Feel++ TestSuite =================== # Machine IRMA-ATLAS ## Feel++ Version Wed Jan 4 09:01:32 2017 +0100 (commmit d204f6503b4483e455249067fbf6e7b3ac604ba7) ### Environment Loaded Modulefiles: ```gcc/4.9.0``` ```openmpi/1.10``` ```boost/1.59``` ```petsc/3.6.3``` ```slepc/3.6.3``` ```gmsh/2.10.1``` ```hdf5/1.8.15-patch1``` ```VTK/5.10.1``` ```ParaView/5.0.1``` ```fftw/3.3.4``` ```CMake/3.5.2``` ### CMake options ``` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-3.8 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 -DFEELPP_ENABLE_GSL=OFF ``` ### Results 96% tests passed, 14 tests failed out of 333 Label Time Summary: testalg = 38.68 sec (22 tests) testcore = 56.22 sec (36 tests) testcrb = 61.31 sec (11 tests) testdiscr = 431.53 sec (94 tests) testfilters = 32.81 sec (10 tests) testfit = 6.67 sec (4 tests) testintegration = 30.11 sec (14 tests) testinterpolation = 96.34 sec (25 tests) testleaks = 30.83 sec (16 tests) testls = 6.17 sec (3 tests) testmaterial = 2.72 sec (2 tests) testmath = 2.70 sec (2 tests) testmesh = 63.41 sec (24 tests) testmodels = 3.92 sec (2 tests) testopt = 2.70 sec (2 tests) testpde = 13.65 sec (4 tests) testpoly = 45.15 sec (18 tests) testts = 10.80 sec (5 tests) testvf = 434.79 sec (38 tests) Total Test time (real) = 1372.59 sec The following tests FAILED: 249 - feelpp\_test\_element0D-np-6 (Failed) 250 - feelpp\_test\_element0D-np-1 (Failed) 264 - feelpp\_test\_bdf2-np-6 (Failed) 265 - feelpp\_test\_bdf2-np-1 (Failed) 266 - feelpp\_test\_bdf3-np-1 (Failed) 273 - feelpp\_test\_laplacianv-np-6 (Failed) 274 - feelpp\_test\_laplacianv-np-1 (Failed) 275 - feelpp\_test\_laplacian-np-6 (Failed) 276 - feelpp\_test\_laplacian-np-1 (Failed) 277 - feelpp\_test\_laplaciant-np-6 (Failed) 278 - feelpp\_test\_laplaciant-np-1 (Failed) 289 - feelpp\_test\_convolve-np-6 (Timeout) 330 - feelpp\_test\_nofeel\_interpolator-np-6 (Failed) 331 - feelpp\_test\_nofeel\_interpolator-np-1 (Failed)