sort (fun (n,_) (m,_) -> n-m) fragments) in
Array.concat ordered
and opid_sorted = [(0,[||])]
(* compute, collect and opid definitions without reordering *)
and compute a lo hi previous exc_handler =
Array.concat [(mapi_range lo hi f a);previous]
with e -> exc_handler e lo
and collect r = Array.concat r
and opid = [||] in
let ln = Array.length al in
match keeporder, chunksize with
| _ , None ->
(* no need of load balancing *)
mapper init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute opid al collect
| _ , Some v when ncores >= ln/v ->
(* no need of load balancing if more cores than tasks *)
mapper init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute opid al collect
| false , Some _ ->
(* load balancing without reordering *)
mapper init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute opid al collect
| true , Some _ ->
(* load balancing with reordering *)
mapper init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute_sorted opid_sorted al collect_sorted
let array_parmap ?init ?finalize ?ncores ?chunksize ?keeporder (f:'a -> 'b) (al:'a array) : 'b array=
array_parmapi ?init ?finalize ?ncores ?chunksize ?keeporder (fun _ x -> f x) al
let parmapi
?(init = fun _ -> ())
?(finalize = fun () -> ())
?(ncores= !default_ncores)
(f:int ->'a -> 'b)
(s:'a sequence) : 'b list=
(* enforce array to speed up access to the list elements *)
let al = match s with A al -> al | L l -> Array.of_list l in
(* compute, collect and opid definitions without reordering *)
let compute al lo hi previous exc_handler =
(* iterate in reverse order, to accumulate in the right order,
and add to acc *)
let f' j =
try let idx = lo+j in f idx (Array.unsafe_get al idx)
with e -> exc_handler e j in
let rec aux acc =
0 -> (f' 0)::acc
| n -> aux ((f' n)::acc) (n-1)
in aux previous (hi-lo)
and collect r = Utils.concat_tr r
and opid = [] in
let ln = Array.length al in
match keeporder, chunksize with
_ , None ->
(* no need of load balancing *)
mapper init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute opid al collect
| _ , Some v when ncores >= ln/v ->
(* no need of load balancing if more cores than tasks *)
mapper init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute opid al collect
| false , Some _ ->
(* load balancing without reordering *)
mapper init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute opid al collect
| true , Some _ ->
(* load balancing with reordering *)
Array.to_list (array_parmapi ~init ~finalize ~ncores ?chunksize ~keeporder f al)
let parmap ?init ?finalize ?ncores ?chunksize ?keeporder (f:'a -> 'b) (s:'a sequence) : 'b list=
parmapi ?init ?finalize ?ncores ?chunksize ?keeporder (fun _ x -> f x) s
(* This code is highly optimised for operations on float arrays:
- knowing in advance the size of the result allows to
pre-allocate it in a shared memory space as a Bigarray;
- to write in the Bigarray memory area using the unsafe
functions for Arrays, we trick the OCaml compiler into
using the Bigarray memory as an Array as follows
Array.unsafe_get (Obj.magic arr_out) 1
This works because OCaml compiles access to float arrays
as unboxed data, without further integrity checks;
- the final copy into a real OCaml array is done via a memcpy in C.
This approach gives a performance which is 2 to 3 times higher
w.r.t. array_parmap, at the price of using Obj.magic and
knowledge on the internal representation of arrays and bigarrays.
exception WrongArraySize
type buf=
(float, Bigarray.float64_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t *
int;; (* should be a long int some day *)
let init_shared_buffer a =
let size = Array.length a in
let fd = Utils.tempfd() in
let arr =
Bigarray.array1_of_genarray @@
Parmap_compat.map_file fd Bigarray.float64 Bigarray.c_layout true [|size|] in
(* The mmap() function shall add an extra reference to the file associated
with the file descriptor fildes which is not removed by a subsequent
close() on that file descriptor.
Unix.close fd; (arr,size)
let array_float_parmapi
?(init = fun _ -> ())
?(finalize = fun () -> ())
?(ncores= !default_ncores)
(f:int -> 'a -> float)
(al:'a array) : float array =
let size = Array.length al in
if size=0 then [| |] else
let barr_out =
match sharedbuffer with
Some (arr,s) ->
if s<size then
"shared buffer is too small to hold the input in \
raise WrongArraySize)
else arr
| None -> fst (init_shared_buffer al)
(* trick the compiler into accessing the Bigarray memory area as a float
array: the data in Bigarray is placed at offset 1 w.r.t. a normal array,
so we get a pointer to that zone into arr_out_as_array, and have it typed
as a float array *)
(*let barr_out_as_array = Array.unsafe_get (Obj.magic barr_out) 1 in*)
let compute _ lo hi _ exc_handler =
for i=lo to hi do
Bigarray.Array1.unsafe_set barr_out i (f i (Array.unsafe_get al i))
with e -> exc_handler e lo
mapper init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute () al (fun _r -> ());
let res =
match result with
None -> Bytearray.to_floatarray barr_out size
| Some a ->
if Array.length a < size then
"result array is too small to hold the result in \
raise WrongArraySize)
Bytearray.to_this_floatarray a barr_out size
in res
let array_float_parmap
?(init = fun _ -> ())
?(finalize = fun () -> ())
(f:'a -> float)
(al:'a array) : float array =
~init ~finalize ?ncores ?chunksize ?result ?sharedbuffer (fun _ x -> f x) al
(* the parallel iteration function *)
let pariteri
?(init = fun _ -> ())
?(finalize = fun () -> ())
?(ncores= !default_ncores)
(f:int -> 'a -> unit)
(s:'a sequence) : unit=
(* enforce array to speed up access to the list elements *)
let al = match s with A al -> al | L l -> Array.of_list l in
let compute al lo hi exc_handler =
(* iterate on the given segment *)
let f' j =
try let idx = lo+j in f idx (Array.unsafe_get al idx)
with e -> exc_handler e j in
for i = 0 to hi-lo do
f' i
geniter init finalize ncores ~chunksize compute al
let pariter ?init ?finalize ?ncores ?chunksize (f:'a -> unit) (s:'a sequence) : unit=
pariteri ?init ?finalize ?ncores ?chunksize (fun _ x -> f x) s