Raw File
\title{ Genetic Components of Alcoholism }
  Levels of expressed alpha synuclein mRNA in three groups of allele lengths
  of NACP-REP1.
  A data frame with 97 observations on the following 2 variables.
    \item{\code{alength}}{allele length, a factor with levels \code{short},
                         \code{intermediate} and \code{long}.}
    \item{\code{elevel}}{expression levels of alpha synuclein mRNA.}

  Various studies have linked alcohol dependence phenotypes to chromosome 4.
  One candidate gene is NACP (non-amyloid component of plaques),
  coding for alpha synuclein. B\"onsch et al. (2005) found longer alleles of
  NACP-REP1 in alcohol-dependent patients compared with healthy
  controls and report that the allele lengths show some
  association with levels of expressed alpha synuclein mRNA.


  D. B\"onsch, T. Lederer, U. Reulbach,  T. Hothorn, J. Kornhuber and S. Bleich
  (2005), Joint Analysis of the NACP-REP1 Marker Within the Alpha
  Synuclein Gene Concludes Association with Alcohol Dependence.
  \emph{Human Molecular Genetics}, \bold{14}, 7, 967--971.


  data("alpha", package = "coin")
  boxplot(elevel ~ alength, data = alpha)
  kruskal_test(elevel ~ alength, data = alpha)

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