Raw File

\title{Estimate Models}
\description{Estimate models using given estimation method}
    estimateModels(data, estimation.sample = NULL, trend =FALSE, quiet =FALSE,
                       estimation.methods = NULL)
    \item{data}{An object of class TSdata.}
       A named list with the names indicating the estimation method and the
       value associated with the name is a list of arguments for each the
       method indicated. Its value should be NULL if no args are needed.}
       An integer indicating the number of points in the sample to use for
       estimation. If it is NULL the whole sample is used.}
       If trend is TRUE then a linear trend is calculated and returned as
       the element \code{trend.coef}.}
       If quiet is TRUE then most printing and some warning messages are
    \item{obj}{An object.}
Element \code{multi.model} in the result is a list of the same length as 
estimation.methods with resulting models as elements.
    Estimate models from data with estimation methods indicated by 
    estimation.methods. This is primarily a utility for other functions.

data("eg1.DSE.data.diff", package="dse")
z <-  estimateModels(eg1.DSE.data.diff, estimation.methods= list(

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