Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Calculate psd estimates for analysis segments
import logging, argparse, numpy, h5py, multiprocessing, time
from six.moves import (range, zip_longest)
import pycbc, pycbc.psd, pycbc.strain, pycbc.events
from pycbc.version import git_verbose_msg as version
from pycbc.fft.fftw import set_measure_level
from ligo.segments import segmentlist

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=version)
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--low-frequency-cutoff", type=float, required=True,
                    help="The low frequency cutoff to use for filtering (Hz)")
parser.add_argument("--analysis-segment-file",  required=True,
                    help="File defining the segments to estimate PSDs over")
parser.add_argument("--segment-name", help="Name of segment list to use")
parser.add_argument("--cores", default=1, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--output-file", required=True)

pycbc.psd.insert_psd_option_group(parser, output=False)
pycbc.strain.insert_strain_option_group(parser, gps_times=False)

args = parser.parse_args()

pycbc.psd.verify_psd_options(args, parser)
pycbc.strain.StrainSegments.verify_segment_options(args, parser)
def grouper(n, iterable):
    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    return list([e for e in t if e != None] for t in zip_longest(*args))

def get_psd(input_tuple):
    """ Get the PSDs for the given data chunck. This follows the same rules
    as pycbc_inspiral for determining where to calculate PSDs
    seg = input_tuple[0]
    i = input_tuple[1]
    logging.info('%d: getting strain for %.1f-%.1f (%.1f s)', i, seg[0],
                 seg[1], abs(seg))
    args.gps_start_time = int(seg[0]) + args.pad_data
    args.gps_end_time = int(seg[1]) - args.pad_data

    # This helps when the filesystem is unreliable, and gives extra retries.
    # python has an internal limit of ~100 (it is not infinite)
        gwstrain = pycbc.strain.from_cli(args, pycbc.DYN_RANGE_FAC)
    except RuntimeError:
        return get_psd((seg, i))

    logging.info('%d: determining strain segmentation', i)
    strain_segments = pycbc.strain.StrainSegments.from_cli(args, gwstrain)

    flow = args.low_frequency_cutoff
    flen = strain_segments.freq_len
    tlen = strain_segments.time_len
    delta_f = strain_segments.delta_f

    logging.info('%d: calculating psd', i)
    psds_and_times = pycbc.psd.generate_overlapping_psds(args, gwstrain,
                      flen, delta_f, flow, dyn_range_factor=pycbc.DYN_RANGE_FAC)

    lpsd = []
    for start_idx, end_idx, psd in psds_and_times:
        start_time = gwstrain.start_time + start_idx/gwstrain.sample_rate
        end_time = gwstrain.start_time + end_idx/gwstrain.sample_rate
        lpsd.append((psd.numpy(), psd.delta_f, int(start_time), int(end_time)))

    return lpsd

# Determine what times to calculate PSDs for
ifo = args.channel_name[0:2]
segments = pycbc.events.select_segments_by_definer(args.analysis_segment_file, 
                                                   args.segment_name, ifo=ifo)

# get rid of duplicate segments which happen when splitting the bank
segments = segmentlist(frozenset(segments))

# Calculate the PSDs                                                   
logging.info('%d psds to calculate', len(segments))

if len(segments) > 0:
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(args.cores)

    # KLUDGE! Run the first segment to esure that the weave cache is
    # populated.  This is a short-term fix until the issues with
    # https://github.com/ligo-cbc/pycbc/issues/501
    # can be resolved.  This will wastefully run the first segment
    # twice which could be avoided, but since this is a short-term
    # kludge anyway I'd prefer to be minimally invasive.
    # TODO: Remove this when 501 is resolved.
    # FIXME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtRNg5uSKQ0
    get_psd( (segments[0], 0) )

    psds = pool.map_async(get_psd, zip(segments, range(len(segments))))
    psds = psds.get()
    psds = []

# Store the PSDs in an hdf file, include some basic metadata
f = h5py.File(args.output_file, 'w')
psd_group = f.create_group(ifo + '/psds')
inc, start, end = 0, [], []
for gpsd in psds:
    for psd_numpy, psd_delta_f, s, e in gpsd:
        logging.info('writing psd %d', inc)
        key = str(inc)
        psd_group.create_dataset(key, data=psd_numpy, compression='gzip',
                                 compression_opts=9, shuffle=True)
        psd_group[key].attrs['epoch'] = int(s)
        psd_group[key].attrs['delta_f'] = float(psd_delta_f)
        inc += 1

f[ifo + '/start_time'] = numpy.array(start, dtype=numpy.uint32)
f[ifo + '/end_time'] = numpy.array(end, dtype=numpy.uint32)
f.attrs['low_frequency_cutoff'] = args.low_frequency_cutoff
f.attrs['dynamic_range_factor'] = pycbc.DYN_RANGE_FAC


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