import sigpy as sp __all__ = ['espirit_maps'] def espirit_maps(ksp, calib_width=24, thresh=0.001, kernel_width=6, crop=0.8, max_power_iter=30, device=sp.cpu_device, output_eigenvalue=False): """Generate ESPIRiT maps from k-space. Currently only supports outputting one set of maps. Args: ksp (array): k-space array of shape [num_coils, n_ndim, ..., n_1] calib (tuple of ints): length-2 image shape. thresh (float): threshold for the calibration matrix. kernel_width (int): kernel width for the calibration matrix. max_power_iter (int): maximum number of power iterations. device (Device): computing device. crop (int): cropping threshold. Returns: array: ESPIRiT maps of the same shape as ksp. References: Martin Uecker, Peng Lai, Mark J. Murphy, Patrick Virtue, Michael Elad, John M. Pauly, Shreyas S. Vasanawala, and Michael Lustig ESPIRIT - An Eigenvalue Approach to Autocalibrating Parallel MRI: Where SENSE meets GRAPPA. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 71:990-1001 (2014) """ img_ndim = ksp.ndim - 1 num_coils = len(ksp) with sp.get_device(ksp): # Get calibration region calib_shape = [num_coils] + [calib_width] * img_ndim calib = sp.resize(ksp, calib_shape) calib = sp.to_device(calib, device) device = sp.Device(device) xp = device.xp with device: # Get calibration matrix kernel_shape = [num_coils] + [kernel_width] * img_ndim kernel_strides = [1] * (img_ndim + 1) mat = sp.array_to_blocks(calib, kernel_shape, kernel_strides) mat = mat.reshape([-1,]) # Perform SVD on calibration matrix _, S, VH = xp.linalg.svd(mat, full_matrices=False) VH = VH[S > thresh * S.max(), :] # Get kernels num_kernels = len(VH) kernels = VH.reshape([num_kernels] + kernel_shape) img_kernels = sp.ifft(sp.resize(kernels, (num_kernels, ) + ksp.shape), axes=range(-img_ndim, 0)) img_kernels *= ([1:]) / kernel_width**img_ndim)**0.5 # Eigenvalue decomposition AH = img_kernels.T.reshape(ksp.shape[::-1] + (num_kernels, )) AHA = AH @ xp.conj(AH.swapaxes(-1, -2)) # Power Iteration mps = xp.ones(ksp.shape[::-1] + (1, ), dtype=ksp.dtype) for _ in range(max_power_iter): sp.copyto(mps, AHA @ mps) eig_value = xp.sum(xp.abs(mps)**2, axis=-2, keepdims=True)**0.5 mps /= eig_value # Normalize phase with respect to first channel mps = mps.T[0] mps *= xp.conj(mps[0] / xp.abs(mps[0])) # Crop maps by thresholding eigenvalue eig_value = eig_value.T[0] mps *= eig_value > crop if output_eigenvalue: return mps, eig_value else: return mps