Raw File
\title{Transformation of coordinate systems}
  The functions transform a coordinate system into another.
  Currently, essentially only from the earth system to cartesian.
  \command{RMtrafo} is the internal basic function that also allows
  to reduce vectors to their norm.

% to do: auch fuer die 'plane' transformationen
RMtrafo(phi, new)
RFearth2cartesian(coord, units=NULL, system="cartesian", grid=FALSE)
RFearth2dist(coord, units=NULL, system="cartesian", grid=FALSE, ...)

  \item{new}{integer or character. One of the values
    %    SYMMETRIC,
    %   EARTH_COORD,
    Or the corresponding \code{\link[=constants]{RC_ISONAMES}}.

    Note that \command{RMtrafo} only allows for integer values.

    Default: \code{RC_CARTESIAN_COORD}
  \item{phi}{optional submodel}
  \item{coord}{matrix or vector of earth coordinates}
  \item{units}{"km" or "miles"; if not given and 
    \code{RFoptions()$general$units != ""} the latter is used.
    Otherwise \code{"km"}.
  \item{system}{integer or character. The coordinate system, e.g.
    \code{"cartesian"}, \code{"gnomonic"}, or \code{"orthographic"}.
  \item{grid}{logical. Whether the given coordinates are considered to
    be on a grid given by \code{c(start, step, length)}.

    Default: FALSE
  \item{...}{the optional arguments of \command{\link[stats]{dist}}    

  The functions transform between different coordinate systems.

  The function \command{RMtrafo} returns a matrix, in general. For
  fixed column, 
  the results, applied to each row of the matrix, are returned.

  The function \command{RFearth2cartesian} returns a matrix in
  one-to-one correspondance with \code{coord} assuming that the
  earth is an ellipsoid.

  The function \command{RFearth2dist} calculates distances, cf.
  \command{\link[stats]{dist}}, assuming that the
  earth is an ellipsoid.
  For calculating the earth coordinates as ellipsoid:
    \item \url{en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system}
    \item \url{nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/earthfact.html}
  Important options are \code{units} and \code{coordinate_system}, see

  Note also that the zenit must be given explicitely for projection onto
  a plane. See the examples below.

 \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de}

%    library(RandomFields, lib="~/TMP")
(coord <- weather[1:5, 3:4])

(z <- RFfctn(RMtrafo(new=RC_CARTESIAN_COORD), coord))
(z1 <- RFearth2cartesian(coord)) ## equals z
z1 - z ## 0, i.e., z1 and t(z) are the same

(d <- RFearth2dist(coord)) 
d - dist(z) ## 0, i.e., d and dist(z) are the same

## projecction onto planes
RFoptions(zenit=c(-122,   47))
RFearth2cartesian(coord, system="gnomonic")
RFearth2cartesian(coord, system="orthographic")

\dontshow{\dontrun{ # OK

## RFearth2dist is more precise !!!
(unix.time(z2 <- rdist.earth(coord, miles=FALSE)))

(z2 - as.matrix(d)) / z2 * 100 ## RFearth2dist is more precise

n <- 10000
unix.time(for (i in 1:n) d <- RFearth2dist (coord))) ## the same as dist(t(z))

unix.time(for (i in 1:n)z2 <- rdist.earth(xx)))

xx <- matrix(weather[, 3:4], ncol=2) [ 1:5, ]

xx <- weather[, 3:4][ 1:5, ]
Print(yy <- RFfctn(RMtrafo(new=RC_CARTESIAN_COORD), xx), units="miles")

(z1 <- as.matrix(dist(t(yy))))

(z2 <- rdist.earth(xx))

(z1-z2) / z1 * 100



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