Raw File
  Create Point Pattern on Linear Network
  Creates an object of class \code{"lpp"} that represents
  a point pattern on a linear network.
lpp(X, L)
    Locations of the points. A matrix or data frame of coordinates,
    or a point pattern object (of class
    \code{"ppp"}) or other data acceptable to \code{\link{as.ppp}}.
    Linear network (object of class \code{"linnet"}).
  This command creates an object of class \code{"lpp"} that represents
  a point pattern on a linear network. The points of \code{X} should lie
  on the lines of \code{L}. 
  An object of class \code{"lpp"}. 
  Also inherits the class \code{"ppx"}.
  Ang Qi Wei \email{aqw07398@hotmail.com} and
  Adrian Baddeley \email{Adrian.Baddeley@csiro.au}
  \code{\link[spatstat:methods.lpp]{methods.lpp}} and
  \code{\link[spatstat:methods.ppx]{methods.ppx}} for methods applicable
  to \code{lpp} objects.
  \code{\link{linnet}} for linear networks.

  Random point patterns on a linear network can be generated by
  \code{\link{rpoislpp}} or \code{\link{runiflpp}}.
  xx <- list(x=c(-1.5,0,0.5,1.5), y=c(1.5,3,4.5,1.5))
  X <- lpp(xx, letterA)
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