import numpy as np
def check_deformable_butterfly(supscript, subscript):
""" check if a butterfly chain is compatible """
if len(supscript) != len(subscript):
raise Exception("Lengths of subscript and subscript are not equal")
length = len(subscript)
curr = 1
for index in reversed(range(length)):
sup = supscript[index]
sub = subscript[index]
if len(sup) != 2:
raise Exception("Length of subscript element is expected to be equal to 2")
if len(sub) != 2:
raise Exception("Length of subscript element is expected to be equal to 2")
a, d = sup
b, c = sub
p = a * b * d
q = a * c * d
if curr != d:
raise Exception("d condition failed")
curr *= b
if index < length - 1 and q != supscript[index + 1][0] * supscript[index + 1][1] * subscript[index + 1][0]:
raise Exception("Matrix multiplication condition failed")
def reduce_chain_to_two_factors(supscript, subscript, split):
""" given a butterfly factorization with several factors,
compute the corresponding monarch chain (with two factors)"""
assert len(supscript) == len(subscript)
n_factors = len(supscript)
if n_factors == 2:
return supscript, subscript
assert 1 <= split <= n_factors - 1
supscript_monarch = [
(supscript[0][0], supscript[split - 1][1]),
(supscript[split][0], supscript[-1][1])
subscript_monarch = [
(np.prod([b for (b, c) in subscript[:split]]), np.prod([c for (b, c) in subscript[:split]])),
(np.prod([b for (b, c) in subscript[split:]]), np.prod([c for (b, c) in subscript[split:]]))
check_deformable_butterfly(supscript_monarch, subscript_monarch)
return supscript_monarch, subscript_monarch